Yahova! A Treatise on the ‘Voice Signal Yahova’, Male-Voice Heard by Author!
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 11 (2015),
1 November 2015
Page 3329-3340
It is noteworthy that there are several kinds of signals in this World received by our Ears like voices and
sounds. Interpretation of an unusual voice signal is the main focus of this Research Paper, preferably called a
Treatise on the Male Voice signal heard by the Author. The specific Voice in its male tone just uttered only one
single Word, namely, Yahova! The alert mind had no confusion to recognize the gently expression of the sound
of the Voice which is without harshness and so recorded in its input signal memory storage for ever. It has the
first time quality and value experience of a single word signal as there are no repetitions of the Voice signal
.The Author applies his Indian Mind and Method in this Paper to organise the presentation of the Treatise:
Yahova! A Treatise on the ‘Voice Signal Yahova’, Male-Voice Heard by Author!
The Voice Signal Yahova has become the single clue available for a silent grasp of the Creation enabling the
Nature’s Systamaticism Theory in the own words of the Author explained more than necessary with definite
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