FODEX: Forensic Document Examiner –Using Graphology Science
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015),
2 March 2015
Forensics document Examiner examines handwritten documents. The proposed system examines document using graphology science which generate a profile report of a person through handwritten text. The proposed system is a pattern recognition system for the organization which is involved in handwriting analysis and Cyber Crime Investigation. FODEX is designed to provide online facilities to the Users who want to verify their handwriting. This enhances the graphology to the next level where users can be across the globe. More specifically, FODEX is designed to provide a user interface which will facilitate easy of analyzing the handwriting samples. The system accepts scanned input image of handwriting and processes it using image processing algorithms and extract features from the image. These features are compared against a standard data set to generate a report about the sample submitted by the person later the generated report is either emailed or printed for the user accordingly. FODEX processes image and extracts features through various processed such as gray scale, threshold detection, RGB splitting, thinning, segmentation, scaling.Â
Keywords: Image Processing, Handwriting Analysis, Forensic Document ExaminerHow to Cite
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