
Study of Algorithms for Securing Data Stored in Cloud

Mrs. K. Vidhya M.E., (PhD)1 , V. Monika2 , S.S. Subasri3 , R.Sukanya4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3763-3769

Cloud computing is a revolutionary computing paradigm, that enables flexible, on-demand, and low-cost
usage of computing resources, but when the data is outsourced to some cloud servers, various privacy
issues emerge on it. Various encryption schemes have been proposed to secure the cloud storage. However,
most work focuses on the data privacy and the access control. Data storage security means securing the
data on the storage media. So, security is very much important in cloud computing for ensuring data placed
on the secure mode in the cloud. To ensure security from third party's authentication is mandatory. In this
paper, we discuss a many techniques which are used to provide security in the field of cloud computing and
are compared based on their performance, pros and cons.

Compressed Data Transfer from Mobile-To- Mobile Using Wi-Fi

Nikita Darekar1 , Disha Mishra2 , Swapnil Sonawane3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3770-3773|

This paper proposes a project with an aim to achieve Compressed File Sharing, between two Users with fast
transfer of data. The data includes documents, image, audio and video. The connectivity is done using Wi-Fi
direct libraries in an Android Studio, using Peer-to-Peer (P2P).

Object Detection and Tracking: A Review

Prof. Mukund R. Joshi1 Mamta A. Baitule

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3774-3777

We propose a general framework for Object Recognition into regions and objects. In this framework, the
detection and recognition of objects proceed simultaneously with image segmentation in a competitive and
cooperative manner. Object detection is performed to check existence of objects in video and to precisely
locate that object. Object tracking is performed using monitoring objects spatial and temporal changes
during a video sequence, including its presence, position, size, shape, etc. A common approach for object
detection is to use information in a single frame. The tracking method requires an object detection
mechanism either in every frame or when the object first appears in the video.

Effect of Various Fillers on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Review

Prasad Galande1 , S. E. Zarekar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3778-3782

Filler materials are the inert materials which are used in glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites
for modifying the chemical and physical properties of the matrix polymers to reduce material costs, to
improve processability, to improve product performance or to simply act as extenders or matrix diluents.
Some of the commonly used fillers are carbon black, calcium carbonate, clay, alumina tri-hydrate,
magnesium hydroxide, bone powder, coconut powder, hematite powder, TiO2, SiO2,ZnS, graphite, etc.
Effect of these fillers on mechanical properties like tensile strength, flexural strength, inter laminar shear
strength (ILSS), tensile modulus, impact strength, hardness were tested by various methods experimentally.
Some of the authors also discussed the effect of filler size on the above mechanical properties

QSCK: Quick Search using Searchable Chipertext Keywords for Cloud Storage

Vomshi P R, Prof. Mr. Shashidhara H.S

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3783-3788

At present scenario, data owners are storing their data in semi trusted cloud storage. Since the cloud
storage is not fully trusted the data should be encrypted and stored in cloud. If the stored data volume is
huge, for retrieval there should be a search engine and index keyword. If hackers are getting the index
keyword they have the clue of the important files so that, in this system we are introducing searchable
chipertext keywords. That means the keywords are in encrypted form. Consider access control over the
cloud data, the technic at present used are Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) or Identity Based Encryption
(IBE) these techniques requires lot of computation and slow in retrieval process. In proposed system we are
using Bloom Filter based Chipertext index keywords which provide the search result very quickly with less
computation and process

Review of Performance of Coal Gasification Using Measured Property

Ashutosh Kumar Das1 , Dr (Prof.) Hitesh Kumar2 , Dr (Prof.) Naveen Agrawal

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3789-3794

This paper addresses the question how coal gasification may be used more efficiently and economically than it
is being used today. coal already plays a large role in the energy supply, especially in developing countries,
analysis is done on different parameter such as moister content, heating value, fusion temperature, O/C ratio,
carbon capture, slurry feed & dry feed technology, literature review show that low rank coal contain high
inherent moisture & it require predrying of coal & its cost more. Technical bottlenecks (e.g. CO2 Emission) and
non-technical bottlenecks (e.g. cost of transportation of coal) are still hampering large-scale implementation.
A detailed explanation is given why coal gasification is more efficient than biomass co-fire gasification. The
gasification efficiency that can be achieved for different fuels, ranging from biomass to coal, is compared.
These fuels are distinguished by their atomic O/C and H/C ratios as shown in a Van Krevelen diagram. The
amount of oxygen to be added for complete gasification relative to the amount required for combustion is lower
for biomass than for coal. Consequently, a lower gasification temperature is theoretically required. However,
at practical gasification temperatures in the range of 1200 K to 1500 K, biomass becomes over-oxidized.
Furthermore, the chemical exergy of biomass is high relative to its heating value, but this work potential is not
fully utilized in the process. Review shows that how fusion temperature of coal affect the design of furnace in
heating plant or electricity generating plant, Costly redesign of furnace is necessary in order to adapt different
type of coal. Again study show that on 100% removal of exhaust gas 90% CO2 is removed. However potential
work is not done on the technology of (UGC &CCS) Underground coal gasification with CO2capture & storage
it will considerably reduce the transportation cost of coal. Again on the basis of fuel feed supply system dry fuel
feed system generates higher energy efficiency than slurry feed technology

Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles, Using Combination of Two Different Sizes of Balls in Wet Ball Milling

Shravan Kumar Yadav1 , Dr V. Vasu

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3795-3799

The applications of nanoparticles are in biological Nano sensors, optoelectronics, Nano devices, Nano
electronics, information storage ,catalysis and Nano fluids which differ significantly from size to size of
nanoparticles. But controlling the size and preparation in bulk of nanoparticles eco-friendly is interesting.
This paper reports on preparation of Cu nanoparticles by wet milling using a planetary ball mill, taking the
combination of two different sizes of balls. The milled powder is characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
and particles size analyzer. Samples have taken at 0, 18, 24, 30 and 40 hours after milling the powder. The
crystal sizes of milled powder for different milling times are characterized. By increasing the milling time
crystal size decreases. After 40 hours average crystal size of milled powder is 21nm.

Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened and Unstiffened Membranes

Pavan P. Kadole1 , B. S. Suresh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3800-3805

This paper presents the vibration studies of flat thin membranes. Membrane structures are widely used
nowadays in various fields like aerospace, medicine, musical instruments due to their various desirable
properties. Hence it is important to study their vibration behavior. A free vibration analysis of flat prestressed membranes is carried out using finite element analysis code ANSYS and the results are
compared with analytical solutions. Good agreement between the two solutions is obtained.
Furthermore, vibration analysis of both stiffened and unstiffened membranes is carried out, the results
are compared and necessary conclusions are drawn.
FEA : Finite element analysis.
t : Time in seconds.
w(x,y,t) : Field variable.
T : Tension for pre-stressing in N/m.
H : thickness the membrane in mm.
w(x,y) : Eigen function.
W : Circular eigen frequency in Hz

Drinking Water Analysis of the Urapakkam Town At South Chennai City

Parvathavathini .K.V1 and *Senthilnathan.T

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3806-3812

Water is the primary source for drinking purpose..Due to industrialization the purity of water critically
threatened. To investigate the water quality parameters of four sampling stations are taken from Urapakkam
Town at the South of the Chennai City of the state of Tamil Nadu.. The standard methods of sampling and
estimation is done for the ground water samples. The quality of water shows high values of electrial

Privacy-Preserving Proof Association and Jamming For Huge Records with Cryptographic Keys Utilizing Multibit Trees

S. Sridevi, P. Maylvahanan

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3813-3817|

Increasingly, managerial data is being used for statistical purposes, for example registry based census
charming. In follow, this generally wants connecting split files containing information on the same unit,
without revealing the uniqueness of the part. If the connection has to be complete without a unique
identification number, it is necessary to compare keys which are derived from unit identifiers and which are
assumed to be similar. When dealing with large files like census data or population registries, comparing
each possible pair of keys of two files is impossible. Therefore, special algorithms (jamming methods) have to
be utilized to reduce the number of comparisons needed. If the identifiers have to be encrypted due to
confidentiality concerns, the amount of available algorithms for blocking is very limited. This proj

Effect of Position of Infill Wall for Seismic Analysis of Low Rise Open Ground Storey Building

Anchal V.Sharma1 , Laxmikant C.Tibude2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 04 (2016), 1 April 2016 , Page 3818-3822

Presence of infill walls in the frames alters the behaviour of the building under lateral loads. However, it is
common industry practice to ignore the stiffness of infill wall for analysis of framed building. Engineers
believe that analysis without considering infill stiffness leads to a conservative design. But this may not be
always true, especially for vertically irregular buildings with discontinuous infill walls. Hence, the
modelling of infill walls in the seismic analysis of framed buildings is imperative. Infill walls can be
modelled in commercial software using two-dimensional area element with appropriate material properties
for linear elastic analysis. But this type of modelling may not work for non-linear analysis since the nonlinear material properties for a two-dimensional orthotropic element is not very well understood. Seismic
evaluation of an existing reinforced concrete (RC) framed building would invariably require a non-linear
analysis. Published literature in this area recommends a linear diagonal strut approach to model infill wall
for both linear (Equivalent Static Analysis and Response Spectrum Analysis) and nonlinear analyses
(Pushover Analysis and Time History Analysis).