
Recognition of Mind in Global Systems --- A Higher Study

Dr. Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Let us recall for a moment, “Change is the Law of Lifeâ€! 

Credit goes to one of the late Presidents of India, His Excellency, Dr. S.Radhakrishnan  for having said that

This is globally applicable to all forms of Life including that of old and new Nations aiming for peace & friendship with one and all . All peoples of all Nations in the World of today are fascinated by the global awareness of mutual peace & friendship in such a manner that they are fond of global systems seeking new global orientation to their present mindset without which Modernisation, Expansion and Diversification for Economic  Growth are nearly  constrained  by  the steady and persistent rise in the strength of respective populations. Upliftment of each one of the differently abled Nations to higher conditions of Power of Growth could be achieved with Global Systems truly in mind and such a mind unexaggeratedly is a global mind. Hence Mind in Global Systems drawing the advantage of Economic Growth with a global prescence for  people and populations globally.

The Author scanned several resources he could lay his hands on in the beginning of this April Summer, 2015 AD. to ferret out legal, scientific and social formulations of minds all over the Globe that led to achievements called  global systems and duly recognized so. In the process, the Research surprisingly found out that scientific and legal formulations superseded other kinds of social formulations making prominent global systems. Consequently, this Higher Study born out of its preoccupation with Recognition of Mind in Global Systems.              

Key Words:  Change, Global System, Mind, Growth, Nations,  Credit,  President . Scientific. 

A Closure Looks to Load Balanced Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Network

Gurpreet Kaur, Naveen Kumari

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

A wireless Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an mobile network which is infrastructure-less &based on radio to radio multi-hoping and it has nora fixed router centralized controller. All node sare enabled to move so they can get connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. MANETs is a challenging task due to the dynamic nature of network topology, frequent mobility, band width limitation, limited battery power. For the proper functionality of Ad hoc networks, routing protocols are mandatory. A routing protocol should be able to distribute the routing asks fairly among mobile hosts in MANETS. Most current routing protocols for mobile Ad hoc networks take into account the shortest path with minimum hop count as best route with none thought of any explicit node’s traffic and so degrading the performance by inflicting serious issues in mobile node like queuing delay, power depletion and congestion. Therefore it is very lucrative to investigate Routing protocols which use a Routing Metric to Balance Load in Ad hoc networks. In this paper we present various load Balanced Routing protocols for efficient data transmission in MANETs.

Keywords: Load Balancing, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), Routing.

A Study on Stemming Algorithms

Anvitha Hegde, Mrs Savitha K Shetty

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Stemming is a process in in which different morphological variants of a word is transformed into its root form. A stemmer involves removing prefixes and suffixes of a word to reduce a word to its root form. This process is used in information retrieval systems and text applications in order to improve the efficiency of text retrieval.

Keywords: over stemming, under stemming, inflections, derivational analysis, rule based stemmer

A Novel Approach to Implement Local Edge Preserving Filter for High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping

Ashwin. C, Vijaya Kumar. T

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Edge detection is mainly used in image processing, and is used for feature selection and feature extraction. Edge preservation is important in filtering design to avoid the halo artifacts. Edge preserving decomposition of an image can be achieved using a Local Edge Preserving (LEP) filter. This technique is suitable for High Dynamic Range (HDR) images. Here, multi scale decomposition process is used, in which the image is divided into base layer and detail layer. The output of LEP provides better visual quality to the images. The problem of LEP filter is that it is not capable of eliminating the noise at the output completely and the smoothening performance of the LEP filter is poor compared with the previously established filters. Therefore a median filter is used as the preprocessor. The median filter has the ability to preserve the edges, and the capability to remove the noise present at the input. Thus, the LEP filter performance gets improved by using the median filter as the preprocessor.

Index Terms-- High dynamic range image; local edge preserving filter; LEP-median architecture; multi scale decomposition; tone mapping; quality analysis.

A Survey of Clustering Algorithms for Traffic Classification

Nithisha J

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Network traffic in the world wide is predicted to increase every year double the times. So, traffic occurs in the network. To manage a network traffic classification is necessary because of increasing number of users and Qos. Classification algorithm provides a major role in traffic classification (i.e. flow or packet classification .In this paper different classification algorithms used are discussed. Traffic classification algorithm divided into supervised and unsupervised algorithm. Unsupervised algorithm uses unlabelled data to process batches of flows. So it can identifies a new classes of traffic application. Supervised algorithm works well for known dataset (flow) .Here, different classification algorithms like k-means, Model based clustering, identity based clustering, and k medians are presented.

Nutritional Status of HIV Subjects Attending an ART Centre in Bangalore

Kavitha D.S, R.P.Lalitha Reddy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Nutritional status is an important determinant of HIV outcomes. The study was undertaken to assess the nutritional status of 500 HIV infected adults attending an ART centre in Bangalore. The nutritional status was assessed by anthropometric measurements (Height, Weight, Mid upper-arm circumference), dietary intake and biochemical parameters such as hemoglobin and CD4 count. BMI was calculated. Nutrient adequacy ratios were computed based on the data collected from 24hr dietary recall method. The results indicated that half of the sample had low CD4 cell count below 200 cells/cumm. The nutrient intake was < 60% of RDA in case of Energy, Protein, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Vitamin A. Nutrient adequacy pertaining to calcium and iron were 74.40% and 38.2% in males as against 66.30% and 32.20% in females respectively. Adequate dietary intake along with nutrient supplementation can play an important role in strengthening the immune system and delaying the progression of disease.

Keywords : Nutritional status, HIV/AIDS, dietary intake, Anthropometry

Security Model to Secure legacy OPC Server and Client Communication

Aakanksha Dhidhi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Steel Authority Of India Limited (SAIL) is the leading steel making company in India. SAIL has its own private network connecting different production units located at Durgapur, Bokaro, Bhilai, Rourkela steel plants etc and corporate offices at Delhi, Kolkata etc. Some of the links in private network are also connected to open and larger network such as internet to communicate with suppliers and customers. Therefore the internal network of SAIL is private as well as public network. So security for this network is most important. Everyday a number of attacks are launched. Among them service attacks are growing exponentially. Since private network of SAIL is indirectly connected to public network through internet. Therefore OPC connected to PLC in steel plants are also indirectly connected to internet. Since it is not possible to route data from OPC through firewall and switching off the firewall makes the plant network insecure and prone to viruses like STUXNET. In this paper, I will propose a security model to secure OPC client and server communication

Keywords: OPC Service Provider, OPC Data Client, OPC Service Broker, Service Oriented Architecture

Introduction of Assignments after Each Chapter and Taking oral Feedback for Assesing Analytical Level Understanding of Pharmacology Students in GMC, Anantapuramu

Dr. Ketavat Santha Bai

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

The analytical level of understanding is tested by assignment examinations to undergraduate pharmacology students during three semesters. Oral feedback is collected from the students by the staff members. The students felt that the method of assignments improved their overall learning standards.

Soldier Tracking and Health Indication System Using Arm Processor

Prof. D.B. Rane, Jagale Swapnil, Gholap Ujwal, Rupwane Ashish

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

In present time world, border security is an important factor in any nation’s security. The national security mainly depends on army, navy, air-force. The army soldiers are played the one of the important and vital roles. There are many issues regarding the safety of these soldiers. Whenever any soldier enters the war field it is very vital for the army base station to know the exact location and also the health status of all soldiers. Every year Army Soldiers become lost or injured in war field. In this proposed system gives the ability to track where Soldiers are at any given instant. Search and rescue work become minimized in time and resources. And also, with alert feature Soldiers will be able to communicate their distress with GPS coordinate information to the base station. This project which is a reliable system, energy efficient remote soldier monitoring system. It is able to send health parameters and position parameterof soldier in real time. Using bio-sensors it enables the army station to monitor Soldier’s parameters such as body temp, heartbeat rate, respiration rate in real time and wirelessly transmitted to Army base station using GSM.

Keywords- ARM, GPS, Bio-sensors, Navigation

Negative Stiffness Structure for a Vehicle seat

Anita V. Hase, Tushar B Shinde, Ganesh Bhalerao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

In this paper, an active pneumatic vibration isolation system using negative stiffness structures (NSS) for a vehicle seat in low excitation frequencies is proposed, the negative stiffness structures (NSS) are used to minimize the vibratory attraction of a vehicle seat. Thus, an adaptive intelligent back stepping controller (AIBC) is designed to manage the system operation for high-isolation effectiveness. In addition, an auxiliary control effort is also introduced to eliminate the effect of the unpredictable perturbations. Moreover, a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) model is utilized to estimate the optimal gain of the auxiliary control effort.

The vibration isolator using a novel magnetic spring with negative stiffness (MS-NS) is proposed in this paper. The proposed isolator which combines a positive stiffness spring with the MS-NS in parallel possesses the characteristic of high-static–low-dynamic stiffness. The MS-NS is composed of three cuboidal magnets configured inrepulsive interaction. Ananalytical expression of the stiffness of the MS-NS is derived by using the magnetic charge model, and the approximation to the exact analytical expression is sought. Then, the nonlinearity of the stiffness Is analyzed, and it is shown that the MS-NS is approximately linear for small oscillations.

Ne Plus Ultra: Uniform Global Currency (UGC) & Global Monetarism

Dr. Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Are Revolutions a thing of the past?  No.  Certainly not.

This Judgment can be given by anybody who knows that there were 654 Revolutions globally all over the World spanning right from BC 21 to 999 AD to 1900 AD to 2000 AD to 2014 AD. Among these, there were highest numbers of Revolutions, 58, during 1800-1849 AD. This is topped by the nascent 21st Century’s score of 70 Revolutions, during 2000- 2014 AD, just recently ended year. Now, We are in 2015 another ca’- lender Year with gaining general experience of the risky, the non-risky, the constants, the variables, the optimal solutions , the international laurels and the global ideologies holding the skeleton keys  cooperating  with us as if  there is nothing more work  of  Research  & Study.  

Revolutions are collective in nature enacted by the masses harboring a new value as  common cause  to achieve a feasible  objective, practically which evade -- supported  by the above Statistics, the instant  policy makers and the rolling constitutional rulers of the day, month and  year ahead. The latter are armed with the triad of Executive, Judiciary and Legislature winging with the comforts of Administration, Justice and Bill-making. Yet, two World Wars came and gone. Pat set in the Economic Globalization!  A true Lesson.

 In this Research Paper, the Author has concentrated on what is called Monetary Globalization and  the lack of aims for institutionalizing a rationally agreed  approach on the  pending  series and matches  on  issues of Uniform Global Currency (UGC) for an expeditious introduction globally securing the monetary globalism in this World of  Yours , Ours  &  Hours !   

Key Words: Revolutions, Non-risky, Skeleton, UGC, Bill-making, Globalization, Matches, Hours.

Fabrication of Automated Guided Vehical

Mr.Vishal S.Ingle, Mr.Vishal S. Badase, Mr.Kunal S. Bhorkar, Mr.Shrikant I.Dudhalkar, Mr.Indrapal K.Gaidhane, Mr.Shivaji R. Bhagat, Kishor H. Watane, Prof. Prof.K. W. Watane, Prof. V.R.Khawale, Prof. Dr. P. V.Ingole

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Automated guided vehicle are battery powered, automatically steered vehicles that follow defined pathways in the floor. The pathways are unobtrusive. AGV’s are used to move unit loads between load and unload stations in the facility. Routing variations are possible, meaning that different loads move between different stations. They are usually interfaced with other system to achieve the full benefits of integrated automation. Paint strips are used to define the vehicle path ways, the vehicle possesses IR sensor system that is capable of tracking the paint. The strips can be taped, sprayed, or painted on the floor.

An onboard sensor detect the reflected light in the strip and controls the steering mechanism to follow it. The paint guidance system is useful in environments, where electrical noise would render the guide wire system unreliable or  when the installation of guide wires in the floor surface would not be appropriate. One problem with the paint strip guidance method is that the paint strip must be maintained.

In manufacturing units, material spends more time in a shop moving than being machined, which means that there is more time wasted thereby adding to the cost of the product. Thus, material handling methods used are important in improving the profitability of a manufacturing organization. The major automated material handling systems that are generally used in advanced manufacturing are automated guided vehicles (AGV) or mobile robots, storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) The primary objective of this project is to design a fully autonomous “line following AGV†capable of following a pre-designed path marked on a surface. The microcontroller receives the input from a series of infrared sensors and from these inputs determines if the AGV should continue forward or the direction of the AGV should be changed. Accordingly the speed of the motors is controlled and thus the mobile robot is made to follow the predetermined path.

Design and Implementation of High Performance Reed Solomon Encoder and Decoder

Harshada L. Borkar, Prof. V.N. Bhonge

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

In this paper, Reed Solomon (RS) Encoder and Decoder and their implementation in Spartan 6 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is analyzed. RS codes are non-binary cyclic error correcting block codes. Here parity symbols are generated at the encoder end using a generator polynomial and added to the very end of the message symbols. Then the locations and magnitudes of errors in the received polynomial are determined by the RS decoder. The main objective of this project is to optimize the area used on FPGA which in turn minimizes the size and ultimately the cost. The paper covers the RS encoding and decoding algorithm, simulations and the implementation details of the encoder and decoder architecture. Register transfer level (RTL) of RS encoder and decoder is designed, simulated and implemented using Xilinx in Spartan 6 FPGA kit.

Keywords: FPGA, Key Equation Solver (KES), Reed Solomon (RS) Decoder, Reed Solomon (RS) Encoder and VHDL.

A Review Paper on Image Compression Unit Using DCT

Sunita Shandilya, Karan Singh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

The field of image and video compression has gone through rapid growth during the past thirty years, leading to various coding standards. The main goal of continuous efforts on image/video coding standardization is to achieve low bit rate for data storage and transmission, while maintaining acceptable distortion.In present every multimedia device is based on battery operated system. As we know power consumption is crucial part for those device. So there is need of fast and efficient algorithm and hardware unit for those multimedia we already know compression unit is the most important part for any multimedia device. So, in this paper, various developmental stages of image and video compression standards are reviewed, including JPEG and JPEG 2000 image standards, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.261, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, and the latest international video standard HEVC as well as Chinese video coding standard we also did the complete comparative discussion between different compression unit in term of time complexity and quality

Cascade Fuzzy Self Adaptive PID Controller for Inverse Response of Boiler Drum Level

D.V. Sakhare, C.B. Kadu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

In this paper, we are presenting new method with Cascade Fuzzy Self Adaptive PID Controller for Inverse response of the boiler drum water level. Conventional PID control System cannot reach a satisfactory result in Boiler drum water control system. Self tuning is that plant to be controlled often changes from time to time. This is especially true, if the plant is a unstable system with changing operation points then cascade fuzzy self adaptive PID provides effective method for adaptation of such changes. A cascade fuzzy self adaptive PID controller for boiler drum level control is proposed to improve time domain characteristics. In this paper, output of first fuzzy self adaptive controller is given to second self adaptive controller as a set point. From simulation, the performance of cascade self adaptive fuzzy PID controller is better than self adaptive fuzzy PID controller which improves time domain characteristics. MATLAB simulink tool is used to simulate cascade fuzzy self adaptive PID and self adaptive fuzzy PID control system.

Keywords: Inverse Response, Self tuning PID, cascade self adaptive fuzzy PID Control.

Introduction to Image Registration in Remote Sensing using Matlab

Megha B. Pandya, Prof. Lokesh P. Gagnani

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Image registration is used as a preliminary step in other image processing applications. It is difficult to find an accurate, robust, and automatic image registration method, and most existing image registration methods are designed for a particular application. Image registration is mostly used in medical and remote sensing applications. In remote sensing applications data is captured from satellites so it is very noisy and difficult to recognize the exact places so, image registration is needed. For this she used Matlab 7.0 R14. In Matlab for image registration various methods and in this paper I studied that methods.

Keywords — Image Registration, Remote Sensing, Matlab, Control Point Registration

A Comprehensive Review on Superconducting Fault Current Limiters in Electrical Utility Network

Chetna V. Chaudhary, Girish K. Mahajan, Ajit P. Chaudhari

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

As a result of the increasing power demand and the high penetration of distributed generations (DG), a current can suddenly increase during a contingency. This fault current gives the possibility of exceeding the ratings of the existing protective devices. Therefore, in power systems, the utilization of superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) can suppress the unanticipated short-circuit currents in utility distribution and transmission networks, so that the underrated switchgears can be operated safely. SFCL's eli­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­minate or greatly reduce the financial burden on the utilities by reducing the wear on circuit breakers and protecting other expensive equipment. Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) based on high temperature superconductors (HTS) is an enabling technology for the extensive fault current limitation when compared to conventional circuit breakers (CBs) and other fault current limiters.  Superconducting FCLs can be installed at optimum locations in the transmission network to reduce fault currents to within a tolerable range when a new power plant is installed. With these placements, we can make full use of the advantages of smart grid’s communication network and different characteristics of FCL devices in different categories to offer a more flexible and reliable protection for future power grid. This paper outlines various types and basic application guidelines for using superconducting fault current limiters in electrical utility network.

Keywords: Fault current, smart grid, superconducting fault current limiter

Zigbee Based Wireless Networking on Various Applications

Kiran G.R, Dr. B. R. Prasad Babu, Prof. Mathew K. K

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

ZigBee is a wireless communication technology that provides self-organized, multi-hop and reliable networking with long battery lifetime. In this paper the most importantly consists of the architecture of ZigBee protocol and various application of ZigBee technology. IEEE 802.15.4 has developed on low cost of deployment, low complexity and low power consumption and these devices to support for designing the physical and data link layer protocols. ZigBee defines the higher layer communication protocols built on IEEE 802.15.4 standards. This mainly focuses on the widely used transceiver in Wireless Sensor Networks, a ZigBee technology over IEEE 802.15.4 defines specifications for low data rate WPAN (LR-WPAN) to support low power monitoring and controlling devices.

Keywords:- ZigBee, IEEE 802.15.4, low data rate WPAN LR-WPAN,  Wireless Sensor


Review Paper on Android Operating System

Monika Sharma, Ankit Thakur

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Today, as the developing of hardware of mobile is getting better, the performance index is much higher than the actual requirements of the software configuration Phone's features more depend on software. As the Android operating system is getting more popular, the application based on Android SDK attracts much more attention. Android is a Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. In addition to their support for voice and text exchange, smart phones are capable of executing sophisticated embedded software applications, as well as provide a simple link to the Internet and its resources.

Keywords: Android, SDK, Linux, Open Handset, Smart Phones, Embedded

To Analyse and Enhance Aodv Protocol for Congestion Control in MANET using Knowledge Based Learning

Amritpal Kaur

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

The wireless networks in recent years, have gained much interest due to auto configuration and connectionless services. MANET are type of wireless networks has self network configuring property make it necessary to research on the performance of routing protocol. The present study deals with the analysis of AODV protocol and its enhancement by improvement of congestion control. Knowledge based learning was used to enhance the AODV routing protocol. The tool that was used for simulation is NS 2. The parameters are used to analyzing the AODV and enhance AODV are throughput, delay, packet loss and routing overhead

Skilful Teaching Techniques Adapted in Government Medical College Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh

Dr.R.V.S.N.S. Ramachandrudu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Government Medical College is a teaching medical institution located in Anantapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is affiliated to NTR University of Health Sciences. A well infra structured government general hospital is attached to the medical college. The college and hospital are approved and recognised by Medical Council of India.The first batch consisting of 100 medical students was started in the year 2000. The medical college has got MCI recognition for two post graduate seats in Pharmacology.

Securing Digital images using Reversible Watermarking by Pixel Histogram Shifting

Kirti P. Sahare, Prof. S. A. Murab, Prof.G.M.Ghonge, Prof.M.V.Sarode

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

A new reversible watermarking Scheme is proposed .One first contribution is a histogram shifting modulation which adaptively takes care of the local specificities of the image content. By applying it to the image prediction-errors and by considering their immediate neighbourhood, the scheme proposed inserts data in textured areas where other methods fail to do so. Furthermore, this proposed scheme will use a classification process for identifying parts of the image that can be watermarked with the most suited reversible modulation. This classification is based on a reference image derived from the image itself, a prediction of it, which has the property of being invariant to the watermark insertion. In this way, the watermark embedder and extractor will remain synchronized for message extraction and image reconstruction. The proposed scheme will improve a peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) as compared to other existing scheme.

Keywords: watermarking, PSNR, histogram

The ARM Control Based Drip Irrigation System

Mr. S.G. Galande, Dr. G.H. Agrawal, Mr. N.B Waditke

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

The aim of this system is a low-cost intelligent drip irrigation network control system is introduced in this paper in order to solve the status of long-term dependence on imports. In this paper we have design one module for sensing various parameters and control the valves of drip irrigation system. Contents measurement of N,P,K Element. In soil is further useful to decide fertilizer requirement of soil and ultimately useful to manage content of same in chemical mixing during formation of fertilizer. 

Keywords—N, P, K (nitrogen, Pottasium, Phosphate ).

Greenhouse Microclimatic Real-Time Monitoring with the Help of NPK Sensor

Mr S. G. Galande, Dr. G.H. Agrawal, Mr. S.B. Dighe

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

In this system for increasing the production of food in farming the low cost greenhouse technique is used. Now a days the population goes on increasing but the productivity goes on decreasing due to environmental changes.. In order to solve this food problems we can use the greenhouses for increasing the food production in agriculture field. In old days farming requires the more man power so this disadvantage is overcome using greenhouses. For increasing the food production we have to measure the various parameters like NPK humidity,temp.co2 of  a soil and air.In his paper we can measure these parameters and can be controlled and monitored using WSN. . 


Isolation and Screening of Protease Producing Bacteria from Soil

Swathi Kummari, Sharanya Prasad

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Proteases execute a large variety of functions and have important biotechnological applications. Proteases represent one of the three largest groups of industrial enzymes and find application in detergents, leather industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and bioremediation processes. In the present study soil sample is collected from college primesis and used for screening of protease producing bacteria. On the basis of colony size, texture, and microscopic characteristics, the isolates were identified as Bacillus sps .The two Isolated Bacillus sps were screened for protease producing ability on casein agar and gelatine agar plates. The zone formation around the bacterial colony indicated the protease positive strain which may be due to hydrolysis of casein and gelatine. Hence the strains were identified as a protease producer and it was taken for further experimental studies and biochemical test. The extraction of protease enzyme is important due to its wide industrial applications.

Keywords: Proteases, Bacillus sps, Enzyme, Proteolytic Ubiquitous

Visible Light Communication with MAC Enhanced By OFDM

Shruthi K, Vishnu Prabha N Kaimal

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

Visible Light spectrum enhances the wireless technology with the new concept of Visible Light Communication that paves a way for emerging wireless technology. The standard behind this is IEEE 802.15.7 which put forward the idea of optical wireless communication. Medium Access Control (MAC)protocol helps in effective transmission of data across channel. But as per the nature of transmission and applications its effectiveness may vary, so further enhance it the feature of OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency division Multiplexing) is used. OFDM provides transmission through channels with high frequency selectivity. The work introduces the OFDM with MAC enhances Optical Wireless Communication

Survey Of Enterprise Content Managemnet On Cloud

T Arulmozhi, Mrs N Saranya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015), 7 May 2015

At present, the attention of many organizations concentrates on the Enterprise Content Management System (ECM). Unstructured content grows exponentially, and Enterprise Content Management system helps to capture, store, manage, integrate and deliver all forms of content across the company. Today, decision makers have possibilty to move ECM system to cloud and take advantages of cloud computing. Cloud solution can provides the crucial advantage. It can reduce fixed IT department cost and ensure faster ECM implementation. ECM is dynamic mix of technologies adding multifarious business need by disruptive technologies such as social, mobile, cloud and analytics.ECM mostly designed for government, corporations and media publisher etc.  To streamline the workflow while enhancing the online experiences of user product increased productivity. ECM enables to systematically manage our content and makes it simple to find, govern, use and share while connecting it to on organizations processes. Enhance the collaboration and increase compliance with workspaces that enable team member to work together efficiently.

Keywords— ECM, Unstructutred growth of data in an organization, content management, and multifarious business needs, WCM, TCM and ERM.