Thinking and Experiences as a Base of Philosophical Understanding
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016),
1 July 2016
Page 4274-4278
These philosophical words are words of self minded; many times reading philosophy can confuse someone
because it has many different theories of different thinkers and philosophers. Taking a time of reading
philosophy will lead to over thinking, and the over thinking may lead to becoming a thinker; your thinking will
be influenced by your life experiences. During writing these words of wisdom, I used reading philosophy of
different philosophers; I read philosophy of Hippocrates, Einstein Albert, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and others.
Their understanding helped me to understand myself. Their philosophy helped to develop mine. These words of
wisdom are focusing on current life of people. The one who will read them will help to understand stage of life
and how we struggle to have this life we are in. these words of wisdom also will contribute to beliefs
understanding of people. It is difficult to understanding directly philosophical things, but the explanation given
can help young philosophers what it means. In philosophy everyone has understanding and thinking, these
words of wisdom are not coming to change what people believe or what they think, they are written to show
some understanding of mine in different phenomenon. By the end of my philosophical understanding, i
mentioned some philosophers and their wisdom words. I choose ending by these great philosophers to compare
what they said in their philosophical analysis and what I said in the philosophical understanding of mine. For
philosophers and thinkers, they can do critical analysis and see how some words I said are related words of
some philosophers mentioned in last pages of this article.
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