Synergy of Benzimidazole Fungicides and Anilinopyrimidine with Calcium Chloride against Apple rot in Conservation
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 03 (2015),
2 March 2015
Anilinopyrimidine was more efficacious than calcium chloride at 4% in vitro on mycelious growing, conidial germination and sporulation of twelve species responsible of apple rot during conservation. Their association improved the inhibition.
Calcium chloride was more active on the rooting of apples ‘Golden Delicious’ when they are stocked at 4°C instead of 25°C. Benzimidazoles fungicides (benomyl, thiabendazole) and anilinopyrimidine tested alone were slightly to fairly effective on the fungi complex, with best results at 4°C. The association of fungicides with calcium chloride (4%) allowed a better control of the rot.
Key-words:Â Â Â Â Â anilinopyrimidine, apple, apple rot, benzimidazoles, calcium chloride, conservation, fungicides.How to Cite
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