
The Chemical, Mineralogical, Structural and Surface Properties of Selected Ugandan Clays and their Application in Bleaching Oil

Mukasa-Tebandeke Is’harq-Zubair, Assoc. Prof. S.A. Nyanzi, Assoc. Prof. G.W. Nyakairu, Prof. 3.J.M. Ssebuwufu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3126-3147

For a long time, clays have been used to clarify mineral and vegetable oils (Nutting, 1933; Siddiqui, 1968). Whereas vegetable oils for human consumption are clarified using bleaching earths (Adekeye and Bale, 2008; Ajemba et al, 2012;Kamal et al, 2011; Mustapha et al, 2013; Patterson, 1992; Proctor, 1988; Salawudeen et al 2007; 2014; Taylor, 1984; Zchau, 1981), other oils can be clarified using peroxides.

Improved Image compression Techniques using Median Filter DWT-SPIHT based on Huffman coding

Pooja Kamra, Suppandeep Kaur

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3148-3151

In present paper we proposed a simple and effective method to compress an image. Here we found success in size reduction of an image without much compromising with its quality. Here we used Medain filter on original image after Discrete Wavelet Transform with SPIHT, Huffman coding method is used to compress the image.

Utilization of Various Properties of Marble Waste in Different Building Works

Dharma Prakash Sharma, Gokul Prasad sharma

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3152-3155

Marble waste is obtained from mines in different sizes and marble slurry in powdered state when dry and in
wet slurry form when mixed with water .The marble waste can be used in different building works big size
(called Khandas) in masonry work, medium size e.g. around 60 mm size can be used in foundation concreting,
under flooring, under paving and smaller size around 12mm size in reinforce cement concrete, under flooring
etc. In curing the researcher has used marble slurry with overlaying gunny bags. It reduces the consumption
of water but reduces the labor cost also. In Rajasthan there is scarcity of water and here with this experiment
we can do the optimum use of marble slurry and as well as cut the labor cost also. In this way the marble
waste and marble slurry can be used in different building works.

Concise and Informative Title of the Manuscript: Perception and Feedback of Second Year Medical Students on Teaching Learning Methodology and Evaluation Methods in Pharmacology

Dr Dara Aruna K., MD ,K. Srinivasu, MSc , Dr S. Shyamala Devi, MD

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3156-3162

Background: In order to ensure the better teaching-learning methodology in pharmacology, regular feedback
from students about their views of learning experience is a very important.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to know the perceptions and feedback on teaching–learning
methodology and evaluation methods in pharmacology.
Materials and Methods: This is a detailed structured questionnaire study carried out in the Government
Medical college, Ananthapuramu, during the period September 2014 involving 2nd year under graduate medical
students (99) of Government M7fedical College, Ananthapuramu . 99 students were surveyed with pre validated
Statistical analysis: analysis of data and results were expressed as percentage.
Results: The views of the students were implementation of microteaching sessions, audiovisual aided lectures
(PPT, OHP), interactive classes, Student seminar and Demonstrations, integrated teaching on specific
conditions, more practical exercises on Dose schedule and calculation and patient oriented Drug administration
procedure, rationale prescription. Continuation of teaching on resent, advanced topics after second year.
Inclusion of multiple choice questions (MCQs) is desired by the participants of our study.
Conclusion: The students’ feedback serves as useful tool for effective teaching learning methodology. Lectures
with bilateral communication, patient oriented clinical problem solving are the preferred mode of learning.

Satellite Image Compression with Cross Protocol Leeway: An Autopsy

Dr P S. Jagadeesh Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3163-3171

Image compression is the rendition of image statistics in an accent to a new condensed form. The intent of
image compression is to moderate replication of the image statistics appropriate towards stance competent
to hoard or prolix data in a proficient custom. In this broadsheet, the prominence of image compression
will be fleetingly conferred. Hitherto, the standard of image compression and the two curricula of image
compression practices, lossless image compression and lossy image compression, will be lead. Certain
research and real flora and fauna custom of image compression in satellite images are likewise conversed
well ahead in this broadsheet

Utilization of Marble Slurry as Cemento Binding Composition in Masonary Structures

Gokul Prasad Sharma , Dharam Prakash Sharma

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3172-3174

The Cemento binding composition comprising of marble slurry waste in dry form ,fly ash from thermal power
plant ,hydrated lime and mineral gypsum is for improving early strength, setting time in comparison to prior
art and to overcome the shrinkage and temperature movement in the cement for masonry structures. The
marble slurry waste is in dry powder form or mines waste in powder form or carbonated lime sludge. This
research also includes the process for preparing the composition.

Automatic Approach for Testing and Debugging Networks

M.Babu Reddy, K.Thyagarajan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3175-3181

Nowadays systems aren't getting any littler, they are expanding in size and it's transforming into dreary
occupation for system heads to adjust the system, since they put trust in customary apparatuses like ping and
follow course for this work. Our paper tosses propel a routine and methodical way to deal with test and right a
system alluded to as Automatic check Packet Generation (ATPG). ATPG produces a model that isn't dependent on
approach once perusing plan from switches. The model is utilized to get least mixed bag of check bundles to
conceal every connection amid a system and each statute net. ATPG is able of work each down to earth and
execution issues. check bundles are sent at consistent interims and separate method is utilized to confine issues.
The working of few disconnected from the net apparatuses that mechanically create check bundles too are given,
however ATPG goes on the far side the sooner work in static (Checking aliveness and flaw restriction).

Brand New Query Processing Using Seed Block Algorithm on Cloud Storage

V. Mahesh Babu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3182-3187

Now-a-days incrementing users of public cloud computing infrastructures, utilizing clouds to store data with
query accommodations are solution which gives more scalability and cost-preserving. Hence, most of the data
is sensitive that the data owner does not optate to move their data to the cloud without utilizer get the data
confidentiality and query privacy are ascertained. In cloud computing, data engendered in electronic form are
sizably voluminous in amount. To maintain this data efficiently, there is a desideratum of data instauration
accommodations. To cater this, in this paper we propose a Seed Block Algorithm. The objective of proposed
algorithm is twofold; first it avail the users to amass information from any remote location in the absence of
network connectivity and second to recuperate the files in case of the file expunction or if the cloud gets
eradicated due to any reason. The time cognate issues are additionally being solved by proposed SBA such that
it will take minimum time for the recuperation process. Proposed SBA withal fixates on the security concept for
the back-up files stored at remote server, without utilizing any of the subsisting encryption techniques.

A Review: Growth and Physiological Adaptability of Sheep to Heat Stress under Semi –Arid Environment

S. Indu , A. Pareek

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3188-3198

Asian countries are characterized with humid subtropical climate, Heat stress is the most important climatic
stress which adversely affects the livestock and sometimes even threatens the survival of animals. Among
climatic components that may impose stress on many different traits to sheep are ambient temperature,
humidity, air movement, photoperiod, solar radiation, wind speed, etc, of which the ambient temperature is
the most important variable. Heat stress affects performance and productivity of small ruminants in all phases
of production. The degree to which these stress impacts on productivity will differ between the agro-ecological
regions and between production systems. The level of production achieved by a particular genotype in harsh
environment depends on the contribution and expression of many different traits which may be partitioned into
those directly involved with production and adaptation. Growth, such as body weight and physiological
performance of animal is affected due to hyperthermia. As the primary non-evaporative means of cooling for
the small ruminants (radiation, conduction, convection) become less effective with rising ambient temperature,
the animals become increasingly reliant upon evaporative cooling in the form of sweating and panting.
Increasing air temperature, temperature-humidity index and rising rectal temperature above the critical
threshold levels are related to decreased dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield. Stress depresses growth rate
primarily through the depression of food intake, but also by affecting digestion and metabolism. Alleviation of
heat stressed animals by physical, physiological and/or nutritional techniques, in addition to carrying out
proper routine management practices at the suitable times, can help the heat stressed animals to express their
genetic potentials in tropical and subtropical areas.

Nash Equilibrium’s World of Modern Sciences superspy Domestic Religions

Dr. Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3199-3202

The first step of human being makes him perpendicular to the ground below. The last step of human being
makes him horizontally flattened on the ground. It means he gains balance and loses it. Thus, the balance of
legs. There is also another most important thing called balance of mind from its initial awareness. The
determinants of this balance are internal to the mind arising from within exclusively as well as external to the
mind arising from outside inclusively. What is internal is like the Religion and what is external is like the
Science from times immemorial identified by the author after thorough ransacking of the Scientific Websites
without server-blockades and the Religious Websites plus News & Lessons digested by the author for the
purpose of bringing out the work-contents of this Research Project ( read the title now ) to the light and likes
of the day trust-sponsored in self-direction with self-finance-rights from personal saving Bank Account with
a Government of India’s Bank. Why because , there are causes of past-perfect , present-perfect and futureperfect awareness of Life , Religion and Science in life-time . This awareness is named Knowledge. As per
Bertrand Russel’s Set Theory, if Mind is a set, then its 4 elements are Life, Religion, Science and other
knowledge, if any , in this ordered fashion.
This Research Paper is an exploration about the Union and Intersection of the four elements since the
Mindset cannot have subsets in the first place due to its unique formation encompassing the 4 very much
bonded-fundamentals just like the Set Theory in Nuclear Physics triumphed well-done as an Atomic
Structure presented as the Electrons (1894 AD ) , Protons (1897 AD), Nucleus (1911AD), Neutrons ( 1932
AD) and Higgs-boson (2012 AD) in their direction of existence from external to internal (: E
PNuNeHb ) but not in the reverse ( ) since human Scientists too could prove the existence of
structure in Atoms by scientific laboratory Research in the same direction like the ‘first come first serve ’
order but not in reverse .

“Prostitution”- A Case for Legalisation in India

Debabrata Roy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3203-3207

Prostitution which is nothing but sex trade is a common phenomenon in India though we the members of
civilised society don’t hesitate to deny the legal existence of this trade; in fact most of us are not ready to give it
a legal status. Though in various cases the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has expressed the view that this
profession should be legalised in India. Today our country’s biggest concern is enormous increase in the
number of incidents of rape and legalising prostitution would be one step forward towards combating rape.
Apart from this legalising prostitution would also be helpful in reducing the number of cases of child
trafficking. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 states that “All men are born free and are
equally entitled to have their basic human rights.” Denying legal recognition to this profession means denying
the basic human rights of the prostitutes. Giving legal recognition to prostitution would enable the prostitutes
to make some contribution towards the development of the nation as they would have legal protection; their
children can get education and would be entitled to participate in the main stream of the society. Recognising
prostitution as a profession will at least reduce the real illegalities that come with it like child prostitution,
drug trafficking and other crimes.

Rhizosphere Microbiome and Plant Nutrition

Badaru Suleiman, Buhari Lawan Muhammad , Bello Hassan Jakada ,Dr. N. L. Vyas

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3208-3216

Rhizosphere microorganisms can affect agricultural productivity by assisting and controlling nutrient
availability/acquisition for instance results of experiments suggest that Arbuscular mycorhizae (AM) fungi
absorb N, P, K, Ca, S, Cu, and Zn from the soil and translocate them to associated plants. However, the
most prominent and consistent nutritional effect of AM fungi is in the improved uptake of immobile
nutrients, particularly P, Cu, and Zn [2]
. The fungi enhance immobile nutrient uptake by increasing the
absorptive surfaces of the root. Rhizosphere bacteria participate in the geochemical cycling of nutrients
and determine their availability for plants and soil microbial community. For instance, in the rhizosphere
there are organisms able to fix N2 forming specialized structures (e.g., Rhizobium and related genera) or
simply establishing associative relationships (e.g. Azospirillium, Acetobacter). On the other hand, bacterial
ammonifiers and nitrifiers are responsible for the conversion of organic N compounds into inorganic forms
(NH4+ and NO3-) which are available for plants. Rhizosphere bacteria can also enhance the solubility of
insoluble minerals that control the availability of phosphorus (native or applied) using organic acids or
producing phosphatases that act on organic phosphorus pools. The availability of sulfur, iron and
manganese are also affected by redox reactions carried out by rhizosphere bacteria

Study and Analysis of Respiratory Parameters With Respect to Body-MassIndex

Neha Dixit , Dr Channappa Bhyri , Dr Kalpana Vanjerkhede

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3217-3220

In India, in recent decades there has been a simultaneous increase in the incidence of obesity and
pulmonary disorders. This study has therefore been carried out to reassess the pulmonary function values in
normal and obese Indian population and to check their variation in various pulmonary disorders. Forced
spirometry is one of the ways, which provides a written record of FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC. In addition
to these parameters, BMI values are included to detect the potential severity of obstructive lung disorders.

A Machine Learning based Approach to Detect Sentiment in Twitter Data

Vivek Kumar Singh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3221-3225

This paper presents a machine learning based algorithmic approach to detect sentiment in Tweets posted by
users on microblogging site Twitter. The experimental framework is based on use of a Naïve Bayes classifier.
First of all, the standard Naïve Bayes classifier is implemented in R language and tested on two publicly
available datasets comprising of sentiment labeled tweets. Then the standard Naïve Bayes classifier is
modified to design a Lexicon-pooled hybrid classifier which incorporates knowledge from sentiment lexicon
as well. The designs are evaluated for two feature selection schemes: tf and tf.idf. The accuracy of the
different implementations is calculated and plotted diagrammatically. The proposed approach is a good and
robust approach for detecting sentiment in tweets posted by users.

Assessment of Heavy Metals in Some Organs of Local Chickens Sold At Central Market of Wudil Metropolis

Mustapha Muhammad Haleelu , Salim Yahaya , Dahiru Adamu Gwarzo

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3226-3231

A study was conducted to determine heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb) in some organs (Bones, Claws,
Feather, Gizzard, Intestine, Kidney, Liver, Muscle and Skin) of local chickens. Sampling was carried out in
two local chickens sold at central market of Wudil over a period of three month (December, 2014 – March,
2015). Heavy metals were determined by standard method of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The
concentration of the above heavy metals in the studied samples were found to be insignificant, they are
generally low and within tolerance limit set by WHO, CODEX and other international bodies.

Extracting Learning Concepts from E-books

Vivek Kumar Singh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015), 1 September 2015 , Page 3232-3235

This paper presents the algorithmic formulation to automatically extract the learning concepts from eBook
and generate the RDF (Resource Description Framework) data which can be utilized for numerous
purposes. The framework also extracted some metadata about the eBook such as author, price and reviews
with the help of web crawling. The automated process of concept extraction and generation of RDF data is
helpful for tasks like Information Extraction, Concept-based search and Machine Reading.