
Efficient scheduling Algorithm for Satisfying SLA between Cloud and Users

Banita Pukhrambam1 , Dr Sundeep Kumar K

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4056-4060

Testing assume a vital part in programming improvement cycle. In the interim, distributed computing has
gotten to be one of the important patterned at data innovation. Founded on top of virtualization innovation,
distributed computing outline be able to produce strongly added to the technique that a administration
convey at mist contain unusual contrast among the disseminated or conventional send ones. Hence the
situation for craftsmanship instrument plus technique utilize for dependability verification is inappropriate
regarding frameworks of distributed computing. We outline and actualize a proving ground, verification,
for testing the dependability for framework of distributed computing. Originally, taking into account an
exceptionally productive and to a great degree quick correspondence system, verification can promise an
insignificant time used up in sending off a test orders. Secondly, verification can target testing hubs in the
powerfully growing distributed computing frameworks through the exactness of 100% through getting
points with interest of SSH based verification strategies as well as HASH mapping systems. Besides,
verification gives widespread flaw infusion and hassles modules of testing to check how an administrations
along with mists present while the earth with offices are powerfully varying in enormous solicitations. At
long last, verification is sufficiently adaptable to test a huge number of hubs at the same time and backings
testing with experiments composed by outsiders. The assessment results demonstrate that verification can
drive more 100 thousand than along with get more 40 thousand than bits of 1k-length message every
second as testing million hubs all the while, with an exactness of 100% for focusing on. In this way we trust
verification is the ideal proving ground with productive, adaptable, exact, and suitable backing for testing
the steadfastness of distributed computing frameworks

A Survey of Techniques in Digital Watermarking

Balasubramanya G S

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4061-4064

Due to advancement in the technology mostly in the digital multimedia, the storage and distribution of materials
has become very easy. This has led to security threats where copying of images, video, and audios files can be
done from one website to the other without the owner’s consent. Digital watermarking technology was therefore
developed to provide security, authenticity, and identity of digital media. This research paper reviews various
categories and algorithms involved in digital watermarking. The paper discusses the watermark embedding
algorithms as well as watermark extraction and detection algorithms. The research focuses more on application
of watermarking technology on image protection which is referred to as Image digital watermarking as well as
the various watermarking techniques used.

A New unsaturated Ketone and other constituents from Dioscorea bulbifera

Sunil Kumar Rajput1 , Dr H.P. Bhartya1 , Shikha Yadav

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4065-4067

Discorea bulbifera1 (Fam. Dioscoreaceae) in a
climber plant with tuberous root is found in
tropical part of the world and grows thought out
India. Tuber is used by the trivial population of
central India as a food particularly in Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa.
Plant is anthelmintic, aphrodisiac. Cooling,
diuretic, Sweet and tonic. It is also used in the
treatment of gonorrhoea, helminthiasis and
. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism
They are also used in heart disease.
Phytochemical investigations on this plant species
have revealed the issolation of β–sitosterol and
aliphalic unsaturated Ketone (Compound I) and
Saturated Aliphatic ester both these compound are
new and not reported earlier

Extensible Compiler

Sushama1 , Mrs Reema

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4068-4073

A compiler is a computer program or a set of program which converts the data from source code to object
code, source code mean human understandable form whereas object means machine understandable form
i.e.binary language. The compilers made till know are used to transform the a specific language and
provides only the features which are added in it while designing the compilers, no other features are
supported by the compiler other than those mentioned while designing it. This problem can be solved using
extensible compilers. The basic idea used here is to extend a programming language by by adding new
syntax, features etc. through adding extension modules which act as plug-ins for the compiler. Certain
challenges are faced while building such compiler like creation of extensible that are simultaneously
powerful, to allow effective extensions, convenient to make these extensions easy to write; and composable
,to make it possible to use independently-written extensions together.
In this paper, I have tried to make such a compiler which can act as a plug-in and extend a compiler by
adding features and syntax to it .

Etensible Compiler-“STAT”

Sushama1 , Mrs Reema Sachdeva2 1M-Tech student of Dept of Computer, Science and Engg, Sat Kabir Institute

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4074-4085

A compiler is a computer program or a set of program which converts the data from source code to object
code, source code mean human understandable form whereas object means machine understandable form
i.e.binary language. The compilers made till know are used to transform the a specific language and provides
only the features which are added in it while designing the compilers, no other features are supported by the
compiler other than those mentioned while designing it. This problem can be solved using extensible
compilers. The basic idea used here is to extend a programming language by by adding new syntax, features
etc. through adding extension modules which act as plug-ins for the compiler. Certain challenges are faced
while building such compiler like creation of extensible that are simultaneously powerful, to allow effective
extensions, convenient to make these extensions easy to write; and composable, to make it possible to use
independently-written extensions together.

Automatic College Bell Using Raspberry-Pi

Devakate Atul Balaso, Londhe Sarita Dhanaji, Patil Dipali Netaji

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4086-4089

The world over the decades has made considerable advancement in automation, au-tomation is employed in
every sector whether it is home or industry. Here a new and inexpensive design is being presented. This design
a tremendous use at primary and secondary school levels as well as in colleges where the teaching sections
can span over eight periods including breaks. The advantage of this design is that the bell rings at the start of
each period without any human intervention to a great degree of accuracy and hence takes over the manual
task of switching on/off the college bell with respect to time. It uses Real Time Clock (DS1307) which tracks
the real time. The scheduled time results are compared with that of a clock, however, some drift is noticed,
which is negligible. The Raspberry-pi is used to control all the functions, it gets the time through the keypad
and stores it in its memory.

Acetylsalicylic Acid and Oral Surgical Procedure

r Sandhya Joshi1 , Dr Sudeep Acharya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4090-4093

Introduction: Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) therapy, an antithrombotic agents used in various medical
conditions, was frequently discontinued before undertaking any oral surgical procedure. However recent
researches advise against it..
Materials and Methodology: A study was carried out to review all the patients’ charts retrospectively.
The sample size consisted of 122 patients who were taking low dose ASA 75 to 150 mg. Those patients on
high dose of ASA, dual antiplatelet therapy and on oral anticoagulant therapy were excluded from the study.
The Bleeding time and International Normalized ratio was obtained for the entire sample size.
Results: The mean bleeding time was 3.144 and INR was 0.845. The range lies within the acceptable range.
Out of 122 patients, only 4 patients reported with a complaint of post operative bleeding. The bleeding
episodes were managed by simple haemostatic measures such as gauze pressure and suturing.
Conclusion: The fear of uncontrolled postoperative bleeding need not worry a clinician in patients taking
low dose 75 to 150 mg ASA. The oral surgical procedures with minimal anticipated bleeding can safely be
carried out

A Real Time Telehelth Monitoring System

Ashwini A. Mankari1 , D. S. Bhosale2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4094-4096

Now a day's healthcare industry is to provide better healthcare to people anytime and anywhere in the
world in a more economic and patient friendly manner. In the present paper the physiological parameters
such as ECG, Pulse rate and Temperature are obtained, processed using ARM7 LPC 2138 processor and
displayed in a MATLAB graphical user interface on the doctors worhsation. This system is low cost
component and to transmit Temperature sensor, ECG sensor and PPG sensor data to physicians for
monitoring, diagnosis purpose and patients care at a significantly low cost, regardless of patient's location.

String Transformation for Effective Search

Ms Sheetal More1 , Prof Manisha Naoghare2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4097-4102

String transformation can be considered as a problem in natural language processing such as data mining,
information retrieval, bioinformatics, medical science etc. If we simply consider the medical system there is
great need of string transformations in the system. Not only common user but the experts also need the help of
string suggestions for accurate results. There are systems which uses different methods of string
transformation and generation for giving better results. But these results are accurate and efficient for only
small scale datasets. Here a method is proposed which not only give accurate results but also efficient. Thus
different string transformation methods are used and queries are reformulated for getting accurate as well as
efficient results. The approach includes a model which is used to find the different strings from the databases
which match the input string or query on the basis of parameter estimation. An algorithm is used to find the
top K matching candidates. The proposed method is used for correction of spelling errors in queries and
reformulates the query for better search results.
According to experimental results on large scale datasets the proposed method is accurate and efficient on
different string transformation methods.

Failure Diagnosis of Spur Gear in Two Stage Planetary Gear Box of Bagasse Carrier Machine used in Sugar Industry by Using FEA

Rupali R. Kaware, Prof R. A. Lekurwale , Prof K. R. Kaware

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4103-4106

In this paper we have selected agearbox of bagasse carrier machine which is used in sugar industry. In sugar
industry, For feeding bagasse to boiler as well as to carry crushed bagasse coming from sugar mill, bagasse
carrier and bagasse elevators are commonly used. This bagasse carrier machine is driven by planetary
It is seen that the spur gear in second stage of that planetary gears fails under working conditions. So to
diagnose the failure we have made the design calculations by using standard design procedure. later on, the
analysis is made to find out the various stresses on the spur gears failure
As existing gears fails, the modified design parameters are calculated according to standard design
procedure. According to new values, modelling of gears on CREO2.0modelling software is done. Later on
static structural analysis is done by using ANSYS software with finite element approach

Evaluation of Green Marketing Strategies in FMCG Segment

Amit Syal1 , Dr Lokesh Jindal2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4107-4114

Going green, green economy or the green
movement has gained massive popularity globally
over the past several years and its influence has
spread across just about FMCG industry. Being
“green” helps preserve and sustain society’s
resources. In FMCG sector, 1
India remained the
leader among all nations in the global consumer
confidence index with a score of 131 points for
the quarter ending December 2015, followed by
the Philippines (117), Indonesia (115) and
Thailand (114). Consumer confidence in India has
remained high for nine consecutive quarters.
Normally, the green industry focuses on making a
profit while having a negligible (or even a
beneficial) impact on the environment. Leaders
within the industry make sustainability a key
consideration in decision-making throughout the
organization. They work to minimize both use and
production of harmful chemicals, excess
materials, and waste byproducts in the delivery of
their goods and services. Recognizing the
importance of our planet’s dwindling natural
resources - or perhaps the economic opportunity
that that creates - the green industry seeks to meet
the demands of today without compromising the
needs of tomorrow. This study focus on analyzing
the green marketing strategies in terms of product,
price, place and promotion

Keyword NNE for the Fast Keyword Cover Search

Veena Kumari Crasta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4115-4118

Mobile computing is very wide popular and so as its applications. Along with it, accessing position based
services of the objects have increased the use of spatial object search. Spatial database contains each object as
group of keywords associated with it. Keyword rating plays important role in deciding about the objects
importance. Considering all these promoted a design that uses inter object distance and service rating of an
object called closet keyword search, which improves decision making process. The knne algorithm which can
be applied with additional dimension and which can consider more number of keywords in the query is used
here. Baseline algorithm can do same task. Baseline is based on grouping concept, objects from various
keywords form intermediate candidate keywords. Algorithm shows poor performance as keywords are
increased. K_nne is used which generates less number of candidate keyword covers, which resolves the
problem and improves the performance

Passive IP Traceback: Tracing spoofer IP and Blocking IP spoofer from Data access using Greedy Algorithm

Mrs KarpagaPriya.P1 , Mrs Selvi.U

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4119-4131

IP traceback can be used to find the origin of anonymous traffic; however, Internet-scale IP traceback
systems have not been deployed due to a need for cooperation between Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
This article presents an Internet-scale Passive IP Trackback (PIT) mechanism that does not require ISP
deployment. PIT analyzes the ICMP messages that may scattered to a network telescope as spoofed packets
travel from attacker to victim. An Internet route model is then used to help re-construct the attack path.
Applying this mechanism to data collected by Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA),
we found PIT can construct a trace tree from at least one intermediate router in 55.4% the fiercest packet
spoofing attacks, and can construct a tree from at least 10 routers in 23.4% of attacks. This initial result
shows PIT is a promising mechanism.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.0 [Computer Communication Networks]: General– Security and

Implementation of ZCR and STE techniques for the detection of the voiced and unvoiced signals in Continuous Punjabi Speech

Anu Priya Sharma

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4132-4135

During the analysis of speech signals the evaluation of the basic characteristics of the speech is an important
stage. The basic characteristics of speech are voiced, unvoiced and silence. Such characteristics are
evaluated by calculating zero crossing rate (ZCR) and short term energy (STE). The speech segmentation
system needs a speech signal to be segmented into some basic units like words, phonemes, syllables. In this
paper some of the
steps required for the feature extraction in case of automatic segmentation of speech are discussed. There are
various characteristics of speech such as: voiced, unvoiced and silence. Such basic characteristics of the
speech can be evaluated by the computation of zero crossing rate and short term energy

The Relationship between Intermediate EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Performance and their Test Anxiety and Lexical Knowledge

Fateme Nekoo Aghmenar, Mohammad Reza Oroji

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4136-4143

Reading Comprehension (RC) plays a significant role in any academic field, especially in TEFL. This study
aimed to illuminate and investigate one psychological and crucial factor influencing RC performance: Test
Anxiety (TA). Furthermore, this study intended to probe into the role of lexical knowledge in RC. An attempt
was made to assess the relationship among TA, LK, and RC. In so doing, after homogenizing the students as
intermediate ones via a placement test, a valid questionnaire of TA (Richmond, Wrench, & Gorham, 2001) and
also a Cambridge Lexical Knowledge Test were administered to the 38 intermediate students. Having
administered the tests, the researcher asked the subjects to take part in a reading comprehension IELTS mock
test. Based on the test, the subjects were divided into four groups: 1) High TA, High LK, 2) High TA, Low LK,
3) Low TA, High LK, and 4) Low TA, Low LK. The data collected from the questionnaire and also the
vocabulary test as well as the scores given to their reading comprehension performances was analyzed through
SPSS (21.00). Results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups of
High LK, Low TA and the other three groups. This group outperformed the other groups. The Low LK, High
TA group received the lowest scores in their reading comprehension performances. This proved the belief that
those benefiting from a high mastery of lexical knowledge and lacking test apprehension while sitting for a test
could attain the best records among all. The outcomes of this study can have benefits for both foreign language
teachers and learners. They both can attain better results by focusing more on the psychological factor of TA
in their roles. The findings of the present study demonstrated that more concentration ought to be placed on
enhancing LK and lowering TA in order to augment students’ reading comprehension performances.

Paper on Basics of Internet of Things

K. Asha Rani, A. V. R. Mayuri

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4144-4149

The term Internet of Things generally refers to scenarios where network connectivity and computing capability
extends to objects, sensors and everyday items not normally considered computers, allowing these devices to
generate, exchange and consume data with minimal human intervention. This paper focuses on different aspects
of IOT - Definition, challenges, Objectives, Communication Models and Applications of IOT.

Dual Transform Digital Watermarking

Balasubramanya G S

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4144-4148

The application of the dual watermarking techniques improves the robustness and imperceptibility of the
watermarking technology. The proposed technique implanted on the double watermark in the hauler picture
incorporates a dual watermark picture, a grey picture watermarking calculation. In an effort to balance both
the imperceptibility and watermarking calculation, the paper breaks down the implanting point and
procedure of transforming dominion calculations. The DC factor in the bearer picture is separated into pieces
of DCT range and band on the grouping of DWT factor strategy. It utilizes the scrambling characteristics for
the calculation to be enhanced adaptability in an embedded mode. The paper from the practical guideline,
evaluation method, performance index, attach types, classification of computerized watermarking, and
utilizations six angles were acquainted with the computerized watermarking innovation. Simulation of a
computerized picture watermarking calculation based on DCT transform and Arnold change, security,
robustness, and algorithms imperceptibility are dissected, analysing the calculation for embedding procedure.

The Relationship between Intermediate EFL Students’ Oral Reproduction and their Willingness to Communicate and Self-Efficacy

Nazila Sarshar, Mohammad Reza Oroji

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4149-4156

Oral production plays a significant part in any academic field, especially in TEFL (Heyde,1979). This study
aimed to illuminate and investigate the two psychological and crucial factors influencing the oral production:
Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and Self-efficacy (SE). An attempt was made to assess the relationship
among WTC, Self-Efficacy, and Oral reproduction. In so doing, after homogenizing the students as
Intermediate ones via a placement test, two questionnaires of WTC (McCroskey, 1987, 1992) and Selfefficacy SE (Owen & Froman, 1988) were administered to 48 intermediate students. Having administered the
questionnaires, the researcher asked the subjects to reproduce very short stories from the book entitled “Steps
to Understanding”. Based on the questionnaires, the subjects were divided into four groups: 1) High WTC,
High SE, 2) High WTC, Low SE, 3) Low WTC, High SE, and 4) Low WTC, Low SE. The data collected from
the questionnaires as well as the scores given to their oral reproductions were analyzed through SPSS
(21.00). Results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups of High
WTC, High SE and Low WTC, Low SE. The former group outperformed the latter one. The outcomes of this
study can have benefits for both foreign language teachers and learners. They both can attain better results
by focusing more on these two psychological factors in their roles. The findings of the present study
demonstrated that more concentration ought to be placed on these two psychological factors in order to
enhance students’ oral reproductions

Identifying the Human Age Group Using Active Appearance Model and KNN Classifier

V.Rajkumar1 , Mrs. J.Nithyashri2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4157-4162

The classification of human age group using facial images have a vital role in image processing and computer
vision. The task of facial processing is widely used in security and multimedia application. The human beings
are capable to categorize a person’s age group from the facial images. It is proved that computer can classify
the human age group according to facial features using Active Appearance Model (AAM) and Sammon’s
mapping method. So the challenge is to develop an age group classification system by using the different
methodologies. The existing system is based on facial images uses in Cost-Sensitive Ordinal Hyper Planes
Ranking Algorithm (CSOHP) with an effective descriptor Scattering Transform.Age group classification
method uses that describe Ageing pattern Subspace (AGES), Warped Gaussian Process (WGP), AdaBoost
algorithm and also Local Binary Pattern algorithm. Accuracy of classification is based on the algorithm used
for Extracting the feature points and Mis-classification is possible if the image quality is poor. The framework
is composed of four main modules (i) Pre-Processing, (ii) Feature Extraction using Active Appearance model
(AAM), (iii) Reducing the dimensions using Sammon’s mapping method, (iv) Classification of facial images
using K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN).The proposed approaches uses four pre-processing techniques such as
cropping face image, Gamma Correction, DoG filtering & Contrast Equalization, then Extract the features are
extracted from the facial images using an Active Appearance Model(AAM) and the dimensions are reduced
further using Sammon’s Mapping method. The facial images are classified into the three different age group
Adolescence, Adult, and Senior Adult using K-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) classifier algorithm, using color Feret
database. A maximum classification rate of 90% is achieved in using KNN classifier algorithm.

Mothers and Future Generation

Dr Callixte Yadufashije

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4164-4170

Mothers are special caregivers of families in
Rwandan society, but not only Rwanda but also
the whole world, mothers bear babies nine months
during pregnancy, they take care of babies during
breast feeding and some lose life during
parturition. Babies born and grow up through
cares from mothers, babies are producers of the
future, thus mothers are pearl of good future
through important activities and contribution they
do through caring future generation as talked
above. In this article blog, we will detail
contribution of mothers to child growth, mothers’
needs, contribution of states for mothers
promotion, child and problem, mothers problems,
real cause of poverty in families, child education
as a way of poverty success, conclusion

Synthesis and characterization of polyamideimides from diaminobenzophenone-3,3′ ,4,4′ -tetracarboxylic diimides and aromatic dicarboxylic acid— terephthalic acid (TPA)

Saswati Phookan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4171-4175

Four polyamideimides have been synthesized by direct polycondensation of imide containing diamines with
dicarboxylic acid- terephthalic (TPA). The diimide-diamines were synthesized from benzophenone-3,3′
tetracarboxylic dianhydride with aromatic diamines — p-phenylene diamine(5a); benzidine(5b); 4,4′
diaminodiphenylmethane (5c) and 4,4’- diaminodiphenylsulphone(5d) respectively .The polycondensation
reaction were done using triphenylphosphite(TPP)/pyridine(Py) in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone(NMP) in the
presence of calcium chloride and lithium chloride via. Phosphorylation method. The polyamideimides have
been characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The solubility and intrinsic
viscosity of the polymers have been determined. Thermal stability of the polymers was checked by
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTG).

Detection of Spine Diseases by Feature Change in Aging Lumbar Spine Using Factor Analysis

A.R.Shinu Golbin1 , Dr A.Ezil Sam Leni2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4176-4181

The vertebrae’s and intervertebral discs form the axis of the skeleton which is said to be spine. The spine
consists of 33 vertebrae’s which are grouped as five regions named as cervical region, thoracic region, lumbar
region, sacrum, coccygeal. Spine has features like vertebral height, disc height, disc signal intensities, Para
spinal muscles, fat signals, psoas signal etc. Using these features the problems of the spine can be detected. In
this work MRI image of female in the age group 30-70 are taken for processing. The Image Enhancement and
segmentation is done to the image and the features are extracted. Factor Analysis is used to correlate the spine
features and the problems related to spine can be detected. The spine related problems are studied with
changes in the spine features change.

Geophysical Investigation of Ground Water Potential in Basement Terrain, Okene North Central, Nigeria

Onsachi, J.M, 2Yakubu, H.M., 3 Shaibu, M.M., 4Gyang, D.S.

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016), 1 June 2016 , Page 4266-4273

This study was carried out to investigate the ground water potential in some selected locations in Ageva,
Okene district of Nigeria. A total of 8 vertical electrical sounding was conducted using the Abem Terrameter
(SAS 1000).The data obtained were subjected to interpretation by partial curve matching and then by
computer iteration and the result correlated with records from existing wells. A total of 4 geoelectric layers
namely: top soil, weathered layer, sandy clay Fresh basement was delineated in this study. The depth to
aquifer was obtained between 5.0 to 18.0 m from the surface. While the resistivity of the aquifer ranged
between 33.0 to 273 Ωm. The area is a high ground water potential especially since there is thick overburden
and highly fractured basement in the subsurface.