
A Comprehensive Study on Wireless Sensor Network

Akash Nag1 , Kaushik Roy2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3823-3830

This paper depicts the idea of sensor networks which has been made reasonable by the meeting of microelectro-mechanical systems, wireless communications and digital electronics. To begin with, the detecting
errands and the potential sensor networks applications are investigated, and a survey of variables impacting
the outline of sensor networks is given. At that point, the correspondence design for sensor networks is laid
out, and the calculations and conventions created for every layer in the writing are investigated. Open
exploration issues for the acknowledgment of sensor networks are additionally talked about.

Data Confidentiality and Security in Cloud Computing Using KIST Algorithm

Adesh V. Bhabad1 , Vasant N. Dhatrak2 , Jeevan R. Heda3 ,Gaurav P. Shahane4 , Bajirao S. Shirole5

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3831-3837

Now days quickly expanded utilization of cloud computing in the numerous association and IT
commercial industries and furnishes latest software solution with cost effective. So the cloud computing
give us numerous of advantages with minimum cost and of information openness through Internet. The
guaranteeing security risk of the cloud computing is the part in the distributed computing environment,
the advancing, the evolving quintessence is cloud computing, that is gainful in cost effective parts, such
as, ability inflexible computing, down the time period to advertise and in adequate computing power. By
utilizing the complete capacity of cloud computing, information are transmitted, prepared and put away
on the outside cloud administration suppliers. The truth of the matter is that, the proprietor of the
information is feeling to a great degree unconfident to find their information external to their own
particular control. Security and Secrecy of information put away in the cloud are key setbacks in the
range of of Cloud computing. Security and Secrecy are the key problem for cloud storage. This paper
proposes a KIST encryption calculation to focus on the security and Secrecy problem in cloud storage
furthermore packed figure content information to ensure the information put away in the cloud

Role of Perceived Usefulness, Organisational Readiness, Customer Pressure, Competitive Pressure in Adaption of E-Commerce in Indian SMEs

Prof (Dr.) Indrajit Sinha

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3838-3845

With advancement of hardware, software and internet/intranet and chunk of population adopting to
technology based E-business and is rapidly growing in India particularly in service sector. It has become
necessary for small and medium enterprises to adopt e-business to have competitive advantages. However it is
observed that companies in the same industry implement e-business at different pace. This paper likely to
focus on why some of the SME do and other group do not want adopt e-commerce. Depiction on several
previous research (environmental & organisational factors, Porter’s strategies, technology acceptance) has
led to determine the impact of different predictors namely Organizational Readiness, Competitive Pressure,
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Customer Acceptance on adaptation e-commerce by SMEs in Indian
business environment. A model is designed using these predictors and was empirically tested using survey and
interview data from SMEs in India. The study yield evidence that Organizational Readiness, Competitive
Pressure, Perceived Usefulness,Perceived Customer Pressure were found to be affecting E-business adoption
by Indian SMEs. Implication for SMEs and for further research are discussed.

Sustainable Development for Storage of Surface Water Due to Sinking of Under Ground Water Level: Public Private Partnership

Dr Sanjay Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3846-3858

Degradation of the grazing lands in the Sahel has led to increasing concern about the necessity for
maintaining the right balance between the available water supplies, available vegetation for browse and
grazing, and the intensity of use by livestock. The flat-batter dam, or spread-bank dam, is another water
harvesting method, from the area of Rainfall is about 400 mm but most falls at low intensities. The terrain is
flat or gently sloping sandy soils overlying clay and, together with the low intensity rainfall, this makes
roadbed catchments unsuitable. The coefficient of run-off is not always as high as might be expected from
bare rock surface, and can go down to less than 50 percent due to losses from evaporation, surface
depression storage, and losses through fissures and cracks. Limestones are usually weathered and fissured,
and may yield as little as 25 percent, while a steep solid granite may yield 80 or 90 percent. The yield can
sometimes be increased by sealing the fissures with cement or bitumen. An alternative way of reducing
infiltration is to physically block soil pores on the surface. This can be done by adding bentonite, a very fine
colloidal clay used for sealing the floor of leaking reservoirs, or mixing cement into the surface soil to form a
soil-cement stable layer. The harvesting and use of water by storing it in dams, tanks, and other constructed
containers is too big a subject for detailed treatment with engineering tools .The surface to the ground water
level with respect to qutub is presently 405 ft as on day and it goes on decreasing day to day is subjected to
800 ft in 2030 is measure concern at the present decades .The author predict the storage of the water and
generate the hydro power by connecting the river to river and enhancing the government business is measure
concern and compared to other Asian nation like China covering @ 75% of the electricity produces through
the hydro power 

Design and Implementation of High-Speed Low Power Multipliers Using Reversible Logic

Koustuv Chakraborty1 , Anannya Maiti2 , Santanu Maity 3 , Razia Sultana4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3859-3864

Reversible logic is one of the promising research areas in low power applications such as quantum
computing, optical information processing, DNA computing and also thermodynamic technology,
Nanotechnology and low power CMOS design. In this paper, a novel Reversible logic gate has been proposed
and novel architecture for multiplier is constructed by using ANU gate and PERES gate. A Multiplier is one
of the key hardware blocks in most fast processing system which is not only a high delay block but also a
major source of power dissipation. Power dissipation for Reversible logic gates is very less because of its
reversibility property. The main purposes of designing reversible logic are to decrease quantum cost, depth of
the circuits and the number of garbage outputs. The primary characteristics like garbage outputs, Constant
inputs and number of gates got decreased. The logical calculations also got decreased

Design and implementation of 4-bit Vedic Multiplier

Anannya Maiti 1 , Koustuv Chakraborty 2 , Razia Sultana3 , Santanu Maity4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3865-3868

Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient Indian system of mathematics that was rediscovered in
the early twentieth century from ancient Indian sculptures (Vedas). This paper proposes the design of high
speed Vedic Multiplier using the techniques of Vedic Mathematics that have been modified to improve
performance .The need of high speed multiplier is increasing as the need of high speed processors are
increasing . A Multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most fast processing system which is not only
a high delay block but also a major source of power dissipation. A conventional processor requires
substantially more hardware resources and processing time in the multiplication operation, rather than
addition and subtraction.

Exploration Encryption Mechanism Using Single Key for Public Cloud Storage

Abhilash T P1 , Pranathi P2 , Shalini P M3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3869-3874

Sharing of Data is an main functionality in cloud Computing. In this system, we show how to share data in
securely, flexibly, efficiently, and with others in cloud computing. Cloud storage is a bulk of information
online in cloud which is able to access from various and associated assets. Cloud storage can give great
openness and reputability, solid assurance, disaster recuperation, and most minimal expense. Cloud storage
having significant usefulness i.e. safety, productively, adaptable offering information to others. New public–
key encryption which is called as Enhanced Searchable cryptosystem (ESE) is presented. ESE produce
steady size ciphertexts such that effective authorization of decipherment rights for any arrangement of
ciphertext are conceivable. Any set of secrete keys can be aggregated and make them as single key, which
incorporates force of the considerable number of keys being aggregated. This aggregate key can be sent to
the others for decipherment of ciphertext set and remaining encoded records outside the set are stays secret.

Use of GPS with Road Mapping in LBS for Route leveraging APIs

Pranathi P , Dr H Venugopal,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3875-3880|

A location based service (LBS) is an application for user’s mobile device that requires necessary information
about where the mobile device is located. Location-based services shall be query-based and provide the end
user with valuable information, for e.g. "Which is the nearest movie Theatre?" or they are able to be pushbased and provide coupons or different marketing information to consumers who're in a unique geographical
area. The purpose is to reduce the number of requests issued by the LBS significantly while maintaining
accurate query results. First, we propose to exploit contemporary routes requested from route APIs to reply
queries adequately. Then, we design effective lower/upper bounding tactics and ordering methods to process
queries efficiently. Also, we learn parallel route requests to further diminish the query response time.

Design and Development of Twelve-Spindle Charkha by Converting Two Six-Spindle Charkha

Mr Deep Varma, Mr Kishore H. Watane, Mr Sachin M. Khade, Mr Suyog D. Kokate, Mr Swapnil H. Rathod, Mr Dhiraj B. Patil, Ms Shamal B. Kalmegh, Ms Kajal H. Khedkar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3881-3910

The Khadi industry is one of the largest employment generation initiatives in the country. This sector
employed about 14.79 lakh people both full time and part time in khadi spinning during 1994. However today,
the employment generation has come down to 7 lakh, in 2004.Hence a research has been undertaken to help
the khadi spinner to earn a better wage in his rural home itself by redesigning the spinning wheel and adding
some more spindles without unduly enlarging the size of the spinning machine.
The objectives of the study are clearly defined in the working. The methods to increase the speed of spindle
andproduction rates in the charkha spinning machine have been discussed. Here the researcher has conceived
idea of redesigning thecharkha on the lines of the spinning machines that are working inlarge textile mills. As
the ring frame is built on 6 Spindles per staff length, the researcher has taken 12 spindles so that commercially
available parts are cheaper and could be easily fixed on to themachine frame such as flutted rollers, rings,
spindles and top arms.The" spinning angle and train of wheels to drive the machine have allbeen modified.
Addition of spindlesalso contributes to increased production.
Knowing the Khadi cost chart rate we could easily calculate the wageearnings per day of the spinner. There is
a 105 - 118 percentageincrease in both production and wage earnings to the spinner on the improved 12
spindle charkha machine.The yarns that were spun on different charkhas which are availablecommercially
and compared to the performance of 12 Spindle Charkha for yarn quality. By the present research work,
millions of rural women who arein khadi industry can be retained in charkha spinning without anydrudgery
and earn a reasonable wage of Rs 174 per day for 8 hours working in improved 12 Spindle Charkha spinning.
The yarnproduced from the narrow width spinning charkha with 12 spindles isquite comparable with SITRA
norms and could be used for making bed spreads with optimum returns to the weaver also.
Elongation percentage of yarn and Hairiness Index,in all these parameters studied, the 12 spindle machine
gave good results whichwere comparable to SITRA (South Indian Textile Research Association) norms for
yarn quality.

Varietal susceptibility and effect of antibiotics on little leaf Phytoplasma of brinjal (Solanummelongena L)

Dr Reema Upadhyay

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3911-3914

Among the vegetable crops grown in India, brinjal or egg plant (Solanummelongena L is quite popular.
The crop is highly susceptible to several viruses and phytoplasma (The Wealth of India 1972) . Out of
various pathogens and diseases, the little leaf disease cause by phytoplasma is the most serious disease in
India ( Anjaneyulu et. al. 1968, Verma 1969, Srinivasan and Chelliah 1978). To study the varietal
susceptibility and effect of antibiotics the experiments have been done on eleven varieties of brinjalie.
Barahmasia, Black beauty, H-5, H-6, Long White Egg, PusaKranti, Pusa Purple Cluster, Pusa Purple
Long, Pusa Purple Round, Supriya, Surbha etc. For control measures different antibiotics used were
Biophenicol, Chlorophenicol, Enteromycelin, Lycercelin, Paraxin, Roscillin, Camphicillin,
Oxytetracycine, Chlorotetracycline, Rose oil, Clove oil, Eucalyptus oil etc. The disease spread slowly and
less effectively in Surbha and Pusa Purple Cluster suggesting that these varieties has some resistance to
little leaf phytoplasma. No flowers and fruits were observed in any of the plant suggesting that spraying of
these chemicals did not showed any effect in controlling the disease.

Experimental Study on the Performance of Alkali Resistant Glass Fibre Reinforced Concret

Kariappa M. S1 , Prof.G.N.Shete2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3915-3922

Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete is recent introduction in the field of concrete technology. The present day world
is witnessing the construction of very challenging and difficult Civil Engineering Structures. Concrete being the
most important and widely used material is called upon to possess very high strength and sufficient workability
properties. Concrete the most widely used construction material has several desirable properties like high
compressive strength, stiffness, durability under usual environmental factors. At the same time concrete is brittle
and weak in tension. Efforts are being made in the field of concrete technology to develop high performance
concretes by using fibres and other admixtures in concrete upto certain proportions. To improve
the concrete properties, the system was named alkali resistance glass fibre reinforced concrete in the present
view the alkali resistance glass fibre has been used. In the present experimental investigation the alkali
resistance Glass Fibres has been used to study the effect on compressive, split tensile and flexural strength on
M30 grade of concrete

Emotion Based Music System

Miss. Disha Rabashette1 , Miss. Rhutuja Tale2 , Miss. Ashwini Hinge3 , Miss. Karishma Padale4 , Miss. Rutuja Chavan5 , Prof. Nutan Deshmukh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3923-3927

The human face is an important organ of an individual‘s body and it especially plays an important role in
extraction of an individual‘s behavior and emotional state. Manually segregating the list of songs and
generating an appropriate system based on an individual‘s emotional features is a very tedious, time
consuming, labor intensive and upheld task. Various algorithms have been proposed and developed for
automating the system generation process. However the proposed existing algorithms in use are
computationally slow, less accurate and sometimes even require use of additional hardware like sensors.
This proposed system based on facial expression extracted will generate a system automatically thereby
reducing the effort and time involved in rendering the process manually. Thus the proposed system tends to
reduce the computational time involved in obtaining the results and the overall cost of the designed system,
thereby increasing the overall accuracy of the system. Testing of the system is done on both user dependent
(dynamic) and user independent (static) dataset. Facial expressions[1] are captured using an camera. The
accuracy of the emotion detection algorithm used in the system for real time images is around 85-90%,
while for static images it is around 98- 100%.The proposed algorithm on an average calculated estimation
takes around 0.95-1.05 sec to generate an emotion based music system. Thus, it yields better accuracy in
terms of performance and computational time and reduces the designing cost, compared to the algorithms
used in the literature survey.

Agriculture at a Click Using PLC & SCADA

Gauri Satish Joshi1 , Nikita Vishnu Bhujbal2 , Subodh Mohanrao Kurkute3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3928-3932

The project emphasizes on automation of agriculture and to make farming easy using advanced
technologies. Our project focuses on four main aspects of modern farming. Firstly, drip irrigation optimizes
the use of water in the field. Automatic tank level control for the storage tank ensures sufficient amount of
water storage. Secondly, use of shade net reduces the risk of crop destruction due to external parameters
like untimely rain, hailstones or excessive temperature. It also increases the crop yield by temperature
regulation in the shade net. Thirdly, a robust controller, PLC is used for the fully automated control. Lastly,
agriculture can be done just by one click system developed by us keeping the database required for farming
at the back end and SCADA at the front end for a user friendly interface.
Keywords- Recipe Management in SCADA, PLC & SCADA, Real time mo

Performance of DSTATCOM in Conjunction with DG Operation for Power - Quality Improvement

G.Vamsi Krishna1 , T.Srinivasa Rao2 , U. Anjaiah3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3933-3938

With the increase in the use of renewable sources, application of Distributed Generation in the distribution
system has acquired more attention. Distributed Generation has become increasingly more accepted since
the demand for reliable and secure power systems with high power quality increases. Distributed generation
will continue to be an effective energy solution under certain conditions and for certain types of customers,
particularly those with needs for emergency power, uninterruptible power. A Distribution static
compensator (DSTATCOM) is a shunt compensation device that is generally used to solve power quality
problems in the distribution systems. In all electric power systems, power quality issues arise due to high
energy demand loads such as pulse loads. In this paper a new algorithm to generate reference voltage for a
distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) operating in voltage-control mode is preferred. The proposed
scheme ensures that unity power factor (UPF) is achieved at the load terminal during nominal operation. In
this paper, implementing Power quality circuit with voltage source converter in the BLDC Motor drive using
Distributed Generation is developed. Simulation work is performed using MATLAB / SIMULINK

Effect of irrigation, fertilizer package and planting density on growth and yield of Boro rice (var. BRRI dhan28)

M. Z. Haque1 , M. S. A. Fakir, J. C. Biswas , S. S. Zaman, M. H. Rahman

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3939-3946

An experiment was conducted at farmer’s field at Pirgonj, Tharkurgaon, during February to May, 2003 with
a view to find out the effect of irrigation and fertilizer management along with planting density on growth
and yield of boro rice (BRRI dhan28). The treatments were two watering viz., continuous standing water and
irrigation at 3 days after water disappearance (DAWD), two fertilizer packages viz., BRRI recommended
fertilizer dose (urea 220 kg, TSP 120, MP 85 kg, gypsum 60 kg and zinc sulphate 10 kg ha-1
) and soil test
based fertilizer (urea 277 kg, TSP 198, MP 111 kg, gypsum 60 kg and zinc sulphate 10 kg ha-1
) application
and 3 planting densities (27, 33 and 68 plants m-2
). The experiment was laid out in a split-split plot design
with 3 replications. Irrigation was assigned in the main plot, fertilizer in sub plot and planting density in the
sub-sub plot. Continuous standing water significantly influenced effective tiller production, number of grains
, 1000-grain weight, grain and biological yield compared to irrigation at 3 DAWD. Grain yield in
both the water management was increased by about 11% in soil test based fertilizer application compared to
BRRI recommended fertilizer dose. Grain yield and biological yield were significantly higher both at 27 and
33 plants m-2
irrespective of fertilizer and water management. The number of effective tillers, grains panicle1
and harvest index were the higher when planting density was 27 m-2
. Total cost of production was higher in
continuous standing water culture compared to irrigation at 3 DAWD irrespective of fertilizer management.
It is concluded that irrigation at 3 DAWD and soil test based fertilizer management with 27 plants m-2
economically viable for boro rice cultivation in light textured soils under Pirganj (Thakurgaon).

Implementation of A Cross Platform Configuration Manager for Automating Various Tasks Involved in Wild fly Server

Sushma.V1 , Dr K Sundeep Kumar2 , Prof Nijaguna G S3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3947-3950|

Cloud computing has revolutionized the computing landscape by providing on demand, pay-as-you-go
access to elastically scalable resources. Many applications are now being migrated from on-premises data
centers to public clouds. The upcoming OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud
Applications (TOSCA) standard provides new ways to enable portable automated deployment and
management of composite applications. TOSCA describes the structure of composite applications as
topologies containing their components and their relationships. Plans capture management tasks by
orchestrating management operations exposed by the components. This chapter provides an overview on the
concepts and usage of TOSCA. Our automated parallel approach makes the composite application
deployment run in parallel when there are installation dependencies across multiple servers. We
implemented a prototype system on Chef, a widely used automatic server installation framework, and
evaluated the performance of our composite application deployment on a Soft Layer public cloud using two
composite application server cases.

An Intelligent and Electronic System based Classification and Prediction for Heart Disease Diagnosis

Basheer Mohammed Al-Maqaleh1 , Ahmed Mohammed Gasem Abdullah2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3951-3963|

The healthcare industry collects massive amounts of healthcare data which, unfortunately, are not “mined”
to discover hidden information for effective decision making. Discovery of hidden patterns and relationships
often goes unexploited. Advanced data mining techniques can help remedy this situation. This research has
developed a prototype An Intelligent System based Classification and Prediction for Heart Disease
Diagnosis using data mining techniques, namely, Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes and Neural Network. Results
show that each technique has its unique strength in realizing the objectives of the defined mining goals. An
Intelligent System based Classification and Prediction for Heart Disease Diagnosis using data mining
techniques can answer complex “what if” queries which traditional decision support systems cannot. Using
medical profiles such as age, sex, L.V and Ejection Fraction it can predict the likelihood of patients getting
a heart disease. It enables significant knowledge, e.g. patterns, relationships between medical factors
related to heart disease.
Index Termsـــــــ Data Mining, Ejection Fraction, Heart Disease, Decision Support System, Classification
Techniques, intelligent system

An Index to Quantify global world educational‘s Engineering and medical Scientific Research Output

Dr Sanjay Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3968-3977

The concept of new knowledge were analyzed based in the citation , impact factor, cited and un cited papers
and h-index were basis of a contemporary tendency of parameterization of everything and the potential
measure of the knowledge progress, which recognizes individuals, institutions, national and international
university in Engineering sub-disciplines such civil engineering, mechanical engineering, automation,
minining, transport, environmental etc were quantify h-index for prediction of gross domestic productive and
unproductive of the research output over the world in which the highest index in the world was US and UK.
It has been found that the population of the best keeps basically the same relations between the h-index and a
number of publication, and between the h-index and a citation number. However, even the best in
Engineering should publish 2-3 times a year or more papers to receive the same h-index as top scientists or
Professor or best Engineer or Doctor in Engineering or medicals sciences in overall domains.
The Author Dr Sanjay Gupta made emphasis over the slope of the number of publication and impact factor of
the technical manuscript as per the world Scale. The numerical value after analysis of the slope existing in
between or less than 1,2,3 , the output of the international or national university can be categorized on the
individual Professor research output and minimum h-index for the professor .All three categories gave a
nation best gross domestic product research output. Out of all three categories less than 3 , gave the excellent
performance of the individual , university and international university .The Author elaborated slope based on
their own research output and giving a scale of approximately 3. The Author Dr Sanjay Gupta has achieved
an excellent research output in Civil Engineering in world scale. The Nobel prizes achieved all over the
world were also represented with world scale of Hrich index based on the Hi index starting from 15 to 75 for
a non technical physics papers. Keeping the view of the world scale the Author Dr Sanjay Gupta
achievement during the entire career varying H-Index in between 20-30 In Civil Engineering.
The mechanism how to increase the h-index has been presented based on the WOS, scoupos or DOI as well
as Google. Some similarities between H-index and the journal impact factor (JIF) have been stressed. Also
the universal role of H-index in ranking countries in all areas and in Engineering and medical sciences.
Key words: Bibliometric indicators, citations, citation metrics, h-index, country rank, SCImago indicator,
disciplines, domestic Engineering sub-disciplines, statistics.

A Review On Under Ground Water Dowsing Phenomenon

Rajender1 , Venkatesh2 , Lavanya Kunduru3 , S.C.R.Roshan4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3978-3981

The Underground water presence can be detected by Dowsing techniques, the current article provides
details regarding such techniques, reason for the same and how these help in finding out the regions of
water bearing. Perturbations on the earth's magnetic field may coincide with the existence of groundwater.
The suggestion is also made that water dowsers may get a dowsing reaction as a result of entering a change
in magnetic gradient

E-Commerce Online Purchasing Based On Comparison

Alvin Ben Mathew1 , Remya Ravi2 , Sumesh Mohan3 , Thangam. Ramakrishnan4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3982-3988

An online shopping system that permits a customer to submit online orders for items and/or services from a store
that serves both walk-in customers and online customers. The online shopping system presents an online display
of an order cutoff time and an associated delivery window for items selected by the customer. The system accepts
the customer's submission of a purchase order for the item in response to a time of submission being before the
order cutoff time. The online shopping system does not settle with a credit supplier of the customer until the item
selected by the customer is picked from inventory but before it is delivered. Therefore, the customer can go online
and make changes to the order. In addition, available service windows are presented to the customer as a
function of customer selected order and service types; and further, the order picking is assigned in accordance
with a picker's preference.

The Effect of Carbonated Beverage on the Surface Morphology of Bleached Enamel- an In Vitro Study

Dr Marisha Dahal1 , Dr Sandhya Joshi2 , Dr A.R. Vivekananda Pai

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3989-3994

Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of carbonated beverage, Coca-Cola on 15%
carbamide peroxide gel bleached enamel under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Materials and Methods: 40 premolars were embedded into acrylic blocks with their buccal enamel surface
exposed. They were divided into 5 groups (A,B,C,D and E) and each group having 8 number of teeth. Group A
served as an unbleached group and group B,C,D and E were treated using 15% carbamide peroxide gel.
Following this, group C, D and E were exposed to Coca-Cola once, twice and thrice respectively, at 6 hourly
interval by immersing the samples in 32.5 ml of Coca- Cola. This entire procedure was carried out for 7 days
and the surface morphological changes of enamel were examined under SEM. Morphological changes on
enamel surface were evaluated using Yeh et al (2005)modification of Hobson’s acid-etch pattern on enamel.
Results: In comparison to group A, statistically significant values were found in group B (p=0.037), C
(p=0.027), D (p=0.011) and statistically more significant value in group E(p=0.004).Further,in relation to
group B, statistically significant value was observed only in group E (p=0.025).
Conclusion: From the present study, it can be concluded that 15% carbamide peroxide gel causes significant
morphological alterations on enamel surfaces. These alterations were increased further by the exposure to
carbonated beverage Coca-Cola especially with the increase in the number of exposures to Coca-Cola.

Design & Fabrication of ACV

Prof Roshan R. Shrirao, Mr Sachin P. Kale, Mr Dipak K. Rakhde, Mr Ajinkya S. Kh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 3995-4015

Air Cushion Vehicle is a machine that can move on the land surface or water and it is supported by cushion
that has high compressed air inside. The cushion is a closed canvas and better known as a skirt. An ACV
moves on most of surface either in rough, soft or slippery condition. The design and construction of an ACV
with full basic function is reported by taking into consideration, size, material and component availability
intermediate fabrication skill. In-depth research was carried out to determine the component of ACV system
and their basic function and in particular it’s principle of operation. For this research project, there are two
basic requirements. The first requirement is to design and construct a physical model of ACV. The second
requirement is to control motion of constructed ACV and to make it suitable torun on water and land surfaces.
The fabrication of designed ACV by using material that are easily available by taking into consideration the
economic constraints and time constraints. The systems that can be used to increase human life quality during
military operations, pipeline survey, and border patrol, during the natural disaster and situation faced by
human are such as earthquake, flood etc. Further research is required to improve the efficiency of ACV

An Experimental Investigation of Strength of “Granite Fines Concrete

Dige S.S1 , Prof G. N. Shete2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 4016-402

Granite fines which are the byproduct produced in granite factories while cutting huge granite rocks to the
desired shapes. While cutting the granite rocks, the powder produced is carried by the water and this water is
stored in tanks. After evaporation of water the granite dust remained is transported and disposed on the lands.
Disposing this granite fines is a major problem in an Urban set up. Factories are situated close to the
residential areas that in case random disposal of the granite fines would lead to health hazards of the people
dwelling in the areas in particular and also would prove to be an environmental hazard in general. With the
properties of the granite fines, i.e., its size and fineness, it can be very effectively used as a filler material in
the concrete, replacing the fine aggregate which will help in filling up the pores in the concrete which is
otherwise porous. Filling up of the pores by the granite fines increase the strength of the concrete and also a
material which is abundantly available and which has a disposal problem can be made use effectively. In this
paper an attempt is made experimentally to investigate the Strength Behavior of Concrete with the use of
Granite Fines as an additive.
Concrete is prepared with granite fines as a replacement of fine aggregate in 5 different proportions namely
0%,10%,15%,20%and 25%various tests such as compressive strength, tensile strength and Flexural strength
are investigated and these values are compared with the conventional concrete without granite fines.

Comparative Study of Surface Hardened Automobile Gears

Swapnil R. Nimbhorkar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 4024-4028

As my research concerned it is basically concentrate on “To study the effect of case hardening treatment on
the structure and properties of automobile gears, which consist of carburizing process which is a case
hardening process.” Case hardening is the process of hardening the surface of metal, often low carbon steel
by infusing elements into the metal surface forming a hard, wear resistance skin but preserving a tough and
ductile applied to gears, ball bearings, railway wheels. Comparative study of the following gears viz. grade
of EN353, SAE8620 and 20MNCR5 are done in my research. The basic study in my research is Procedural
study, Micro structure study, Testing of hardness gradient of automobile gears.

Homestead plant diversity in the south-central coastal saline region of Bangladesh: utilization and conservation

Atikullah, S. M1 , Hossain, A.B.M. E2 , Miah, G.U3 , M. Oliur Rahman

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 4029-4041

The present study has found a total of 189 plant species belonging to 152 genera and 74 families growing
in homesteads in the south-central coastal region of Bangladesh. Despite variation of species diversity was
found in different saline zones the highest numbers of species were recorded in moderately saline zone.
Distribution of existing plant species were recorded as 67.20% trees and 32.80% were woody, non-woody
and climber types. The family Euphorbiaceae followed by Poaceae and Fabaceae represented highest
number of species. On an average, 181 species existed per homestead. Distribution of species in different
saline zones varied and it was highest in less saline zone (37.16%) followed by strongly saline (32.55%),
and moderately saline (30.29%) zones. The most prevalent timber tree species are Albizia richardiana,
Swietenia macrophylla and Samanea saman. Adaptation of different species in various saline zones widely
varied due to different levels of salinity while Cocos nucifera as fruit species was almost equally dominant
in all saline zones. The diversity indices of different categories of plant species varied in various saline
zones. Diversity of timber-yielding species in all the saline zones was higher than fruit-yielding species
along with other species because of rapid economic return and diversified purposes such as fuel wood, pole
and timber. Prevalence value of good number of species decreased at a very low level may be considered
as gradually decreasing from homesteads of this region. Species need to preserve in the homesteads
through in-situ conservation measure.

Accurate Personal Identification by Hand Gesture Recognition

Shilpa K N1 , Janardhan Singh2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 4042-4048

Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting
human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but
commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the field include emotion recognition from
face and hand gesture recognition. In this paper, we present an automatic hand gesture recognition
approach from different images based on scale invariant feature transform and shape based features. We
present an approach for identifying and recognizing different hand sign expression of the human. The
objective of the proposed system is to design an approach which automatically detects the hand and
identifies the different hand sign expression of the human. The proposed approach presents a very low
degree of complexity, which makes it suitable for real-time applications, the feature points or key points
detected and mapped along with the hand sign image. Depending upon the selected features and the
measured region properties of the human hand sign, the different sign expression of the human was further
classified using SVM. The proposed method is superior compared with other state-of-the-art approaches and
that the analysis of the general image quality of the hand sign images reveals highly valuable information

Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Colour Image Enhancement Considering Brightness Preservation Constraint

J.Vinothini1 , R. Ashok Bakkiyaraj

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016), 1 May 2016 , Page 4049-4055

Colour image enhancement plays an important role in Digital Image Processing. Color images provide more
and better off information for visual perception than that of the gray images. The purpose of image
enhancement is to get finer details of an image and highlight the useful information. During poor illumination
conditions, the images appear darker or with low contrast. Such low contrast images needs to be enhanced.
Image enhancement can be achieved by applying Histogram Equalization (HE) and it is widely used due to its
simplicity and effectiveness. However, together with some advantages HE hampers the mean brightness, due
to these grounds it is not enviable to implement HE in colour image enhancement. In order to overcome this
problem this paper proposes a new-fangled contrast enhancement and brightness preservation technique
based on Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm for quality improvement of the low dynamic range images.
The proposed method is expected to provide better enhanced output image and preserve brightness of the
enhanced image very close to the input image and the resulted images were suitable for consumer electronic