Secure Cloud Based Smart Grid Application
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 10 (2015),
1 October 2015
Page 3291-3297
The present system of energy billing is error prone and also time and labor consuming. Errors get introduced
at every stage of energy billing like errors with electro-mechanical meters. In the Modern world intelligent
control is adopted in every field, although the service provider for energy are still uses the conventional
methods for getting the energy consumed by the customer. The conventional method is very time consuming
and expensive which may also lead to human error. And it will take huge memory to store all consumers’
billing information. Our proposed method will automatically send the data of the energy meter to the service
provider, consumer and cloud with the help of the GSM modem, once in a day and hence the system will
generate a report and send to the service provider once in a day through SMS. The same system can be used to
check the last reading consumed by the consumer via cloud, when the demand request sent by the user through
the same methodology. It can also be used to control the load from both the ends with the help of relay circuit.
An LCD display is provided to display the readings and to update the consumer’s information such as tariff
change or sudden power cut. And it is very secured system; it will also help for present irrigation system to
turn ON/OFF the motor.
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