
Development of Wireless Sensor Network for Water Level Monitoring in Agricultural Land

Navaneetha Krishnan Narayanan, Nimalan Natarajan, Praveen Kumar JayaPrakasham, Dr. K. Valarmathi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

The Development of wireless sensor network technology allows us to develop a system for real time environmental monitoring. In the current scenario wireless sensor networks participates a lot in precision agriculture. The benefits of using wireless sensor network technology in agriculture are monitor and control of water, distributed data collection and monitoring, irrigation and nutrient supply, improvement in crop health etc. The technology reduce the cost of production and increases the efficiency of production and also improve crop quality. This project presents an automated irrigation system that monitors the water level in the agriculture land and controls the water level to optimize the water use for agricultural crops. In addition to it the system collects sensor information and based on the water status triggers actuators and finally transmits those data to farmer through GSM. The system also automatically activates and deactivates the pump motor.  An algorithm was developed with threshold values of water level that was programmed into a microcontroller-based gateway to control water quantity. This project describes the development and deployment of wireless sensor network for water level monitoring in the agriculture land.

Keywords: Crop Monitoring, Precision Agriculture, Wireless Sensor Networks, Zigbee.

Network Security Cryptographic Protocols and Lattice Problems

Dr Daruri Venugopal

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

In this thesis we present new results in two areas – cryptographic protocols and lattice problems.

  • We present a new protocol for electronic cash which is designed to function on hardware with limited computing power. The scheme has provable security properties and low computational  requirements, but it still gives a fair amount of privacy. Another feature of the system is that there is no master secret that could be used for counterfeiting money if stolen.
  • We introduce the notion of hierarchical group signatures. This is a proper generalization of group signatures, which allows multiple group managers organized in a tree with the signers as leaves. For a signer that is a leaf of the sub tree of a group manager, the group manager learns which of its children that (perhaps indirectly) manages the signer. We provide definitions for the new notion and construct a scheme that is provably secure given the existence of a family of trapdoor permutations. We also present a construction which is relatively practical, and prove its security in the random oracle model under the strong RSA assumption and the DDH assumption.
  • We show a weakness in the specification for offline capable EMV payment cards. The weakness, which applies to cards without RSA capability, enables an attacker to duplicate a card and make transactions that cannot be tied to the original card.
  • We give a method for approximating any n-dimensional lattice with a lattice Λ whose factor group Zn /Λ has (n – 1) cycles of equal length with arbitrary precision. We also show that a direct consequence of this is that the Shortest Vector Problem and the Closest Vector Problem cannot be easier for this type of lattices than for general lattices.
Keywords: Security properties;  Counterfeiting;  Hierarchical group ;  RSA assumption ;   DDH assumption;  EMV payment cards; Dimensional lattice ;  Arbitrary precision

Roll of Total Quality Management and Organizational Management

R. Purushotham

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Abstract :  Total quality management is frequently considered to be a means for achieving competitive advantage.  small businesses have several Statistical  limitations when they implement quality practices.  However, total quality practices can foster the creation of the indispensable knowledge for continuous improvement and for competing in the current markets.  The management of knowledge has also been identified as an important antecedent of performance.  Using structural equations modeling, this article analyses the linkages between total quality management, organizational learning and performance.  The most significant implication of this article is that small businesses should pay more attention to total quality management practices as these can support both knowledge management practices and organizational performance. 

Keywords:   limitations, linkages, modeling performance, significant.


Globalization: A Mathematical Biology & Topology Transformation

Dr. Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

“The secrets of Globalization lie in Mathematics†is what this Paper really targets.

Mathematicians like Abraham Robinson solved in 1960 the three hundred year old problem of infinitesimals in the belief that infinitesimals did not exist and should be avoided.

Infinitesimals have been used to express the idea of objects so small that there is no way to see them or to measure them. The insight with exploiting infinitesimals was that objects could still retain certain specific properties . even though these objects were quantitatively small. Infinitesimals are a basic building blocks just like use of the term global with an accompanying  process of globalization  isomorphic to an interesting degree with the evolution of the embryo at that critical early stage of an infinitesimal . Transformation and massive reorganization of the embryo from a simple spherical infinitesimal ball  into a multi- development of  human civilization  are concomitant with an embryo .

 Globalization might then be better  understood as an  evolution beyond  spheroidal  globality with the help of  Topology in Mathematics  and  the ever-green  mathematical  biology  from  mathematician’s perspective engrossed in making  resolutions and applications  to real-life worldly tensions and  comforts  falling in the category of  a standard  which  is more of  social   globalization  and lesser scientific globalization. This Paper will certainly tilt the scales in favour of scientific globalization not letting those unaware of  the secrets of  globalization .

Key Words: Secrets,  Globalization,  Embryo,  Infinitesimal, Topology, Robinson  Abraham, Human Brain

Identifying Feasible Central Meeting Location from Multiple Geo-Points

Ms. Shivani Singh Chandel, Mrs. Parul Bhanarkar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Location privacy in Location Based Services (LBS) is the ability to protect the association between user’s identity, query sources, servers and database, thereby preventing an impending attacker from easily linking users of LBS to certain locations. Smart Phones have become most important gadget for maintaining the daily activities, highly interconnected urban population is also increasingly dependent on these gadgets to regulate and schedule their daily lives. These applications often depend on current location of user or a class of user. Use of Smart Mapping technology is also increasing in large area; this system provides an easy accessible online platform that can be used by head office, regional managers. This survey paper projects the privacy-preserving algorithm to find the most favorable meeting location for a class of users. GSM calculates the location of all users.

Keywords— Location Privacy, Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)

A Survey on Web Usage Mining

S.Geetharani, S.Priyadharshini

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Web usage mining is the third category in the web mining and it is the process of extracting useful information from the server logs. It is valuable not only to the businesses using online marketing, but also to the e-business. This types of web mining is used to gather the important information from customers visiting the site. The companies can study visitors activities through web analysis. This process is used to find out what users are looking for on the internet. In this some users might be looking for the textual data and some users might be looking for the multimedia data. Usage mining is classified into different kinds of data. Web server data, application server data and application level data. First, In web server data the user logs are collected by the web server. Second, The key feature of the application server data is the ability to track the various kinds of business events and log them in the application server logs. Finally, application level data is used to define an new kinds of events in an application.

Keywords: server logs, web analysis, web server data, application server data, application level data       

Facial Expression Based Face Recognition Using Machine Learning with SVM Kernel: HMM and FDA

Meenakshi Rathore, C S Satsangi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Face recognition is that the powerful task from the pictures that is done by a machine that is ready to determine the face of a human being. Automatic face recognition is that the still awfully acknowledged and hard to please stuffed of the image methodology thanks to that the researchers are taking the interest in it. Each face has its own characteristics and specification like size of the eyes position of the nose over the face and in addition the facial expression corresponding to Lips position and motion of lips over the face. The Face recognition has become a very dynamic space of research in recent years in the main thanks to upward security demands and its potential profitable and enforcement applications. The last decade has shown spectacular progress throughout this space, with emphasis on such applications as human-computer interface (HCI), biometric investigation, and content-based secret writing of metaphors and videos, and supervision. Feature based mostly facial expression for face recognition continues to be an extremely hot and hard task and since that we tend to our plan to propose an honest technique for it with a high performance rate towards these methods comparatively.

A Survey on Digital Video Watermarking

Ramyashree. R, Seetha Rama Raju Sanapala, Seetha Rama Raju Sanapala

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

At the leading edge of the information world everything is available in the form of digital media. Digital watermarking was introduced to provide the copy right protection and owners’ authentication. Digital video watermarking is the process to embed a digital code into digital video sequences. Digital video watermarking is nothing but a sequence of consecutive still images. In recent few years the applications based on video like video-on-demand, video broadcasting have become more and more popular, so the requirement of a secure video distribution has increased. This paper reviews the basic concept of digital video watermarking, its principles and major characteristics, applications, and as well as its classification based on working domains.

Index Terms - Digital Video Watermarking, Digital Video Watermarking techniques

Wind Power Generation System Using Railway – A Prototype Model

Sagar Ingle, Dipak Gawande, Bhushan Rakhonde

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Since the conventional power generation involved natural resource which are depleting day by day, the use of non-conventional source can be a better alternative in generation of electricity. Wind power is a major source of power if used in generation of power using the fast train, can contribute power to the grid. On such a model is designed and built up on small scale and tested in laboratory is presented here as a U.G. level project. A method is used to generating electricity by using railway. Fast moving vehicles (Train) are induced wind on opposite direction of train motion. This air pressure are used to rotate the wind turbine on the roof of train. Turbineare used to convert wind energy into mechanical energy and generator are used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Turbine and generator are coupled to each other and generated power is used to electrical equipments in train couch.

Keywords: Wind Turbine, Wind, Train, Railway etc.

Hacking in Social Media and Some Guidelines to Avoid It

Mamta Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Hacking in social media, means to get private information of user without his permission. In this work, an attempt has been made to show you that what mistakes are generally done by users. So that hacker takes advantages of that.  Also we are showing you hacking signs, and some guidelines to avoid this hacking.

Relevant Feature Selection from High-Dimensional Data Using MST Based Clustering

Yaswanth Kumar Alapati, K. Sindhu, S. Suneel

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Feature selection is the process of identifying a subset of the most useful features that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. Features provide the information about the data set. In High-dimensional data representation each sample is described by many features. The data sets are typically not task-speciï¬c, many features are irrelevant or redundant and should be pruned out or ï¬ltered for the purpose of classifying target objects. Given a set of features the feature selection problem is to find a subset of features that “maximizes the learner’s ability to classify patternsâ€. A graph theoretic clustering algorithm based on boruvka’s algorithm is implemented and experimentally evaluated in this paper. The proposed algorithm works in two steps. In the first step, features are divided into clusters by using graph-theoretic clustering methods. In the second step, the most representative feature that is strongly related to target classes is selected from each cluster to form a subset of features. All the representative features from different clusters form the final feature subset. After finding feature subset accuracy of a classifier, time required for classification and proportion of features selected can be calculated.

Keywords: Boruvka’s Algorithm, Graph theoretic clustering, Filter Method, Wrapper Method, Embedded Approach

Supervised Multi Attribute Gene Manipulation for Cancer

Mahalakshmi Raja, I. Mohanapriya, K. Kasiyammal, Ms. V.Sathiya M.E.

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Cancer research is the one of the major research areas in the medical field. Pointed out the exact tumour types provides an optimized solution for the better treatment and toxicity minimization due to medicines on the patients. To get a clear picture on the insight of a problem, a clear cancer classification analysis system needs to be pictured followed by a systematic approach to analyse Global Gene Expression which provides an optimized solution for the identified problem area. Molecular diagnostics provides a promising option of systematic human cancer classification, but these tests are not widely applied because characteristic molecular markers for most solid tumours have yet to be identified. Recently, DNA microarray-based tumour gene expression profiles have been used for cancer diagnosis.  Existing system focussed in ranging from old nearest neighbour analysis to support vector machine manipulation for the learning portion of the classification model. Supervised Multi Attribute Clustering Algorithm, which can manage knowledge, attributes coming two different knowledge streams. Our proposed system takes the input from multiple sources, creates an ontological store, cluster the data with attribute match association rule and followed by classification with the knowledge acquired.

Collaborative Location Privacy Through Buffering

S. Jayasree, S. Keerthana, R. Manju, Dr. K. Valarmathi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Location based services available in the smart phones are used to gain information about the surroundings. Users query the location based server by passing their position information thereby losing their privacy.  A user collaborative approach to preserve the location privacy was introduced, where the users are hidden from the server when the information is already available among any peer device. This approach cannot be used when the users are not ready to cooperate or the informed users are outside the range of communication of user seeking the information. So in this system a common authentication server is used to store the response from the location based server when any user accesses context information for the first time. This information in authentication server can now be used by other users who require the same information without contacting the server even when the informed users are not nearby. Thus the privacy of the users is found to increase in a considerable manner.

Improving Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation and Integral Component CCRVC Scheme for Authentication in Mobile Adhoc Network

V.S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. K. Ravi Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Certificate revocation is a crucial integral element to secure network communications. During this paper, we tend to specialize in the problem of certificate revocation to isolate attackers from any collaborating in network activities. For fast and correct certificate revocation, we tend to propose the Cluster-based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) theme.

To overcome this drawback, the Cluster-based Certificate Revocation is projected with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) theme. Every cluster consists of a Cluster Head along side some Cluster Members (CMs) settled among the transmission vary of their cluster Head. Before nodes are a part of the network, they need to accumulate valid certificates from the Certification Authority (CA) that's to blame for distribution and management of certificates to any or all nodes.

In this paper, a Cross Layer increased Secure Routing theme (CLSRS) is introduced for achieving fault tolerance level and authentication rate. Cross layer is deployed to boost the network lifespan and network performance. The number of nodes capable of occlusive malicious nodes ablated over time. It eventually cause case malicious nodes will now not be revoked in timely manner. To boost the accuracy, the threshold-based mechanism is projected to judge and vindicate warned nodes as legitimate nodes or not, before ill them.

Accumulate valid certificates from the Certification Authority (CA) that's to blame for distribution and management of certificates to any or all nodes.

In this paper, a Cross Layer increased Secure Routing theme (CLSRS) is introduced for achieving fault tolerance level and authentication rate. Cross layer is deployed to boost the network lifespan and network performance.

The number of nodes capable of occlusive malicious nodes ablated over time. It eventually cause case malicious nodes will now not be revoked in timely manner. To boost the accuracy, the threshold-based mechanism is projected to judge and vindicate warned nodes as legitimate nodes or not, before ill them.

Index Terms— Cross Layer, certificate revocation, Diskless Checkpoint, security.

The Olecranon Spur Fracture and Its Healing In a Heavy Manual Labourer- A Case Report

Syed Baasit, Omar Khursheed, Mohammad Ahsan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Objective: Olecranon spur is common in males involved in heavy manual labour. The olecranon spur fracture is rarely reported in literature, and most would be associated with triceps tendon disruption. The presence of pseudoarthrosis is to be kept in mind which can mimick fracture. True fracture of the spur in isolation, without triceps tendon disruption is even rarer.

Case Report: A 40 year old manual labourer reported with persistent pain in his elbow for one week. The patient gave history of fall on the ground with elbow striking against a large stone one week back. Examination revealed normal elbow function without any defect in triceps tendon. A radiograph showed discontinuity at the base of olecranon spur. A repeat x-ray was taken a month later which showed the discontinuity filled with radioopacity indicating that it was a fracture rather than pseudoarthrosis.

Discussion: One must be aware of the presence of the narrow band at the base of the spur appearing in the manner of pseudoarthrosis. This should not be confused with the fracture of the olecranon spur which is a rare entity. Another point of concern in such cases is the disruption of the triceps tendon alongwith the olecranon spur avulsion. So, the patient should be carefully examined whenever a discontinuity is seen at the base of the olecranon spur.

Conclusion: A heavy manual labourer reporting with olecranon spur fracture should be approached carerfully lest one might be overlooking a triceps tendon disruption ahich will be highly disabling for the person involved in heavy manual labourer. Although in most cases it might be only a spur fracture in isolation or just a pseudoarthrosis.

Key words: Olecranon spur ∙ Olecranon spur fracture.

Greening Resource Provisioning and role of communication systems in Wi-Fi Networks

V.S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. K. Ravi Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Residential broadband gateways comprise equipment, router, and Wi-Fi access point, though one by one overwhelming only 5-10 Watts of power and important contributors to overall network energy consumption because of huge preparation numbers. Wi-Fi traces collected throughout a building with thirty access points and twenty 5,000 shopper connections, and worth via simulation the tradeoffs between energy savings, session disruptions, and fairness.

Our system on artifact Wi-Fi access points, take a glance at it throughout a two-storey building emulating vi residences, and demonstrate radio energy reduction of over sixty influence little or no impact on user experience.

Considering the spotlight the effectiveness of the approach we have got a bent to demonstrate six WLAN network services on prime of Odin moreover as load-balancing, quality management, and sender Detection, automatic channel-selection, energy management, and guest policy group action.

Index Terms—Energy consumption, aggregation, centralized control, Green networking, WLAN, sleep modes.

Preserving Consistency in Data Cloud Using Secure and Efficient Third Party Auditor

Greeshma M J, Jyothi Johnson

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Cloud storage services have become very popular nowadays due to their immense advantages. To provide unique and updated always-on access, a cloud service provider (CSP) maintains multiple replicas for each piece of data on geographically distributed servers. The main problem of using the replication technique in clouds is that it is very expensive to maintain consistency among data. In this paper, a novel consistency as a service (CaaS) model is presented. It consists of a large data cloud and multiple small audit clouds. The audit cloud helps us to check whether consistency is maintained. In this model, a two-level auditing architecture is used, which only requires a loosely synchronized clock in the audit cloud. A heuristic auditing strategy is to be devised in order to reveal possible violations. In cloud, consistency influences the availability and performance of the system. To check the consistency, auditing is done where the data/report is evaluated to determine whether the cloud server safeguards the data, maintains consistency. The election of best suitable auditor for the auditing purpose will help improve in maintaining the consistency level of the data in the cloud.

Index Terms—Cloud storage, consistency as a service (CaaS), two-level auditing, security, TPA.

FODEX: Forensic Document Examiner –Using Graphology Science

Shweta Hegade, Gargee Hiray, Prajkta Mali, Prof Punam Raskar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Forensics document Examiner examines handwritten documents. The proposed system examines document using graphology science which generate a profile report of a person through handwritten text. The proposed system is a pattern recognition system for the organization which is involved in handwriting analysis and Cyber Crime Investigation. FODEX is designed to provide online facilities to the Users who want to verify their handwriting. This enhances the graphology to the next level where users can be across the globe. More specifically, FODEX is designed to provide a user interface which will facilitate easy of analyzing the handwriting samples. The system accepts scanned input image of handwriting and processes it using image processing algorithms and extract features from the image. These features are compared against a standard data set to generate a report about the sample submitted by the person later the generated report is either emailed or printed for the user accordingly. FODEX processes image and extracts features through various processed such as gray scale, threshold detection, RGB splitting, thinning, segmentation, scaling. 


Keywords: Image Processing, Handwriting Analysis, Forensic Document Examiner

Study of the Evaluation of Damage Caused By Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelichidae) on Tomato Field in Morocco


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Tomato crops in the field, suffering the attacks of a new miner: Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) that caused significant losses in production. The insect may cause losses on tomatoes up to 80 to 100%. The larva is the damaging stage of the tomato leafminer. The first attack is observed on the apical parts of the plant, namely leaves and seedlings. This insect can also attack young transplants and even nursery seedlings. The attacks are manifested by the appearance on the leaves whitish galleries (only the epidermis of the leaf remains, the parenchyma is consumed by the larvae) each containing a caterpillar and its droppings. Over time, the galleries become necrotic and turn brown. The caterpillars attack the green fruits like ripe fruit. Tomatoes are necrosis on the calyx or exit holes on their surface. The fruits are then unmarketable and unfit for consumption.

The study and evaluation of damage caused by Tuta absoluta on tomato leaves in the field have shown the great danger of this insect for growing tomatoes. Indeed, in the absence of any intervention, in the conditions of the Moroccan Gharb fields, a couple of the pest Tuta absoluta comes to destroy all the leaves of a tomato field with an area of 500 m2 sixty-nine (69) days.

Keywords: tomato crop, field, tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta), Gharb Morocco

Mining Comparators From Comparative Questions

Akash Saindanvise, Laxmi Venkatraman, Tejas Shelke, Varun Varia

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

One of the essential parts of human life is to compare one thing with another in order to take proper decisions. But it is difficult to find what parameters to compare and what could be the alternatives for it. To solve this difficulty we present a novel way to mine comparable entities from comparative questions. To ensure that accuracy is maintained we develop a weakly supervised bootstrap method. Experimentation has shown that this method has achieved accuracy of about 82.5% in comparative question identification and 83.3% in extraction of comparable entities.The results are far better than the state of art system that exists.Keywords— Bootstrapping,Comparative Questions, Comparators

Integrated Campus

Raskar Asha, Varat Ashwini, Wadgaonkar Swarada

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

This system proposes automation of student’s record monitoring. The attendance of each student is marked by using thumb scanner. It reduces the paper work considerably as it is a day to day regular activity.This system is divided into 2 sections-Tranmitter and Receiver section. The attendance record system is designed for a classroom of 100 students. As per the details given by GFM, the regular attendance is taken twice a day and also check for absent student. If student is defaulter, then message is send to their parents. It can make the student’s attendances more easily and effectively.

Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) of Digital Images by Diverse Media using Stegnography

Pooja Ambekar, Yogita Bade, Payal Beura, Prof. S.M. Rajbhoj

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Visual cryptography (VC) is a technique that encrypts secret image in meaningful images. The meaningful images can be photos or hand-painted pictures in digital form or in printed form. N such shares can be used. VC is used to securely transmit secret images in non-computer aided environment. The shares can appear as noise-like pixels it will arouse suspicion and increase interception risk during transmission of the shares. Hence, VC schemes suffer from a transmission risk problem for the secret image. We also propose possible ways to hide the noise like share to reduce the transmission risk problem for the share. Cryptography hides the contents of the message from an attacker, but not the   existence of the message.To addresses this problem; we proposed Steganography that hides the very existence of the message in the communicating data. To hide noise like shares generated as a result of encryption, carrier image is used to reduce transmission risk; this technique used is called ‘Steganography’. In addition to this Alpha channel watermarking is used in case where hackers hack the image and try to destroy the image. In alpha channel water marking the average value of RGB of meaningful shares is stored in alpha channel. Such that receiver is able to make it out the integrity of received image by comparing original image with alpha channel embedded image.

A Review Study on A-TIG Welding of 316(L) Austenitic Stainless Steel

R. Kumar, S. R. Sundara Bharathi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Austenitic stainless steels are widely used in the application of aircraft engine parts, heat exchangers, furnace parts etc. It contains both chromium and nickel. Nickel and chromium aids stability of austenite over wide range of temperatures and high corrosion resistance respectively. 316L austenitic stainless steel is low carbon (0.03%) steel, developed from 316 austenitic stainless steel and contains carbon (0.08%).  The causes of decreased contents of carbon, minimizes the problem of harmful carbide precipitation during welding. Activated Tungsten Inert Gas (A-TIG) welding can increase the joint penetration and weld depth-width ratio, thereby reducing angular distortion of the weldment. This paper address the A-TIG welding, and their significance & advantages.

Keywords: 316L austenitic stainless steel, A- TIG welding and Marangoni convection, Arc Constriction Effect.

A Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme Using Selective Mapping and Amplitude Clipping

Akshay Gupta, Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

High information rate is the major requirement of modern communication systems. As there is the scarcity of spectrum OFDM proves itself very useful. In OFDM the subcarriers are made adjacent and orthogonal to each other so as to avoid interference.  To increase the data rate number of subcarrier has to be increased which results in the noteworthy issue of high PAPR. The main reason for high PAPR is high peak values of subcarriers than the average value. The Hybrid scheme is introduced for PAPR lessening in this paper.

User Compatibility Checking Model For Cloud

V. Krithika, I. Soundarya, Mr. A. Sandanakaruppan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Cloud computing is the fastest growing technology. It is used as a metaphor for the “Internetâ€. It is a type of “Internet-based computing†providing different services such as servers, storage and applicants. This paper deals with checking the compatibility of the Web Application with the Cloud Service composition and to build a Virtual Machine (Instance) for Deployment and various Preferences of Users. This paper primary focus is on creating virtual instance using the OpenStack cloud provider. Setting up such a complex combination of appliances in traditional hosting environments is costly and error prone. Virtual appliances provide an best   solution for this problem. Previous work have been done to create virtual instance but to our we are the one  among     the first to address  real time  process of virtual Instance  in Cloud environment.

Applications of Accelerometer as a Vibration Detector

Diptanil Chaudhuri, Rahvindra Singh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

In the present world scenario, the integration of various sensors to create a smart sensor is on the rise. This paper deals with the use of accelerometer as a vibration detector. The main focus of this is to reduce the complexity of the present systems and thus reducing the price. The accelerometer is able to detect the change in momentum generated in the three axial planes and this property gives the further advantage in detecting the vibrations produced in the specified field of interest. Several experiments have been conducted in this respect, he results analysed using proper pattern recognition software’s and thus the inference drawn from them. Some of typical examples of vibrations produced by a moving train, minor vibrations produced by various household machines have been analysed. The fast response and the self-calibrating technique of this method is what keeps it at par from the other available algorithms.

Keywords: Accelerometer, vibration sensor, vibrations, seismic reading, railway, microcontroller

Synergy of Benzimidazole Fungicides and Anilinopyrimidine with Calcium Chloride against Apple rot in Conservation


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Anilinopyrimidine was more efficacious than calcium chloride at 4% in vitro on mycelious growing, conidial germination and sporulation of twelve species responsible of apple rot during conservation. Their association improved the inhibition.

Calcium chloride was more active on the rooting of apples ‘Golden Delicious’ when they are stocked at 4°C instead of 25°C. Benzimidazoles fungicides (benomyl, thiabendazole) and anilinopyrimidine tested alone were slightly to fairly effective on the fungi complex, with best results at 4°C. The association of fungicides with calcium chloride (4%) allowed a better control of the rot.

Key-words:      anilinopyrimidine, apple, apple rot, benzimidazoles, calcium chloride, conservation, fungicides.

Radio Frequency Ablation - The Magic treatment for Osteoid Osteoma

Dr. Yash Shah, Dr. Tushar Agrawal, Dr. Chetan Anchan, Dr. Ruchira Marwah

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Osteoid osteoma is a relatively common benign bone tumour, always small in size (less than 2 cm) and painful. It occurs mainly in children and young adults. The basic radiological element is a distinctive small rounded area of osteolysis, the ‘nidus’, which consists of osteoid tissue surrounded by a halo of hyperostosis on radiographs or signal intensity on MRI.

MRI and Radio-isotope bone scanning always reveals a rounded area of intense increased uptake and dynamic-contrast CT can distinguish it from osteomyelitis.

The clinical feature of the lesion is local pain, typically more severe at night and often promptly responding to aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Other possible symptoms include growth disturbances, bony deformity, painful scoliosis, and if located within the capsule of a joint, swelling, synovitis, restricted movement, and contracture

In recent years, several CT-guided percutaneous techniques have been used in order to achieve removal or destruction of the nidus with minimal tissue invasion, including percutaneous trephine resection, drill resection with or without the subsequent injection of ethanol, thermal destruction by means of laser photocoagulation or RF ablation.

Materials and Methods: We studied eight patients (n=8) of Osteoid Osteoma over a time frame of one year. Six cases were on the inner aspect of the thigh and one on the Tibia. CT scan was done at three month and 1 year interval on all the patients.

Results: All the cases (100%) showed excellent pain relief right from Day1. CT scan was done at three month and 1 year interval on all the patients. 7/8 (88%) showed complete resolution of the nidus in three months and 8/8 showed complete resolution at 1 year. Lesions of the cortical bone with intense reactive bone surrounding the nidus showed a greater tendency to ossify than those in subperiosteal or intramedullary locations. No biomechanical weakening caused by resorption of heated bone was seen. There were 0% complications and 0% recurrence.

Summary: The main challenge in CT-guided RF ablation, as in other percutaneous techniques with a lack of histological verification, is not the procedure itself.

CT-guided percutaneous RF ablation is a simple minimally invasive, safe and effective technique for the treatment of osteoid osteomas and can be regarded as the treatment of choice for most cases     

Open surgery should be reserved for cases of diagnostic uncertainty, as well as for spinal lesions into which heat cannot be introduced without the risk of neurological damage.

Keywords: Radiofrequency ablation, Osteoid Osteoma, Nidus

Wrapper Approach for IDS Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm

Pooja U. Chavan, Priyadarshani K. Chavan, Rutuja S. Choudhari, Vidya A. Gaikwad

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

The intrusion detection systems (IDS) are becoming indispensable for effective protection against attacks that are constantly changing in magnitude and complexity. This paper proposes a fuzzy genetic algorithm (FGA) for intrusion detection. The FGA system is a fuzzy classifier, whose knowledge base is modeled as a fuzzy rule such as "if-then" and improved by a genetic algorithm. The method is tested on the benchmark KDD'99 intrusion dataset and compared with other existing techniques available in the literature. The results are encouraging and demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach.

Keywords: classification,DARPA data set, fuzzy logic,genetic algorithm , intrusion detection

Efficient iSLIP Arbiter with iSLIP Scheduling Algorithm for NoC

Deepali Thakur Mahobiya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Increasing complexity of the individual devices, the increasing demand for higher bandwidth on the network lines and an operating frequency hitting new limits with almost every new design, place the communication and computation resources arbitration being the performance bottleneck of the NoC system.  The arbitration is desired to be completed within one clock cycle to avoid large latencies between the cores on the chip. To achieve the arbitration in one clock cycle, the total delay introduced by the arbitration should be low so that it will not impact the overall system clock frequency which introduces new challenges for the design of the arbiters. In this paper, we design iSLIP arbiter using iSLIP scheduling algorithm with mesh router for NoC. An iterative, round-robin algorithm, iSLIP can achieve 100% throughput for uniform traffic. It is well known that if simple first in first out (FIFO) input queues are used to hold packets then, even under benign conditions, head-of-line (HOL) blocking limits the achievable bandwidth to approximately 58.6% of the maximum. HOL blocking can be overcome by the use of virtual output queuing, which is described in this paper. It is designed using VHDL and using ModelSimSE 6.3f.

Keywords: iSLIP,  iterative, scheduling algorithm, mesh router, arbiter

A Computational Technique for Efficient and Accurate Stress Prediction in a Complex Wind Turbine Model

Stanlee. P, Dr. Velamurali

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Stress concentrations are a concern in engineering because of their implications regarding structural integrity. Efficiently and accurately computing the associated stresses is therefore important. Unfortunately it is not always an easy task. This task becomes more challenging when the complex configurations encountered in practice require three-dimensional analysis. Submodeling with finite element analysis is one means available to meet this challenge. With submodeling, a subregion is broken out from the original global region and analyzed separately. This subregion requires boundary conditions taken from the finite element analysis of the global region. Accurately estimating the errors associated with these boundary conditions is critical to controlling them and thereby enabling efficient submodeling.

Since it requires more computational time and leads to convergence issues to analyze a complex model which will be having millions of Degrees of Freedom. It is a smart choice to check the regions of interest where the stress dominance takes place and slice the portion from the global model away from the Stress concentrated regions and analyze the same using Submodeling methodology.

Keywords: FEM, Sub modeling.

Biometric Another Way of User Authentication

Mamta Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Biometric system is a pattern recognition system that recognizes the user‘s identity through their physical or behavioral traits. In this work, an attempt has been made to show you that how the biometric authentication system works and at what level it will be secure and accurate to authenticate the user’s identity.

Risc Processor Using VHDL

Dr. S. L. Lahudkar, Amit M. Mankar, Sudesh D. Bhong

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) is become a design theory that has accepted in engineering applications. Optimizing the gate capacity and performance of FPGA kit. This devices provides complex logic systems to be performed and implemented on  a  single device. So the main aim of this project is to design, study and implement an 8-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computer processor using XILINX Spartan 3E tool. The elevate feature of Spartan-3E reduces the cost per logic cell designed. The prominent feature of the RISC processor is that this processor is very simple. RISC processor support load/store architecture (Von Neumann). The main components of processor include the Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control unit, Shifter, and Rotator

VHDL implementation of a Novel Low Power Squaring Circuit Using YTVY Algorithm of Vedic Mathematics

Pabitra Kumar Mohapatra, Siba Kumar Panda, Sambita Dalal, Shibashis Pradhan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

Squaring plays an important role in VLSI signal processing applications. The multiplier piece is used to square of a number in much complex multiplication. For carrying out the large hardware circuit, the multiplier unit is most efficient and time consuming. In multiplier unit, the squaring operation is unique case. A exclusive and proper squaring circuit can be a remarkable upgrade the computation time and in the power reduction to a large extend. Ingeneral, the squaring circuits use very fast multiplier. A innovative idea of a squaring circuit without using multiplier is suggested in this paper. In this paper, we have implemented a novel algorithm Yavadunam Tavadunikrtya Vargarica Yojayet (YTVY) of ancient vedic mathematics for the squaring operation circuit. The main advantage of this paper is that no multiplier is used for the squaring circuit. The circuit is designed with the help of VHDLlanguages and synthesized in Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.1.

Keywords: Squaring Circuit, VLSI Signal Processing,YTVY Sutra, Vedic Mathematics,FPGA,VHDL

Winding Fault Detection in Power Transformer by SFRA with DOBLE M5100

Shivangi Rai, (Prof.) N. P. Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015), 2 March 2015

The Doble M5100 is a robust and field proven instrument for detection of hidden fault in Power Transformer uses technique called Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA). SFRA is a tool that can give an indication of core or winding movement in Power Transformer this is done by performing a measurement, albeit a simple one, looking at how well a transformer winding transmits a low voltage signal that varies in frequency, Just how well the transformer does this is related to its impedance, the captive and inductive elements of which are intimately related to physical construction of transformer, Changes in frequency response as measured by SFRA technique may indicate a physical change inside the transformer, the cause of which then need to be identified and investigated. M5100 allow us to see inside the transformer and detect even suitable changes in the mechanical structure of the core and winding.