Nash Equilibrium’s World of Modern Sciences superspy Domestic Religions
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 09 (2015),
1 September 2015
Page 3199-3202
The first step of human being makes him perpendicular to the ground below. The last step of human being
makes him horizontally flattened on the ground. It means he gains balance and loses it. Thus, the balance of
legs. There is also another most important thing called balance of mind from its initial awareness. The
determinants of this balance are internal to the mind arising from within exclusively as well as external to the
mind arising from outside inclusively. What is internal is like the Religion and what is external is like the
Science from times immemorial identified by the author after thorough ransacking of the Scientific Websites
without server-blockades and the Religious Websites plus News & Lessons digested by the author for the
purpose of bringing out the work-contents of this Research Project ( read the title now ) to the light and likes
of the day trust-sponsored in self-direction with self-finance-rights from personal saving Bank Account with
a Government of India’s Bank. Why because , there are causes of past-perfect , present-perfect and futureperfect awareness of Life , Religion and Science in life-time . This awareness is named Knowledge. As per
Bertrand Russel’s Set Theory, if Mind is a set, then its 4 elements are Life, Religion, Science and other
knowledge, if any , in this ordered fashion.
This Research Paper is an exploration about the Union and Intersection of the four elements since the
Mindset cannot have subsets in the first place due to its unique formation encompassing the 4 very much
bonded-fundamentals just like the Set Theory in Nuclear Physics triumphed well-done as an Atomic
Structure presented as the Electrons (1894 AD ) , Protons (1897 AD), Nucleus (1911AD), Neutrons ( 1932
AD) and Higgs-boson (2012 AD) in their direction of existence from external to internal (: E
PNuNeHb ) but not in the reverse ( ) since human Scientists too could prove the existence of
structure in Atoms by scientific laboratory Research in the same direction like the ‘first come first serve ’
order but not in reverse .
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