
Ocular Trauma

Dr Shrinkhal1 , Dr Kamya Sharma2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4795-4800

Ocular trauma is one of the important causes of unilateral blindness and visual impairment across the
world. In developed countries, most injuries are accidental, while assaults predominate as a cause in
developing countries. Trauma may result in various forms of ocular injuries, ranging from minor insult to
major functional impairment. Any ocular structure may be involved, and a careful, systematic approach to
the examination of a patient is essential to avoid missing occult injury and resultant visual impairment.

Bit Error Rate of Twisted Pair Cable for Different Noise Environments a Novel Approach

Narsimhulu Lingampelly

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4801-4810

The channel for Bit Error Rate simulation using Matlab is shielded twisted-pair cable, its characteristics
have been implemented in the simulation model. Furthermore, different noise sources have been implemented
in order to run the simulation under realistic conditions for different twisted pair cable say AWG26, AWG24.
This work is concerned with the physical layer of the Open System Inter connection (OSI) Model. The
physical layer treats the transmission of a raw bit stream over a cable and defines different techniques to do
so. For this purpose, the Manchester code is explained in this report and implemented.

Freedom of the Press Under FDRE: The Challenges of Constitutionalism

Alene Agegnehu* and Worku Dibu*

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4811-4821

Freedom of the press is the bed rock for flourishment of democracy usually it is considered as the fourth
branch of government. Freedom of the press is now universally recognized as an essential ingredient of a
durable and fully democratic order. It is white and black; the test of democracy is rely on freedom of
criticism. That is why the Ethiopia’s Constitution and several laws stipulated various press related rights to
protect freedom of expression and freedom of the press such as the right to hold opinions without
interference; the right to freedom of expression without any interference; freedom of the press and other
mass media including the prohibition of any form of censorship; and access to information of public interest
among other rights. The government maintains that it is protecting press freedom through the Press Law
and points out that it has not banned any publication. However, in practice the government act against not
only press law but also the provision of the constitution. The government simply introduce the liberal law of
the press as a Cover for Restricting Media. The treatment of writers, journalists, and bloggers are the
critical human rights issues now a days in the country, including a lack of press freedom, arbitrary
detention, an inability to access government information, suppression of peaceful association and assembly,
and restrictive laws and policies regarding the internet and digital. Hence, the main aim of this study is to
examine historical development of press and freedom of press in Ethiopia predominantly the
implementation of press freedom under FDRE in light of constitutionalism and press law and its role for the
realization of good governance and democratic process, and examine the systematic and democratic
constraints of the freedom of the press since the adoption of FDRE constitution.

A Study of Adjustment of Dyscalculic Elementary School Students of Shimla District

Jeewan Jyoti

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4822-4826

The study compares the adjustment of dyscalculic elementary school students in relation to their gender and
locality. A sample of 60 dyscalculic elementary school students was selected randomly from the Shimla district
Himachal Pradesh. For comparing the data 2x2 ANOVA statistical technique was used. The results revealed that
there exist significant difference among dyscalculic elementary school boys and girls. Girls were found to be well
adjusted than dyscalculic elementary school boys irrespective, of levels of locality whereas no significant
difference was found between rural and urban dyscalculic elementary school students.

A Review of the Genus Pseudoproleptus (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) with Description of New Species Pseudoproleptusbhartii sp. nov.from Fresh Water Fish Notopterusnotopterus (Pallas)

Dr Sadhana Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4827-4832

Nematodes are the most specifically diversified group next to insect. To get acknowledge of role of
nematodes in biodiversity a sound knowledge and understanding of its taxonomy together with details of its
biology is essential. Because of difficulties in studying fish nematodes, associated with their morphological
and biological peculiarities, most species of these parasites are poorly known The present study is one step
ahead to disclose the existence of new species of Pseudoproleptus collected from fresh water fish
Notopterusnotopterus (Pallas) from U.P. (India) characterised due to the presence of cephalic cuticular
helmet like structure, described as a cuticular fold or collar is distinguish itself from its conspecies on the
basis of position of caudal papillae (4 pairs preanal, one pair adanal and 4 pairs postanal), absence of
transverse cuticularisation in left spicule and spicule length ratio 1:4.2.

An assessment of Challenges That Impede the Effectiveness of Ethiopia Human Rights Commission Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

Alene Agegnehu , Worku Dibu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4833-4837

The National Human Right Commission is seen as a backbone for the promotion, protection and
realization of human rights provision in a given country. The proper protection and promotion of human
rights are not something emanate from vacuum rather the realization of human rights is highly rely on the
presence of National Human Right Institution. Because, National Human Right Institution is the ear and
eyes of the people that play significant role via protecting, promoting and full fling human rights. That is
why the Ethiopia government also established the human right commission so as to promote and protect
human rights. However, the Ethiopia human right commission is a toothless dog that failed to protect
violation of human rights though there exists sever human rights violation in the country. The ineffective
protection and promotion of the human right commission is basically emanated because of different
intertwined factors. Hence, the main aim of this paper is intended to examine the major elements for the
effectiveness of the commission and challenges that hamper the effectiveness of Ethiopia human right
commission protection of human rights violation and warp up with possible recommendation.

Does Ethnic Federalism Exacerbating or Reducing Conflicts? The Ethiopian Federal Experiences

Alene Agegnehu, Worku Dibu,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4838-4845

The language based federal arrangement is a new frontier under the Ethiopia political scenario. Unlike
the previous regime which overlooked various ethnic groups of the nation, the current political system
recognized the presence of multiplicity of ethnic identity and taken it as a main political value for the
reengineering of the present Ethiopia. Initially, it seems the solution that responds old nationality
question of the country through recognizing each ethnic group as an equal partner of the federal
arrangement with the power to administer its internal affairs autonomously. Hence, it brought a modest
peace and stability so that the economy of the state arguably, registered a double digit growth for the
last two decades. As time goes, for the past two decades, however, unmanageable problem has being
emerged throughout the country. A continuous claim for recognition of new identity, high potential for
secessionist demand, problem of demarcation of internal territory between ethno-nationalist region, and
the issue of irredentism, and indigenous-settler dichotomy brought pervasive and protracted conflict
between different ethnic groups which become the cause for the casualty of human life and destruction
of resources. This article therefore try to assess whether ethnic based federalism is feasible or not in
Ethiopia, to investigate the root cause of ethnic based and boundary related conflicts that are observing
now in different parties of the state.

Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Building

Mrs. Mir Sana Fatema, Prof. A.A. Hamane

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4846-4854

In this project it is proposed to carry out progressive collapse analysis of 13 storey RC frame building by
removing different column one at a time as per the GSA guidelines. Building consists of 5 X 5 bay 5 m in
both direction and designed by Indian code as a special moment resistant frame. Structural model of
building has been created in ETABS and loads are applied as per GSA guidelines, for evaluation of
progressive collapse linear static method of analysis and nonlinear static method of analysis has been used.
As per GSA guidelines three column removal case one at a time has studied, namely Corner column removal
at ground floor, Exterior column at ground floor and interior column at ground floor. For all three cases
both linear and nonlinear analysis has done and DCR ratios are evaluated. Member having DCR ratio
greater than 2 will going to fail for corresponding column removal case. It is obtained that shear in beam is
not critical in any case, Columns are also not critical in Progressive collapse. But by Linear static analysis
and nonlinear static it is obtained that beams are going to fail in flexure.

Mechanical Behaviour of AZ31 Mg/Ti Composites

M.Appoothiadigal, B.K.Raghunath,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4855-4857

Metal matrix composites have emerged as a new class of advanced materials in aerospace and automotive
applications. Magnesium matrix composite reinforced with titanium (Mg-Ti). The most important property of
magnesium-titanium composite with reference to the aerospace and automobile industry is its strength to
weight ratio, which is three times more than aluminum. The Mechanical response of AZ31 Mg/Ti composite
was investigated by means of hot compression test. The flow curves were obtained in the temperature and
strain rate range of 300 to 500oc and strain rate 0.01 to 0.1 S-1 for AZ31 Mg matrix with different volume
fraction of Ti (4%, 8%, and 12%). Izod impact test is used to measure the impact energy of the AZ31Mg/Ti
metal matrix composite

Integer Linear Programming Problem in Messebo Cement Factory

Haftom Gebreanenya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4858-4865

To solve integer linear programming problem is very difficult than to solve linear programming problem. In this
paper we are going to see the formulation of integer linear programming problem and one of its solution
techniques called Branch and Bound method. This paper also contains a real world problem of integer linear
programming problem on Messebo Cement Factory (Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia) solved using the Branch and
Bound method

A Review on Enabling Synonym Based Fined-grained Multi-keyword Search Using Hierarchical Clustering

Miss.Pawar Pratima Prakash, K. N. Shedge

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4866-4870

Cloud is huge platform that provides various services its users such as, storage, management, maintain,
searching, sorting of data etc. With this advantages data owner outsourced their data in cloud. Before
outsourcing of data on cloud user encrypt it as per security concern. Other users can use cloud data by
downloading and decrypting it from cloud. Before performing download and decryption operation on cloud
data user have to perform searching for required data. Traditionally, plaintext keyword search approach is
used to perform searching. Considering the large number of data users and documents in the cloud, it is
necessary to allow multiple keywords in the search request and return documents in the order of their
relevance to these keywords. In previous system, single keyword or Boolean keyword search is provided over
an encrypted data. MRSE is the multi keyword ranked searching technique for efficient searching over an
encrypted data. For efficient utilization of MRSE technique we referco-ordinate matching. In coordinate
matching, multiple matches can possible by searching more relevant data documents to search query. As
aggressive size increased in data documents searching phase reach to linear computational complexity.
MRSE method can provide efficient search result than traditional search approach.

Bullying in the Perspective of the Inconvenience Against the Process of Interaction in School

Drs Masdin M.Pd, Dra Beti Mulu M.Pd I

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4871-4880

Bullying And Its Impact On Children's Behavior At School (Study At SMkN In Kendari)
This type of research is a qualitative phenomenological approach via the data source in this research is the
primary Data and Secondary data. Data collection techniques used are: Interview Techniques of observation.
The documentation. Data analysis the data collection techniques (data collection) the reduction of data (data
reduction), presenting the data (data display) Withdrawals (drawings) conclusions the results showed that
Bullying behavior occurs due to the perpetrator looked at that by doing these things then it will desire can be
achieved, while the role of the teacher as the parents have not been fully functional in providing character
education so that there are still many students who behave negatively, it does have an impact on the
convenience of the other students tend to be weak both in terms of physical, mental and behaviour, besides
the attitude tends to be weak self think will give the potential negative impact of experiencing intimidation so
from students who behave less laudable

Short Survey on Noise Removal systems in Video Sequences

Anjali V Nandurkar, Dr G.P.Dhok

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4881-4884

Noise is one of the pre-processing techniques. The image noise may be termed as random variation of
brightness or color information. There are various types of image noise. Modern technology provides us
with useful tools to capture images and videos with different scales of time.Noise removal is greatest
challenges in the digital word among the researchers, no number of noise removal algorithms are
implemented with respective multiple types of application areas and the typenoises. The basic idea behind
this paper is the find out scope and limitation of the noise removal systems for image which are existing
and able to remove the noise from the distorted or noisy video sequence. There are various methods to help
restore an image from noisy distortions. Selecting the appropriate method plays a major role in getting the
desired output. The de-noising methods tend to be problem specific. For example, a method that is used to
de-noise satellite images may not be suitable for de-noising medical images. Thus a large number of studies
have been launched to assess of quality and quantity of video sequences.

Build the Competitiveness of Potential Agricultural Commodities in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Dr IR HJ Apiaty Kamaluddin MS.I

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4890-4901

Competitiveness is the ability of producing goods and services that meet the test of international, and at
the same time is also able to maintain a high level of income and sustainable regional produce, or the
ability level of income and employment are high with fixed open to external competition. Competitiveness
also can also be defined as the capacity of Nations to face the challenges of the international markets and
competition while maintaining or increasing income riilnya. Improvement of competitiveness of
agricultural commodities valued contextual and has a strong justification, for the following reasons: (1)
the dominance of the role of the agricultural sector in the structure of employment, the improvement of the
welfare of the community, and poverty reduction, (2) potential natural resources and development
technology in pro-duktivitas and increase the efficiency of farming, (3) the challenges of economic
globalization that requires-tut's ability of competitiveness in the domestic market and export, and (4) the
Government's commitment in the development of agriculture with the objectives of quality growth (growth
and equity) nationally. In the context of the improvement of the competitiveness of agricultural
commodities needed understanding and measuring instrument that can be shared to measure performance
of competitiveness, as well as policy measures in support of performance improvement of competitiveness
in the field. Competitiveness is understood as a static concept. Therefore, the required Dynamics
performance is anticipated to be tended as well as the possible anticipatory policies formulated with

Nursing Behavior towards our Satisfaction Patients in Hospital General City of Makassar, Indonesia

Dr Darwis, M. Kes

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4902-4909

Dervish (nurse's Behavior towards our satisfaction of patients in public hospitals Makassar City) type of
qualitative research approach through Phenomenology as research results indicate that the most Resources
accounted for as support satisfaction to patients, one of whom was a nurse. Nurse giving greater influence
to determine the quality of service. Nurses as the cutting edge service to patients and their families in the
hospital, due to the frequency of his encounter with the patient most often. In the nurses provide patient
service, sometimes influence the characteristics possessed by the patients, ranging from age, gender,
education, income or employment, and so on will probably make the situation of the services provided by
the nurses differently because the patient may have different expectations based on characteristics they
have. Nurses are expected to understand the characteristics of patients based on stuff that is personal to the
types of illnesses suffered patients

Employee Satisfaction Level – A Study on Multispeciality Hospital

Prof. (Dr) Subhasish Chatterjee, Dr Smriti Priya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4910-4918

Employee satisfaction is one of the critical criteria to improve the efficiency of any organizations. Here
the researchers have picked the multispecialty hospital as a centre to conduct the research. Researchers
have taken an attempt to understand the level of satisfaction of the employee of selected multispecialty
hospital. The entire shape has been given in this research article with the assistance of primary source
followed by required analysis.

A Road Trafic Speed-Accidents Optimization Model

Daniel Hailemariam Kassa

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4919-4922

Studies summarizing findings from before and after studies of the impacts of speed on accidents have resulted
in a rule of thumb saying that a 1 km/h decrease in mean speed causes a 3 percent reduction in injury
Currently the crash risk and road risk are protected by speed limit. According to international context the
Speed limits are set as less than 50km/hr in urban. This is because of factors such as high crash risk and high
road traffic accidents. However, only speed limit cannot minimize the crash risk and road traffic accident.
In this model, the objective function is a road traffic speed- accidents risk itself and each constraint are the
sum of speed of vehicles per each partition and per each round.
By using this optimization model, we can calculate the road accidents risk of every vehicle. As a result these
risks will be converted to means of income by introducing tax to each vehicle base on their speed.
The purpose of this optimization model is to minimize the road accidents risk and to maximize government

The Use of Determinants for Constructing Curves and Surfaces through Specified Points

Getnet Kiros Gebeyoh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016), 1 December 2016 , Page 4923-4925

We describe a technique that uses determinants to
construct lines, circles, and general conic sections
through specified points in the plane. The
procedure is also used to pass planes and spheres
in 3-space through fixed points.
THEOREM: A homogeneous linear system with
as many equations as unknowns has a nontrivial
solution if and only if the determinant of the
coefficient matrix is zero.
We will now show how this result can be used to
determine equations of various curves and
surfaces through specified points.