Data Confidentiality and Security in Cloud Computing Using KIST Algorithm
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016),
1 May 2016
Page 3831-3837
Now days quickly expanded utilization of cloud computing in the numerous association and IT
commercial industries and furnishes latest software solution with cost effective. So the cloud computing
give us numerous of advantages with minimum cost and of information openness through Internet. The
guaranteeing security risk of the cloud computing is the part in the distributed computing environment,
the advancing, the evolving quintessence is cloud computing, that is gainful in cost effective parts, such
as, ability inflexible computing, down the time period to advertise and in adequate computing power. By
utilizing the complete capacity of cloud computing, information are transmitted, prepared and put away
on the outside cloud administration suppliers. The truth of the matter is that, the proprietor of the
information is feeling to a great degree unconfident to find their information external to their own
particular control. Security and Secrecy of information put away in the cloud are key setbacks in the
range of of Cloud computing. Security and Secrecy are the key problem for cloud storage. This paper
proposes a KIST encryption calculation to focus on the security and Secrecy problem in cloud storage
furthermore packed figure content information to ensure the information put away in the cloud
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