An assessment of Challenges That Impede the Effectiveness of Ethiopia Human Rights Commission Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016),
1 December 2016
Page 4833-4837
The National Human Right Commission is seen as a backbone for the promotion, protection and
realization of human rights provision in a given country. The proper protection and promotion of human
rights are not something emanate from vacuum rather the realization of human rights is highly rely on the
presence of National Human Right Institution. Because, National Human Right Institution is the ear and
eyes of the people that play significant role via protecting, promoting and full fling human rights. That is
why the Ethiopia government also established the human right commission so as to promote and protect
human rights. However, the Ethiopia human right commission is a toothless dog that failed to protect
violation of human rights though there exists sever human rights violation in the country. The ineffective
protection and promotion of the human right commission is basically emanated because of different
intertwined factors. Hence, the main aim of this paper is intended to examine the major elements for the
effectiveness of the commission and challenges that hamper the effectiveness of Ethiopia human right
commission protection of human rights violation and warp up with possible recommendation.
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