
E-Transaction Without Using Trusted Third Party Based On RSA Signature

Saurabh Milind Borate, Prof Jadhav Abhijit .D., Miss Nilkant Pooja D., Mr Jangam Abhijit R.

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

E transaction allows to support two parties exchange their obligation over the internet. Based on the RSA algorithm we are going to deal this protocol in this paper. In the existing or previous system , use of third party seems to increase the risk in dealing. In this paper we are going to built an independent web application by removing third party. We Are going to provide security between dealing parties.RSA –based act of finding such a solution, since the third party(court)  is going to involve in the condition if and only if one of  the dealing parties is cheated or the channel is misused. Furthermore the proposed system introduced new technology i.e., Trusted E-Transaction if any party is cheated with the other party then whole transaction is terminated. Active Bundle which is mediator that contain private confidential data proposed system gives security and improve the performance virtual machine that contain protection rules and policies.

             The RSA Algorithm is used for signing and verifying identity the digital signature is the combination of private and public key. the private key plays the role of senders own signature. the senders public key plays the role copy of signature which are available to the public.

Wireless networks

Kimmi Makkar, Meenakshi Janghu, Poonam Tanwar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

The arrival of wireless technology has reduced the human efforts for accessing data at various locations by replacing wired infrastructure with wireless infrastructure and also providing access to devices having mobility .Since wireless devices need to be small and bandwidth constrained, some of the key challenges in wireless networks are Signal fading, mobility, data rate enhancements, minimizing size and cost, user security and (Quality of service) QoS. Speaking of Wireless LAN, the general thought is about data transfer while using applications such as web browser, e-mail client, etc. As the technology is advancing, Wireless LANs are now also capable of supporting time-sensitive services such as voice and video. These services have stringent service

requirements from the network infrastructure. These requirements supersede the requirements of general data. The wireless industry is undergoing a change. We see the evolution from cellular 2G to  3G standards, the migration from circuit to packet applications, and the procession of  voice to data. We also see the industry incorporating new wireless access technologies  such as WiFi and WiMAX. All of this is happening in a market place where voice subscriber penetration levels in many parts of the world are saturating and there is   incredible pressure to reduce network capital and operating costs. These conditions  present significant technology challenges to increase customer demand and further increase  network capacity to lower network costs .This paper is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the Research Issues and Challenges in wireless networks.


Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge on Total Parenteral Nutrition for Staff Nurses


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Background and Purpose of The Study:

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), a form of central venous nutrition therapy, used when the patient needs intensive nutritional support for an extended period. Is an exciting therapeutic intervention for the critically ill patient, as well as for the patient with permanent small bowel dysfunction requiring long-term nutrition support. Nurses must play a vital role in supporting optimal response to parenteral nutrition therapy, minimizing complications.

Keywords: self instruction module,total parenteral nutrition,staff nurse,purposive  sampling

Pollution of Soil Due To Leather Factory Near Ranipet, Tamil Nadu (India)

M. Loganathan, Jothi Narendiran. N

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Nature mainly consists of air, water and soil. In balancing of any three causes major problems in natural process. Soil provides all the basic needs to us and is the most important medium for growing plants. Soil is one of the most important Ecological factor, which is transformed from the surface rocks and plants depend on it for their nutrition, water supply and mineral supply. It also causes the pollution in soil as well as in water and air where leather industries are situated. It has been observed that constant fall of leather waste on soil causes pollution. Chemical analysis of soil in the industrial area of leather has been studied and it was observed that as the distance from factory increases, the effect of soil pollution decreases, considerably for PH, Nitrogen. Phosphorus and Potassium content. The fertility of soil is mainly because of N.P.K. contents, which is hardened by salt (Na+,K+,Mg2+) deposits on the soil surface, and not availability of these prime elements to the agriculture. The loss of agriculture is great hazard to the mankind for generations together.

Key Words :Chromium, pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Salts,.

Readiness in providing E-governance: A case study of Dhaka City Corporation, Bangladesh

Md. Qamruzzaman

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

The concept of e-government has been emerged in the late 1990s. But application of information technology in every aspect creates a new horizon of development. In the meantime, the government of Bangladesh declared its Vision 2021 regarding ‘‘the Digital Bangladesh’’.With a commitment to facilitating easy access to, creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge and knowledge systems likely known as e-governance. This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of e- governance in government local authority focusing Dhaka City Corporation, is one of the most integrated institution who provide value added services to citizens as well as to what extent DCC is ready to adopt such management practice while providing value added service to public. It is explored by the study that existing infrastructure of DCC is not adequate to implement e-governance services properly because of to current employee skills and training efforts are inadequate to advance the e-services at a full online as well as technological infrastructure, DCC is not yet competent. This study found insufficient number of computers and weak internet connection as major infrastructural obstacles. The infrastructural requirement of DCC is nearly double than its running equipments and other technological facilities.

Key words: E-governance, Digital Bangladesh, Information and communication technology

Error Free Cryptographic Secure Communication Using LDPC and Stopping Set Algorithm

Prof. Devendra.O. Shamkuwar, Mrs. Kanchan Suresh Shinde, Mr. Rameshwar.G. Wavhal, Mr. Somnath.B. Nikam, Mr. Somnath.R. Pande

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Abstract— In this paper we discuss how LDPC and Stopping set can be used in communication system design. In cryptographic secure communication we are transmitting data securely. LDPC algorithm implemented at sender side and stopping set algorithm are implemented receiver side to providing secure and error free communication. To make a strong security we are applying double encryption technique. LDPC algorithm protected under RSA algorithm. If hacker make modification in original data at that time that modified data can not received by the receiver. Whenever the eavesdropper attack on system and it has better channel Quality than the receiver at that time it difficult to receive original data or error free data. this security is achieved by using LDPC and stopping set algorithm.

Index Terms— Cryptography, LDPC, Stopping Set, Eavesdroppers.


Ananth Thangarajan, Balakumar P

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

This paper describes to improve the security in cloud system when end-user communicates with the cloud server. In order to make a connection between end-user and the Cloud Server, first end-user or Cloud Server make sure that they are communicating with right counterpart. Multi-Key encryption concept is used to encrypt the request message or data which is sent from end-user or also from Cloud Server. Request message sent by end-user to cloud server should matches with the response received from by end-user from cloud server. Multi-key concept takes more number of iteration when compared to single-key concept when trying to validate the requested message. Multi-Key concept is more secured than single-key.


B.Annalakshmi, Dr.C.Antony Jeyasehar, Dr.P.Valli

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Abstract: Any project that is going to be involved in construction industry must start with the general planning before engaging with the contractors. Planning is defined as the process of developing the project plan. Planning outlines how the project is to be done by specifying some pre-determined and committed future course of action to achieve its goal. Generally planning is of two types namely Pre-planning and Actual planning. Pre-planning summarizes the detailed information about productivities and work volumes in building construction. Actual planning is any changes in the on-going process due to the above said factors are rectified. This study aims at collection of data regarding Pre- planning and Actual planning. A comparative study is to be done about the failures and drawbacks of the Pre-planning and success of the Actual planning using Microsoft Project


Prof. JadhavAbhijit D., Ambavane Pooja R, Patil Mrunalini A., Shewale Kalyani G., Vishwasrao Shyama P.

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

- In every country Election is nothing but the basic ornament of democracy that allows country people to show their opinions by electing their leaders in accordance with their choice. In our country the voting percentage is very poor and it is degrading day by day also during voting there may be chances of cheating like Booth Capturing or  people  votes can be casted to different candidates other than the one whom they wished to give away their votes. This happens in our regular voting system. To avoid all the drawbacks in all the traditional manual election systems’ problems, our aim is to cast Online Voting System employing biometrics in order to avoid frauds and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the election so that one can cast his vote irrespective of his location, Biometric systems are the system which make identification of people according to their physical characteristics which are unique always. Biometric methods consist of fingerprint, face recognition, hand shape, retina, voice tracking, iris recognition, palm print methods.                        

We have tried to make a sincere effort to put a stop to all the malicious activities & safeguard the right of voting of each & every individual of country. The software will provide a user friendly GUI using which the voters can cast their votes according to their choice to the corresponding candidates. Different levels of security would be provided in the software which would help in authentication of an individual. Thus we plan to make the voting process friendly, secure & effective one.

Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network: A Review

Ruchi Singh, Meenakshi Pant

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is emerging field of research for multimedia communication. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of spatially distributed devices using sensors in a dense manner. This network monitors the physical or environment conditions. In the past, conventional data communication was the major interest in research community. Now the growing needs of technology develop research space for multimedia communication. This envisioned the applications may able to capture information in the form of multimedia such as image, audio and video. The popularity of these applications highlighted the limitations or technical challenges of multimedia communication. In this paper, a review on the application areas and technical challenges on the multimedia communication of the WSN is presented.

Keywords: WSN, Multimedia Communication, Conventional Data Communication, Spatially Distributed Devices

The Query Planning for Continuous Aggregation and Queries Using Data Aggregators


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014


Continuous aggregation queries are used to monitor the changes in data with time varying for online decision making. For continuous queries low cost and scalable techniques used a network of aggregators. Individual node cannot by itself determine its inclusion in the query result for this different algorithmic challenges from aggregate and selection queries are presented. At specific coherencies each data item can serve for a set of data aggregators. Technique involves disseminating query into sub query and sub queries are executed on the chosen data aggregators. We build a query cost model which can be used to estimate the number of refresh messages which is required to satisfy the client specified incoherency bound. Performance results shows that by our method the query can be executed using less than one third the messages required for existing schemes. Our adaptive strategy employs distributed decisions made by the distributed servers independently based on localized statistics collected by each server at runtime. When comparatively static environment, propose two motionless tree construction algorithms relying on apriori system statistics. These static trees can also be used as early trees in a dynamic environment and apply our schemes to both single  and multi object distribution. Our extensive performance study illustrate that the adaptive mechanisms.

Index Terms — Algorithms, Continuous Queries, Data Dissemination, Distributed Query Processing, Coherency, Performance.

Profitability Analysis of Selected New Private Sector Banks in India: Who is better?

Jyoti Ainapur

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014


New private sector banks developed the concept of direct selling agents who reached out to customers with credit products, taking loans to the customer’s doorstep. Not only did the private sector banks expand in this manner, their example forced public sector banks to also adopt similar strategies. Financial ratio analysis is a technique for evaluating the financial strengths and weaknesses of business entity. These ratios allow investors to look at the company in an objective way, for most of the profitability ratios having a higher value relative to competitor’s ratio or the same ratio form a previous period is indicative that the company is doing well. So the present study has been undertaken to analyze the profitability of selected new private sector banks in India and to know who is better

Remote Automatic Meter Reading System with Instant Billing for MSEB

Prof. Devidas Thosar, Pratiksha Gadekar, Tejashri Kadam, Neelam Paraji Jadhav

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

An RAMR (Remote Automatic Meter Reading) system is used to automatically collect data from various meters located in different area. In this paper we design and implement a Wireless Automatic Meter Reading System to solve the problem in existing AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system. The system consists of wireless modules, transmitters, receivers, measure meters and management center (as a server).We describes a system framework including the hardware of wireless module and software design of data acquisition. We also develop the operator interface on management center. Finally, we build up a Wireless Automatic voltage Meter Reading System as a case study. The proposed system has board application foreground in industry. Because of the traditional way of metering error and low efficiency, so we have propose household metering system design using 89C51 as the microcontroller and RF as a Radio Frequency channel between Transmitter and Receiver chip as close communication function, using RS232 act as a interface between Receiver and Server. Clustering structure of the network to reduce Energy- saving sleep cycle, data traffic has been achieved. An experiment proves that this system is safe.

Implementation and Comparison of Microstrip Patch Antenna and Co-Planar waveguide Antenna

Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Junaid khan, Muhammad Abid Saeed, Muhammad Faheem Siddique

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

The aim of this work is to design a microstrip patch antenna (MPA) and coplanar waveguide antenna (CPW) and then compared the performance of both antennas. The performance metrics, on the basis of which the antennas are compared, are gain, directivity, radiation efficiency and return loss. The center frequency is 5.5GHz which is fixed for both antennas and the material used as substrate is Roger RT 5880.  The directivity of microstrip patch antenna is 7.742dBi and that for coplanar waveguide is equal to 2.735dBi. The radiation efficiency of MPA is -1.758dB and for CPW is 0.051dB.  The antennas are designed using CST MWS.

Bottle shape cut slot Microstrip patch antenna

Khushboo Naruka, Prof.(Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

This paper presents a bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna and experimentally studied on IE3D, an electromagnetic simulation package by Zeland Software Inc.. In, the presented work an rectangle patch is taken  and that rectangal patch of dimensions, is cut into the slot than the previous one is removed from it ,a shaped  is formed that  shped is named as “A bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna “,After simulation through different frequencies the best result. A bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna is designed on a FR4 substrate of thickness 1.524 mm and relative permittivity of 4.4 and mounted above the ground plane at a height of 1.6 mm.In base shape microstrip patch antenna ,Bandwidth is 4% at 4.5GHz and 4% at 4.9GHz but In bottle shape cut slot , Bandwidth as high as 6.4 %& 4.8% at 7.10GHz & 7.82% are achieved with stable pattern characteristics, such as gain and cross polarization, within its bandwidth. Impedance bandwidth, antenna gain and return loss are observed for the proposed antenna. Details of the measured and simulated results are presented and discussed.

A Study of Weibull Distribution to Analyze the Wind Speed at Jogimatti in India

K. Sukkiramathi, C.V. Seshaiah, D. Indhumathy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Wind is an available resource in nature that could be utilized by mechanically converting wind power into electricity using wind turbines. Wind energy is an indirect form of solar energy. Various probability distribution models were used for the statistical analysis of recorded wind speeds. This paper investigates the probability distributions of wind speed based on  wind speed data recorded at JOGIMATTI station in INDIA. The   Weibull distribution and  Weibull-Weibull probability  distribution  function, Mixture  Gamma and Weibull distribution, Mixture Normal and Weibull distribution  and Maximum Endrophy distribution  are adopted in this study to fit the wind speed data. It is found from the hypothesis test that  Weibull distribution is more appropriate than the other distribution. This best fit probability distribution can be used to calculate the power density.A case study is given to discuss the probability analysis results.

Keywords: Wind speed ,  Moment method , Weibull Distribution ,  statistical analysis

A Study of Indian Inter Collegiate Women Volley Ball Players with effect of Self-confidence and Will to Win

Dr. Sharda Shakya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

The purpose of this study was to assess ‘will to win’ & self confidence of the players who participated in the Inter Collegiate Women Volley Ball tournament. The study was carried out on 84 players, out of which 48 players of four teams participated but failed to achieve any position in the tournament and 36 players of three teams attained the first three position’s in the tournament. To collect the required information the will to win questionnaire of Kumar & Shukla (1988) and Agnihotri’s self confidence Inventuring (ASC) of Agnihotri (1987) was administered to measured will to win & self confidence of women volley ball players respectively. The ‘t’ test was applied to draw the results. The results of study revealed that “Will to Win†in the players of teams which attained the position in the tournament showed higher score than the players participated in tournament but failed to achieve any position. On ‘self confidence’ the players of the teams which attained the positions in the tournament showed higher level of self-confidence and vice-versa than other players. 

Keywords: Type your keywords here, seprated by semicolons;

An Investigation of Affecting Factors on the Behavior of Selected Fans of Major Soccer League

Siamak Niroumand 1, Kambiz Abdi 2, Nasrollah Nazari 3, Jebraeil Rajabi Gargari 4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014), 12 April 2014

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the behavior of the selected fans of the Major League Soccer. The present is practical, descriptive-correlative, and survey in terms objective, strategy, and procedure of implementation respectively, hence conducted as a field study. The research population studied consists of the soccer fans of the teams of Persepolis of Tehran and Tractorsazi of Tabriz who were watching the matches respectively in the Stadium of Azadi in Tehran and the stadium of Yadegar Imam in Tabriz. Based on Morgan's Table, the sample consisted of 361 people of the fans of Persepolis and 353 of the fans of Tractorsazi selected randomly from four groundstands of the stadium. The data collection tools included the researcher-made questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to estimate the reliability of the questionnaire; the average reliability obtained was 0.72. Descriptive statistics (mean, percentage, frequency) were used to describe the data and correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data. Of the most important results of the research one can mention the relationship between the behaviors of the fans of teams and age, mass media and press, the wins and losses of the favorite team, and the sensitivity of the match.

Keywords: fans, soccer, anomalous behavior..Â