
Epidemiology and Tropical Diseases

Dr Callixte Yadufashije, Dr Vénant Iyakaremye

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4182-4265

Researchers like Dr. Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur, Carlos Chagas, Neisser, Dr. Ronald Ross, David Bruce, Paul Ehrlich,
G.H.A Hansen and other different researchers in the science of medicine gave a good contribution in the science of medicine
to improve the future of the world in the science of medicine. We may strive ourselves by imitating their good examples, to
help the people of our generation in the science of medicine and other different disciplines relating to health.
Our world, especially Africa of ours needs good researchers in the science of medicine to provide the best healthcare of
people. I am reminding Africans to be good researchers for changing Africans’ life. If we get lucks of education, we have to
be active using our knowledge and skills, to develop our Africa, possibly all over the world. For this I want to be among good
researchers in the science of medicine that is why I am striving to do everything so that I share knowledge and skills with
others. My friends come and share what we have for future success in medicine.
This book covers basic knowledge of epidemiology which can help the readers to know what epidemiology is, it describes
also some epidemics, and some measures of disease frequency. It comes also on tropical diseases which are diseases found in
tropical and subtropical parts of the world; here the readers will require many different things concerning some tropical
diseases. You know prevention is better than treatment; this book will help in some procedures used in preventing some
tropical diseases and different epidemics. If defeat for prevention it will support you to identify different kinds of disease by
clinical features of each disease found from here.
As public health academician, I am asking medical doctors, medical officers and other health strivers to work together for the
aim of increasing the capacity of each one, providing the good health care of people, providing new ways of treatment if
possible, and other different important things which can improve the science of medicine. Thus I am welcoming you with
heavy skillful ideas which will help us to change and improve our mind for future success in medicine, also giving good
examples for our generation as our first fathers talked above did for us.

Thinking and Experiences as a Base of Philosophical Understanding


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4274-4278

These philosophical words are words of self minded; many times reading philosophy can confuse someone
because it has many different theories of different thinkers and philosophers. Taking a time of reading
philosophy will lead to over thinking, and the over thinking may lead to becoming a thinker; your thinking will
be influenced by your life experiences. During writing these words of wisdom, I used reading philosophy of
different philosophers; I read philosophy of Hippocrates, Einstein Albert, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and others.
Their understanding helped me to understand myself. Their philosophy helped to develop mine. These words of
wisdom are focusing on current life of people. The one who will read them will help to understand stage of life
and how we struggle to have this life we are in. these words of wisdom also will contribute to beliefs
understanding of people. It is difficult to understanding directly philosophical things, but the explanation given
can help young philosophers what it means. In philosophy everyone has understanding and thinking, these
words of wisdom are not coming to change what people believe or what they think, they are written to show
some understanding of mine in different phenomenon. By the end of my philosophical understanding, i
mentioned some philosophers and their wisdom words. I choose ending by these great philosophers to compare
what they said in their philosophical analysis and what I said in the philosophical understanding of mine. For
philosophers and thinkers, they can do critical analysis and see how some words I said are related words of
some philosophers mentioned in last pages of this article.

Physico-Chemical Characterization of Ground Water, Case Study of Okene, North Central Nigeria

1Dept of Minerals and Petroleum resources Engineering, Kogi state Polytechnic, P.M.B 1101 Lokoja

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4279-4288

Okene is fast becoming an urban city and the search for groundwater is ever on the increase. Peoples resulted
to drilling of boreholes in order to supplement the earth dam that has served as the only source of water for
over forty years in the area. In order to investigate the quality of water in the area, 15 water samples were
taken randomly but spread around Okene town. These samples were subjected to various laboratory analyses.
The result of the test shows that the pH of water sample from the water board was 4.8 which indicated that the
water is acidic as against the 6.5 to 8.5 recommended by the Who standard for quality drinking water. The
other physical parameters like Total dissolved solid, Electrical Conductivity, the average Alkalinity of the
water samples is 19.0 mg/l and the Temperatures are within the WHO standard. Chemical elements like SO4,
NO3, Cl, HCO3, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, As, etc Fall within the WHO permissible limits.

Survey on Leveraging Social Networks for P2P Content-Based File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs

T.Ramesh1 , V.Umamaheswari2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4289-4295

3G technology has stimulated a wide variety of high band width applications on smart phones, such as video
streaming and content-rich web browsing. Although having those applications mobile is quite appealing,
high data rate transmission also poses huge demand for power. It has been revealed that the tail effect in 3G
radio operation results in significant energy drain on smart phones. Recent fast dormancy technique can be
utilized to remove tails but, without care, can degrade user experience. Implement Tail Theft in the Network
Simulator with a model for calculating energy consumption that is based on parameters measured from
mobile phones. When allowing for delays of a few seconds (acceptable for background applications), the
energy savings increase to between 62% and 75% for 3G, and 71% for LTE. The increased delays reduce the
number of state switches to be the same as in current networks with existing inactivity timers.

Contribution of Community Volunteers/Positive Peer Couples in Uptake and Coverage of Health Timing And Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) In Burundi

Calixte Ndabumviyubusa (BHND, MSW, MPH)1 , Dr Callixte Yadufashije (BSc, PDPH, MSc.CE, PhD)2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4296-4309

“Irondoka rijanye n’amagara meza” is Kirundi for “health timing and spacing of pregnancy (HTSP) is an
intervention that focuses on healthy fertility to help women and families delay, space and limit their pregnancies
to achieve healthiest outcomes for women, newborns, infants and children and essential in achieving MDG 4,5,
6 and it was the focus of this article .The purpose of the research was to assess the contribution of community
volunteers / Positive peer couples in uptake and coverage of healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy (HTSP) in
Cumba Zone. The Positive Peer Couples (PPC) approach, as used by World Vision International Burundi rests
upon the observation that in communities throughout the world, there are a few individuals whose uncommon
behaviors or practices enable them to find better solutions to problems than their neighbors with whom they
share the same, or lesser, resource base. The operational research helped to analyze barriers, develop and
evaluate solutions for these barriers, improve program performance (including logistics, access, quality and
impact), and facilitate program scale up and sustainability. By embedding research into the HTSP program, we
generated lessons learned; optimized program performance, which will inform other programs and countries
with similar challenges. The research determined that community members (couples) who participated in
Positive peer couples for HTSP, adopted positive change towards new born, child health, safer sexual.
This study explored the impact of Positive Peer Couples (PPC) in uptake and coverage of Healthy Timing and
Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) in Gashoho commune. It covered 132 PPCs. They were chosen randomly. The
study reveals that there are uncommon practical behaviors that enabled Positive Deviants (PDs) to outperform
and enhance massively to adherence to contraceptive methods by community members: Those include;
 effective implementation of PPC, sensitization of community members using Household to household
approach, involvement of Men in Family planning( the men accompanied his wife to Antenatal Care
service(ANC),closer follow up and monitoring by PPCs, PPCs are role models at community level,
Regular Health education at sub hill level by PPCs living in the same area, equity, and the solutions
come from the community not from experts, Deep respect of the community, its members and its culture
and focus on interactive engagement, expends existing networkers and create new ones, Creating more
space for innovative solutions to emerge. positive deviance enhances local research capacity for
controlling problem in relevant, affordable, sustainable ways;
 The approach reveals at least partial solutions today to challenges rather than waiting for long term
development; it introduces a generic approach for local problem solving. Indeed, intervention
communities commonly launch parallel activities, such as participation in common community works for
instance local road construction or successfully demanding social services.
Nevertheless, some hindrances are experienced by PPC when implementing HTSP:
 child morbid mortality( families say that they have to give birth to many children because some will die

A Survey on History and Types of Manet

Dr S.Vijayalakshmi1 , M.Sweatha

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 310-4315

A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile nodes that communicate with each other without centralized
control or established infrastructure. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly
and unpredictably over time. This paper focuses on the evolution of MANET, the characteristics ,applications
and its types.

Factors that Affect Teachers’ Performance Appraisal at Bahir Dar Polytechnic College

Abebaw Bizuneh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4316-4323

The main purpose of this study was to investigate factors that affect teachers’ performance evaluation system
and to propose the solutions to the problems. 100 students, 35 senior teachers and 16 administrators were
chosen by using a purposive sampling method. The questionnaire and teachers’ personal files were the main
instruments for the data collection. Finally the data were analyzed through correlation coefficient, t-test and
rank order method. The result showed that teachers’ attitude towards their performance evaluation is
negative and it is indicated that teachers’ performance evaluation score by students and administrators
negatively correlated and inconsistent.
Based on the findings, it is suggested that the training should be given to evaluators to improve incompetent
evaluation skill. The evaluation criteria used to evaluate teachers’ performance need to be prepared based
on teachers’ qualification and departments. The stakeholders should reward using valid and reliable
performance evaluation results.

The Maiganga Coal Mine Drainage and Its Effects on Water Quality, North Eastern Nigeria

1Onsachi, J.M., 2Dibal, H. U, 3Daku, S.S

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 324-4333

A hydrogeological study was carried out in Maiganga and environ, Gombe State. The aim of the research was
to determine the major, trace, and rare earth elements content in effluent discharge from the coal mine and its
effect on groundwater and surface water bodies used for drinking and other uses. Twenty five water samples
from different sources (2-hand dug wells, 1-Formation water, 1-mine pond, 2- boreholes and 20 drainage
channel samples) were collected and analyzed. Analyses of the samples were done at ACME Laboratories
Vancouver, Canada and Geology and Mining Department, University of Jos. The combined ICPAES/ICPMS
were used to analyze the major cations, trace and rare earth elements; Ion Chromatography was used to
detect the anions and bicarbonate by titration method. Analysis of coal shows the following results of trace
and rare earth elements: Cu – 1.4 mg/l, Zr – 0.54 mg/l, Zn – 0.2 mg/ l, Ni – 0.08 mg/l, V – 0.34 mg/l, Rb –
0.05 mg/l, Fe – 0.054 mg/l, while the results of As, Sn, Th, Te W, and the others trace and rare earth elements
are below detectable limits. Low values of these elements in both the groundwater and the stream channel
around Maiganga village shows little or no influences of effluent discharge on these water bodies. The pH
range of 7.3 – 9.2 in the drainage channel indicates that the water is neutral to alkaline; and this was due to
the neutralization effect of calcium carbonate on sulphate from the pyrite mineral in the coal, whose sulfur
and iron content are very low. All values for physical and chemical parameters in the other sources of water
are within the W.H.O maximum permissible limit for drinking and livestock uses.

Fast Algorithm for Recognition of 2D Barcode: A Review

Kanika Dutta1 , Sakshi Gupta2 , Manjeet Kaur3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4334-4339

Mobile phones with cameras are the most popular combination for 2D bar code reading, which has
increased the commercial values to use camera phones. The reported work provides discussions on
introducing solutions of the difficulties introduced by low image quality which is the most commonly found in
barcode images taken by a phone camera. This study also compares results of different approaches used for
recognition of 2D barcodes. The relevant discussion on Fourier-Radon transform has been made to estimate
the parameters of the blurring kernel with improved robustness to noise over available techniques.
Experiments on both simulated and real images have shown that blurring kernels can be accurately identified
for a wider range of motion types. For localization of 2D barcodes edge tracing is also proposed for further
validate the initially localized corners. For recognition of 2D barcodes by Richardson Lucy Method is also

Chemical Investigation of Saturated Aliphatic Ester from the Tuber of Dioscorea Bulbifera

Sunil Kumar Rajput1 , Dr H.P. Bhartya2 , Shikha Yadav3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4340-4342

Dioscorea bulbifera (family- Discoreaceae) is found commonly in India. Recent Pharmacological finding
indicate that its tubers possess significant activities, rejuvenating and tonic.
Phytochemical investigations of tubers of this plant give saturated aliphastic ester along with other
constituent. White compound m.p. 690C on the basis of mass fragmentaction patter molecular weight
C53H106O2. The compound did not undergo acetylation mor showed any bind in the region above 3200cm-1
in IR.
The compoupl did not undergo acetylation nor showed any band in the region above 3200 cm-1
in IR
spectrum showing the absence of hydroxyl function. Appearance of absorption bands at 1462, 732 and 720
and the absence of bands in the aromatic region in its IR spectrum, suggested its aliphatic nature. The
non reactivity with 2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine shows the absence of a carbonyl function. The compound
appeared to be an ester as indicated by absorption band at 1732 cm-1
. The presence of peaks at 2918 cm-1
and 2848 cm-1 is diagnostic of the streaching vibration of methylene group.

Monitering System for Human Activity

Vaishali Bayas, Prof S.A.Bhosale

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4343-4346

Healthcare costs is increase as age increase. The healthcare system is now transfer into system in which
continuous monitoring of patient is possible. Without hospitalization continuous monitoring of patients is
possible with help of smart sensing system. There are various system which develop smart system to monitor
activities of the human being, such as embedded systems, wireless communication technologies. Smart
sensing system based on the wearable sensor monitor all the physiological parameters of the patient along
with other symptoms. Sensors detect abnormal situations by monitoring patient. In this we propose smart
sensing system more light-weight, high-performance wearable devices will be available for monitoring a wide
range of activities of human being

A surveillance of MRSA nasal carriage in Community and Health Care Workers

Atif A. Patoli1 , Bushra B. Patoli2 , Dileep Kumar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4347-4351

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is both a human commensal & an important pathogen in disease. It is a
frequent cause of infections in both community and hospital. Being the principal habitant in human nares, S.
aureus is known to disseminate to various body parts through hands, contributing to its infectious
epidemiology. The current study was designed to evaluate the frequency of nasal carriage by Methicillin
Resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in healthy volunteers of Mirpur-Khas region. Both, Community Associated
Population (CAP) and Hospital Associated Population (HAP) were targeted. A total of 207 nasal swab samples
were processed for the isolation of S. aureus. 27% (n=56) of the samples were positive for S. aureus, of which
59% (n=33) were identified as MRSA strains. The OR for nasal carriage by S. aureus and colonization by
MRSA in HAP was calculated to be 4 and 12.05, with statistically significant p-values as (P = 0.0001) and (P
= 0.001) respectively. The OR for nasal carriage by S. aureus and colonization by MRSA in male population
was calculated to be 0.77 and 1.04, with p-values as (P = 0.194) and (P = 0.938) respectively, suggesting
statistically insignificant evidence for gender association.

Message to Africans


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4353-4359

I took a time of thinking about Africa, my home
continent, but the direct cause is history of my
birth country Rwanda that had been in bad politics
and led to Genocide against Tutsi in 1994. This
genocide was supported by some of European
countries and the government of Rwanda headed
by Major General HABYARIMANA Juvenal. For
this I wondered, how can European countries and
their partners help African countries in leadership
and politics? Thus I chose messaging Africans to
remind them on how to plan the good future by
means of African solidarity. This message will
give us a short history of African, African
problems, Solutions of African problems and true
information about genocide against Tutsi in
Rwanda. Come and share to construct our Africa
through African solidarity.

Matumizi Ya Visaiddizi Vya Ufundishaji Msamiati Wa Kiswahili Katika Shule Za Msingi Za Umma, Kaunti Ya Kisumu Mashariki, Kenya

mau Hellen Wambui1 , Pro. Samson Odingi2 , Dr Hamisi Babusa3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4375-4385

Utafiti huu ulishughulikia uchunguzi wa matumizi ya vifaa vya ufundishaji wa msamiati wa kiswahili katika
shule za msingi za umma, Kaunti Ndogo ya Kisumu Mashariki, Kenya. Malengo aliyozingatia mtafiti katika
utafiti huu yalikuwa pamoja na kutambua changamoto zilizopo wakati wa kutumia vinyago, video na chati
katika somo la msamiati katika somo la Kiswahili. Utafiti ulilenga idadi ya walimu kumi wa Kiswahili katika
Shule za msingi katika Kaunti Ndogo ya Kisumu Mashariki. Baadhi ya hizi mtafiti aliteuwa kwa bahati nasibu
walengwa walioteuliwa kama hivi walimu wakuu kumi, walimu wa Kiswahili kumi na wanafunzi kumi.
Walengwa wote walikuwa mia nane ishirini ambao waliimbua asilimia kumi, basi idadi ilio hojiwa ikawa
themanini na wawili. Hojaji zilikuwa tatu za walimu wakuu, walimu wa Kiswahili. Utafiti ulichanganuliwa kwa
kutumia SPSS kuonyesha idadi katika alama za asilimia na uradidi. Baada ya kutafiti na kuchanganua data,
mtafiti alipendekeza haja ya walimu wa Kiswahili kuwa na vikao katika majopo. Vivyo, wataweza kujadili na
kutayarisha visaidizi wanavyohitajika kuboresha uelewekaji wa msamiati. Pamoja na hayo pia watauunda sera
za kutengeneza visaidizi vya somo la Kiswahili zitakazowawezesha kupanga mikakati ya kukaguana wao kwa
wao. Jambo hili litakuza umoja wa kufaana. Mtafiti pia aona kuwa kuna haja washika dau wote wa elimu
kufufua taasisi za Kaunti ili kukuza hitaji la uundaji visaidizi ili walimu wapate kuendeleze ueledi wao wa
kuunda visaidizi ili kuboresha uelewekaji wa dhana za Kiswahili. Kadhalika,washika dau wana changamoto
kubwa ya kuleta mashuleni rasilimali ya kutosha kutengeneza visaidizi vinavyohitajika. Jambo lingine ni kuwa
shule zingetenga sehemu mahususi ya kuhifadhi visaidizi ili vitumike bila uwoga wa kuharibika ama kupotea.
Mwisho, walimu watie misingi thabiti ya ufunzaji msamiati kuanzia madarasa ya chini ili wanafunzi wasielewe
dhana hizi kimakosa kisha wahitajike kurekebishwa baadaye. Jambo hili ndilo lililokita mizizi sehemu nyingi za
Kaunti ya Kisumu Mashariki, Kenya.

A Perspective View of Experimental Learning Theory (ELT) as a tool for Skills Development in Auditing Firms in Lagos State

*Idowu, H.A.O.; Ologunde, A. O.; Soewu, O.A., Ajoge, E.O

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4386-4396

The study was a conscious attempt at establishing a relationship between the adoption of modes under the
experimental learning theory (ELT) by auditing firms, and skills development of trainees and management staff
of such firms. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected. A purposive sample
of 20 auditing firms with business life tenures of (i) 1 ≥ 5 years, (ii) 6 ≥ 10 years, ≥ 15 years and 16 ≥ 20 years
was chosen to ensure a spread of tenure. The findings of the result showed that a positive correlation of 0.813
among research skills, planning skills, corporate relation skills with respect to degree of experience acquired
through the learning process. Similarly, correlation of 0.979 established a relationship between experience on
one hand, and report writing skills and interactions with accounting software, on the other hand. However, a
negative correlation between calculation of accounting ratios and working with people pointed to the
importance of independent intellectual exercise in certain aspects of the learning process. In another dimension,
the working experience of the audit firms revealed that firms with years of experience below 10 years placed
more emphasis on concrete experience and reflective observations while the older ones concentrate on abstract
conceptualization and active experimentation

Labourers of Unorganised sectors and their Problems

Prof. (Dr.) Subhasish Chatterjee

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4397-4405|

It is crystal clear that unorganized labours are living their life below the minimum standards level.
Without a doubt, many informal workers are not in a position to meet their daily requirement. Maximum
numbers of women worker are consistent victims of low wages when contrasted with men. There are
number of legislations for the security of the labour force but those laws are routinely executed in
organized sectors yet in actuality, it is not used methodically in unorganized sectors.
So, here author has tried to focus on various problems of unorganized labour and the necessary
solutions. The data were collected from different secondary resources like books, research paper,
websites, and a range of accessible government reports and in addition to that various informations are
also assembled after discussions with veteran government employees worked in this field

Estimation of Evaporation with Different Methods for Bapatla Region

Er. N. Hari1 , Er. R. Ganesh Babu2 , Dr V. R.K. Murth

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4406-4414

The evaporation is basic need for the crop water requirement. When the water manager or formers are
going to plan of crop for a particular season kharif, rabi and summer to know the water requirement of the
crop to plane the optimization of the allocation of the resource. Accurate estimation of Evapotranspiration
is necessary step in water resources management. Evapotranspiration varies spatially and temporally.
Recently, the Food and Agricultural Organization has suggested FAO-56 PM method (modified PM
method) as a standard method for calculating reference Evapotranspiration (ET0), because this method is
applicable to all types of season and different climates and gives more accurate result when compared
with the physical methods like Lysimeter and Class A Pan. FAO-56 PM method cannot be debated by any
other old methods which require less data for calculating ET0. But FAO-56 PM requires very large
amount of meteorological data, which is not available at full climate stations. So there is need to find out
the next best suitable method after FAO-56 PM method, which will give ETO results nearer to FAO-56 PM
method. Here four different methods are considered for present study, which are radiation based,
temperature based and combine parameters based (FAO-56 modified Penman Monteith, Hargreaves,
Blaney-Criddle, Modified penmen are the methods). The present study concern on the Bapatla region it
concern most of the area under irrigation for that purpose which they need to give the daily evaporation
data. In this study concerned for last 10 years data taken to analyze. Finally the FAO-56 PM has gave the
consistence of the evaporation. So further calculation of evaporation for the Bapatla region has follow to
the FAO-56 PM method to calculate the evaporation.

Improved Fusion based Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation technique

Jasmeen Kaur1 , Kamaljit Kaur2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016), 1 July 2016 , Page 4415-4422|

Image segmentation plays vital role in the biomedical imaging .Image segmentation is the process of
dividing image into segmentation to extract the information. Breast Cancer is most common form of cancer
found in women. The main cause of the disease is still known, only way to cure the disease is the detection
of this disease in early stages. Image segmentation is considered as the one of the efficient method of
detection of the disease. Traditionally various image segmentation techniques have been proposed for the
cancer detection.
The existing system has some problems faced that as in the final stage the optimization based approach is
used to get segmented image there will be some chances to get degraded results because of some
disadvantages that are noticed in case of optimization algorithm .
In this approach a new method is proposed for the detection of cancer. In this frequency as well as spatial
domain segmentation is applied on shows the proposed method is more accurate and efficient than the
traditional method. the image. As by applying the image segmentation is used for dividing the image, to
obtain the image again the image fusion is applied. For fusing the image PCA technique of image fusion is
used. So by applying this technique the quality of the image is not degraded. From the results obtained it is
concluded that this proposed algorithm is better than the traditional used algorithm. A comparison is
performed that shows the proposed method is more accurate and efficient than the traditional method.