
A Curriculum Design for Integration of NetSuite ERP with Data Analytics and Computer Technologies

Sai krishna Chaitanya Tulli

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5137-5151

The changes in the last few years in the ERP systems and the increased importance of analytical and computerised systems mean that there is a significant need for educational frameworks to address the future complexities of business environments for students. This study recommends that asynchronous NetSuite ERP be integrated with data analytics and computer technologies in the development of the curriculum to expose learners to the real-world concepts. The curriculum is structured around four core modules: Navigating ERP using NetSuite, integration of analytical data, application of computing technologies for ERP, and a project implementing skills learned with actual cases. A strong methodological approach enables the study to include the needs assessment, curriculum development, pilot testing and evaluation stages. In fact, experience from pilot testing shows increased appreciation of ERP processes among students, enhanced use of analytics tools, and application of programming to ERP alterations. Participants’ qualitative feedback about the curriculum demonstrates its applicability and usefulness for closing learning–practice gap. Thus, this work develops the discussion concerning interdisciplinary education by describing the model of ERP systems’ implementation, data analysis, and computer technologies, including improvements applicable to various institutions. The introduced curriculum not only makes students more valuable in the competitive job market but also prepares them to solve modern organizational problems.

Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of Human and Livestock Ailments in Dawe Kachen District of Bale Zone, Southeast Ethiopia

Abadi Birhanu , Feto Haji

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5043-5055

An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants was carried out in Dawe Kachen district of Bale zone, southeast
Ethiopia with the objectives to identify medicinal plants and to document the knowledge associated with the
medicinal plants. Four Kebeles were selected for the study based on the vegetation cover and availability of
the practices. Accordingly,80 informants were systematically selected. Recommendation from local leaders
and elders was employed to select the key informants. Semi-structured interview and observation was used to
collect the data from the traditional healers. The collected data was analyzed using Micro-soft Excel
spreadsheet 2007 and summarized using descriptive statistical methods. A total of 42 medicinal plants
(belonging to 36 genera and 23 families) used to cure different ailments in the area were recorded.
Accordingly Euphorbiaceous followed by Asclepiadaceae dominated the families. Almost all medicinal plants
were collected from the wild. Herbs (38.1%) followed by shrubs (30.9%), trees (28.6%) and climbers (2.4%)
dominated the plant growth forms. Root (35.71%) is the most commonly harvested plant part in the area
followed by leaf (19.05%), stem (14.28%), root & leaf (9.52%), latex (7.14%), bark (4.76%) and root & stem,
leaf & stem, flower, seed (2.38%) each. Majority of the medicinal plants (76.19%) used for the treatment of
human ailments. Most of the medicinal plants (61.9%), in the study area used in fresh form. Crushing
(52.38%) followed by powdering (23.8%) was the most commonly used methods of preparation in the area.
Oral administration is the dominant rout (45.20%), followed by dermal (38.10%),oral & dermal
(9.50%),nasal (4.80%) and anal (2.38%). Of the five medicinal plants of preference ranking, the highest rank
was given first for Cyphiaql and ulifera used for the treatment of abdominal pain. Gamphocarpus integer
was also perceived as the most threaten medicinal plant in the area based on the priority ranking. A
conservation measure for the medicinal plants in the area is recommended

Sensitivity based Load Shedding Strategy for Avoiding Voltage Instability

T. K. Abhiraj , Bos Mathew Jos , P. Aravindhababu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5056-5060

Distribution networks (DNs) are being operated closer to the voltage stability boundaries due to the
exponentially increasing power demand. This paper presents a sensitivity based load shedding strategy for
averting the occurrence of voltage instability in DNs. This method identifies the most sensitive node through
evaluating the sensitivity between the voltage stability and real power demand at each node and performs load
shedding at the chosen node; and repeats this process till the network enters the stable region. The method
improves the bus voltage profile besides avoiding voltage collapse. The simulation results on two test systems
emphasize its applicability on networks of any size

Assessment of Traditional Medicinal Plants used to treat human and livestock ailments and their threatening factors in Gulomekeda District, Northern Ethiopia

Teklay Girmay*, Zeyede Teshome

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5061-5070

About 80% of the total population of Ethiopia is depending on traditional medicine to treat different types of
human illness. More than 90% livestock in Ethiopia rely on traditional medicine. This study was conducted
in Gulomekeda district, Eastern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, to assess the Traditional Medicinal Plants used
to treat human and livestock ailments and their threatening factors. Purposive sampling was employed to
assess the traditional medicinal plants and local knowledge of the people in the study area. Data was
collected by questionnaires and interviews to gather information on plant species used for medicinal plants,
part(s) of plants used for medicine, methods of preparations, route of utilizations and source of the plants. A
total of 34 medicinal plants, which belong to 27 families were recorded in the study area. The local people
use the recorded plants to treat more than 24 different aliments of human and livestock. Leaf was the most
frequently used plant part used to treat human disease, followed by root. Oral application was also widely
used followed by dermal. Deforestation, drought, erosion, urbanization and overgrazing were found to be
major threats to the existence of medicinal plants in the study area. Future policy on documentation of the
traditional medicinal plants and research should also focus on proper conservation and development of
pharmaceutical drugs from these traditional medicines.

Identification of the Areas of Students Difficulties in Chemistry Curriculum at the Secondary School Level

Omiko Akani, Ph.D

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5071-5077

This study focused on identification of difficult chemistry topics on the secondary school curriculum. Three
research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data
from fifty students by simple random sampling technique. Frequency and mean were used to answer the
research questions. The results obtained indicated that eight topics out of eighteen topics listed in the
chemistry curriculum are difficult. The results also revealed that there is a relationship between the students’
interests and the topics they considered difficult and that there is a significant difference between the topics
considered difficult by the male and female students. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher made
a number of recommendations, including; training and refresher courses for chemistry teachers, employment
of professionally qualified chemistry teachers, use of discovery approach in teaching chemistry, among

Repair and Rehabilitation Techniques Using in School of Engineering Building

Ravi Choksi , Prabhakar Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5078-5083

In today’s time there is shown presence of defects in building because of poor quality control during the
construction, lack of maintenance and unfavourable or abrupt change in the weather condition. It is
essential to maintain quality in terms of material quality, mixture with their desire specification,
workmanship etc. During the construction stage and after the construction suitable maintenance system
should be there to reduce tendency of occurring defects in the building for durable and reliable future usage
of the building. Cracks are common and major defects are shown in the building occurring mainly because
of uneven distribution of shear stresses at poor structural sections so that an engineer should have sufficient
knowledge about suitable repairing techniques for particular type of damage in the structure like, which
type of defects is there, its reason, its adverse effects and other characteristics of constitution material by
that there will be suitable final decision of evaluate the repairing technique to get desired reliable output. It
is very tropical process to estimation of materials because of so many irregularities in distress. There is no
accurate measurement for depth and width which is same throughout the length of cracks and dimensions of
efflorescence. This report includes a case study having estimation and costing as reference to other case
studies with their remedial measures and some repair

Tо the Problem of Art Function of Monological Type of the Speech in the Structure of Epic Work

Ziyada Bekbergenova

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5084-5089

From the problem of studying of monologue speech and its role in works of art there are various research
works. If earlier researches in their works, devoted to the theory of literature, related a monologue to the art
means used for reflecting of spiritual world of the personage, and recently some researchers consider
monologue as an art type. Monologue (from greek monos-one, logos-word) are turned to self or to another
words of the personage of work. Unlike dialogue the monologue excludes any intervention of other people.
In article monologue types are considered such as an external monologue where the personage narrates or
reflects aloud and an internal monologue, when the narration of the personage is shown in the form of his
thoughts, and also monologues addressed and lonely, epistolary and auto communication
The monologue was widely used by Karakalpak writers T.Kayipbergenov, K.Mambetov and Sh.Seyitov in the
structure of speech of the epics 70-80-ies of XX century. Later, other writers of Karakalpakstan are also
turning to the monologues, creating epic works, at the same time differing in content and topics.

A Review on Selective Catalytic Reduction for NOX Reduction

Omkar Kamat , Prof. C.Srinidhi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5090-5093

The energy requirement has increased rapidly all over the world due to industrialisation and the changes of
subsequent lifestyle. Most of this energy is generated from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, gasoline, and
diesel. Almost 90% of the present energy source is based on the combustion of fossil fuels and petroleum
based fuels. In the last few years, the environmental effects of pollutant emission from combustion sources
have becoming serious attention towards global warming.
Diesel engines are widely used in many areas like automobiles, locomotives, marine engines, power
generations etc., due to its high power output and thermal efficiency. Even though the diesel engines give more
benefits, the human discomfort only caused by pollutant emission of these engines has to be considered. The
major pollutant emissions of the diesel engines are NOx, particulate matters, and smoke, scoot particles

A Novel Design and Fabrication of Electromagnetic Internal Combustion Engines

Abhishek Samanta* , Ragul G* , Sreejith C , Abhijit Roy , Indira Ghosh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5094-5104

This paper reports an investigation that was carried out in a magnetic engine is according to the concept
appears to be a so-called "perpetual motion machine". Here you will find its images, patent, and also you
will learn information from his production and testing. The Black pointer on the disk indicates the position
of piston. It is evident that with the closed shutter the piston is located stably in the upper position, and
shutter renders the valuable screening of magnets, fulfilling the functions described by me. Further, with the
discovery of shutter piston accomplishes reciprocating motion. The stored energy of flywheel continues to
move piston to the upper position. Work: the displacements of the shutter = of 0,444 the displacement of
piston = 1,251.

Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Automotive and Aerospace Applications- Case Study

Abhijit Roy* , Sreejith C , Abhishek Samanta , Ragul G , Indira Ghosh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5105-5113

Generally, MWCNTs are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nano tubes have been
constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, significantly larger than for any other
material. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for
nanotechnology, automotive, aerospace applications and other fields of materials science and technology.
The diesel engines have advantages like durability, reliability and fuel economy compared to their
counterpart gasoline engines. The main problems associated with diesel engines are their higher emission
of particulate matter (PM) and Nitric oxides associated with various global hazards .Reduction of
hazardous tail pipe emission from the engine using different methods such as engine modification, fuel
alteration with nano particle additives, and exhaust gas treatment are the feasible methods for reducing the
same. Through prior journal studies and from experimental studies conducted on MWCNT nano particle
biodiesel blends, it was found that they have the capability of reducing NOx, HC, and CO emissions, and
increasing brake thermal efficiency closer to the value of conventional diesel. The properties of these
nanostructures are so unique and enhanced that it is finding applications in various spheres of life – right
from automotive to optical and to space applications. Owing to their exceptional morphological
characteristics, electric, thermal and mechanical, carbon nano tubes yield a material particularly promising
as reinforcement in the composite materials with metallic matrixes, ceramics and polymers for various
aerospace applications.

The Effect of Cutting Parameter towards Surface Roughness in Conventional Turning

Hastono Wijaya, Femiana Gapsari

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5114-5117

The study was conducted with depth of cut, cutting speed, and cutting length as cutting parameters by
referring surface roughness as a standard. In the study, cutting parameter variations which were applied
were 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.75 mm of depth of cut; 50mm/rev, 80 mm/rev, 110 mm/rev of cutting speed; and 50
mm, 100 mm, 150 mm of cutting length by using carbide DCMT 070208-C25 as the tool. The maximum
surface roughness value, which was 4,35 µm, was produced at 0.5 mm of depth of cut, 50 mm/rev of cutting
speed, and 50 mm of specimen length. Due to the large depth of cut and low cutting speed, the tool could not
move along the specimen’s diameter and it resulted in threaded finish. Besides, chips which piled on the
tool’s edge also affected the specimen’s surface. The minimum surface roughness value, which was 0.76µm,
was produced at each cutting parameter variation of 150 mm of cutting length, 110 mm/revof cutting speed,
and 0.25 mm of depth of cut. This was because high cutting speed made the formed chips are passed off
along the specimen’s rotating movement which thus resulted in minimizing chips piling on the tool’s edge.
Besides, the high cutting speed could make the tool able to move along the whole specimen’s surface
diameter and it made the feeding even.

Cycle Time and Cost Reduction of Ball Turning Operation of Cardan Shaft

Ishwar Nikam , Deepak Pawar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5118-5121

The previous productivity of CNC used for ball turning was comparatively lesser which caused the use of
running load on next operation that is Slot milling and thereby reducing its Overall Equipment Efficiency
(OEE). Here we found the scope of improvisation in order to reduce the cycle time to increase the
productivity. Previously insert of 0.8 mm radius was used which was later replaced by insert of 1.2 mm
radius and also the number of strokes required to turn the ball were reduced to 2 from 3 reducing the cycle
time from 30 seconds to 21 seconds.

The Paradox; the Shifting Goal of Microfinance from Social Performance to Financial Performance

Banbul Shewakena Tessema

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5122-5127

Since people with low incomes do not have access to financial institutions, and in most developing countries
only public workers benefit from the services of public banks, the poor and private workers with low incomes
cannot borrow from these public banks. Hence, microfinance institutions (MFIs) have become the answer to
those who cannot benefit from the financial services of the public banks.
The primary objective of this article is to present issues to concerned body to look on the problem which is the
shifting goal of micro finance from financial sustainability to social sustainability.
On my topic which is entitled the shifting goal of micro finance from social sustainability to financial
sustainability, I have tried to summarize different literature and make an argument on the two contradicting
Tracing the goal of microfinance I conclude that the microfinance objective has to be kept as to provide social
and financial service for the poor and marginalized group. But the concern of scholars and the institution on
financial sustainability of micro finance which should not be underestimated problem has to be solved. Unless
otherwise the microfinance institution has to be merged with banks
Shifting of the goal of microfinance from social sustainability to financial sustainability is the missing link.
The scholars and the financial institutions against my idea have to answer the question of what is the reason
for the existence of micro finance. Finally I recommend as strengthening the microfinance social service such
as training and development on entrepreneurial skill, leader ship skill, marketing skill and others which in
turn proof financial performance

Experimental Investigation on Cement Mortar Blended with HNC and CNTs’ [Hallyosite nanoclay and Carbon Nanotubes]-Taguchi’s Approach

Swetha J S , Dr N S Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017), 1 April 2017 , Page 5128-5137

This research focuses on the results of experimental investigation of the compressive strength of Cement
Mortar cubes blended with Multi walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and Hallyosite Nanoclay (HNC’s).
The percentage of MWCNTs and HNC’s was fixed to 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% by weight of cement. In this
research, experiments were conducted on the 3 different grades of mortar( MM-3,MM-5,MM-7.5 ) and 3
different size of cube specimens (25x25x25, 50x50x50 and 75x75x75), out of which 50mm cube is the size
as per IS 2250-1981 and remaining two (25 mm and 75mm) are trial mixes. Casted specimens were tested
on 7th, 14th and 28th day of curing. Compressive strengths obtained from these experiments are analyzed
through Taguchi’s method of Optimization and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) with the help of Commercial
software MINITAB-16. Statistical Analysis is conducted to find the interaction of the factors and their effect
on strength of mortar. Regression analyses are employed to obtain the optimal process parameters. Out of
0.5%, 0.75%and 1% of HNC added to the conventional cement mortar 0.75% resulted in Optimum
Compressive Strength for 50mm size of cube specimen as per experiments and Regression Analysis. Also, it
is observed that when MWCNTs are mixed, compressive strength increases as percentage increases