Improving Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation and Integral Component CCRVC Scheme for Authentication in Mobile Adhoc Network
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015),
2 March 2015
Certificate revocation is a crucial integral element to secure network communications. During this paper, we tend to specialize in the problem of certificate revocation to isolate attackers from any collaborating in network activities. For fast and correct certificate revocation, we tend to propose the Cluster-based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) theme.
To overcome this drawback, the Cluster-based Certificate Revocation is projected with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) theme. Every cluster consists of a Cluster Head along side some Cluster Members (CMs) settled among the transmission vary of their cluster Head. Before nodes are a part of the network, they need to accumulate valid certificates from the Certification Authority (CA) that's to blame for distribution and management of certificates to any or all nodes.
In this paper, a Cross Layer increased Secure Routing theme (CLSRS) is introduced for achieving fault tolerance level and authentication rate. Cross layer is deployed to boost the network lifespan and network performance. The number of nodes capable of occlusive malicious nodes ablated over time. It eventually cause case malicious nodes will now not be revoked in timely manner. To boost the accuracy, the threshold-based mechanism is projected to judge and vindicate warned nodes as legitimate nodes or not, before ill them.
Accumulate valid certificates from the Certification Authority (CA) that's to blame for distribution and management of certificates to any or all nodes.
In this paper, a Cross Layer increased Secure Routing theme (CLSRS) is introduced for achieving fault tolerance level and authentication rate. Cross layer is deployed to boost the network lifespan and network performance.
The number of nodes capable of occlusive malicious nodes ablated over time. It eventually cause case malicious nodes will now not be revoked in timely manner. To boost the accuracy, the threshold-based mechanism is projected to judge and vindicate warned nodes as legitimate nodes or not, before ill them.
Index Terms— Cross Layer, certificate revocation, Diskless Checkpoint, security.How to Cite
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