
Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Optoelectronic Water Mark Technology

Malligai Selvi.S , Abirami.K

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 02 (2017), 1 February 2017 , Page 4964-4969

An Optoelectronic watermark technology plays a vital role in Authentication and in enhancement of invisible
watermark code display or to extract the invisible watermark code from the object image. By using this
technique the image can be watermarked and it can extract the higher resolution image. A flat-panel display
is used to demonstrate the invisible data hidden behind the watermark codes embedded into the object image
by use of the installer. The variation of the prototype for taking out the watermark codes is made by using
viewer. The Discrete Wavelet Transform and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT/IDWT) scheme is
used in 3-level watermarking. The 3-level DWT is used to display the invisible hidden watermark code and
extract the image with better quality with limited execution time. The performance can be analyzed by the
PSNR value and MSE value of the object image. Watermark technique is used to increase the Security,
Robustness, Payload and Quality. This technology finds excessive application in Business and Industry.

Complexation of Co (II) and Spectrophotometric Determination of the complex using 5-Nitrosalicylaldehyde semicarbazone (NSS) as an Analytical Reagent

K. N Patankar Jain*, Irfan R Memon

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 02 (2017), 1 February 2017 , Page 4970-4973

5-nitrosalicylaldehyde semicarbazone (NSS) is proposed as a new sensitive reagent for the sensitive
extractive spectrophotometric determination of Co (II). NSS reacts with Co (II) in the pH range 8.0 to 8.4 to
form a coloured complex, which was well extracted into Iso Amyl Alcohol The absorption spectrum of Co (II)
NSS complex in Iso Amyl Alcohol shows maximum absorbance at 417 nm. It was observed that the colour
development was instantaneous and stable for 48 hrs. The system obeyed Beer’s law up to 0.5 to 3.0 µg /
. The molar absorptivity calculated was found to be 2.86 * 104
lit mol-1
and the sensitivity of the
method as defined by sandal’s was 1.0 * 10-4
. The composition of the extracted species was
determined by Job’s Continuous variation method and Mole ratio method was found to be 1:4. It may be
satisfactorily applied for the determination of Co (II) with present method.

Categorizing and Analyzing the Impact of Bugs in Open Source Software

Manpreet Kaur , Hardeep Singh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 02 (2017), 1 February 2017 , Page 4974-4980

As open source software is gaining popularity, it becomes necessary to do the modifications in the code.
Modifications could be enhancing the functionalities, or bug fixing. Therefore in this paper, we have used Find
Bugs plugin in the Eclipse environment to categorize the different types of bugs in Open Source Software to
study the bug dynamics. We have used various versions of JFreechart software to track and analyse different
types of bugs. JFreechart is open source software. After this CodePro AnalytiX plugin is used in Eclipse
environment to calculate the complexity metrics. Complexity is calculated on each version of JFreechart to
study the reasons for increase or decrease in the number of bugs in each version. The results have shown that
increase or decrease in number of bugs is closely related to average Cyclomatic complexity.

Treatment of Car Wash Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using Moringa Olifera as a Absorbent: A Review

A.Latha , G.Mano Sanjitha , P.Rupitha , M.Sangeetha

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 02 (2017), 1 February 2017 , Page 4981-4987

Water is used for many purpose, nowadays scarcity in water as proved by the survey. So the only way to save
water is treating the wastewater. The car wash wastewater is treated and it is reused. The wastewater contains
surfactants, COD, oil and greases .The effective and advanced method to treat the car wash waste water by
electrocoagulation process. This process is most effective in removal of oil and grease.The parameters pH,
turbidity, chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, colour is tested in wastewater. Moringa olifera is
used as a natural absorbent to treat the water before electrocoagulation. This paper clearly shows the result of
waste water treated after adding natural absorbent and electrocoagulation process.