Photoconductivity, Microhardness and Dielectric Studies of 2- Amino 5- Nitropyridinium Hydrogen Oxalate (2A5NPHO) Single Crystal
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 10 (2014),
4 December 2014
A good optical quality single crystal of 2- Amino 5- Nitro pyridinium Hydrogen Oxalate (2A5NPHO) was grown by using unidirectional solution growth method. Photoconductivity, Microhardness and Dielectric studies of 2- Amino 5- Nitro Pyridinium Hydrogen Oxalate (2A5NPHO) were carried out. KEITHLEY 480 picometer was used for photoconductivity studies of a triclinic crystal (2A5NPHO). Microhardness was measured by using Vicker’s hardness tester. Dielectric studies were performed with help of HIOKI HITESTER model 3532- 50 LCR meterHow to Cite
Rajkumar, M. A., Xavier, S. S. J., & Prem Anand Devarajan, S. A. (2014). Photoconductivity, Microhardness and Dielectric Studies of 2- Amino 5- Nitropyridinium Hydrogen Oxalate (2A5NPHO) Single Crystal. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10). Retrieved from
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2. Prasad P.N., William D.J., Introduction to Nonlinear optical effects in organic molecules and polymers, Wiley, Newyork, 1991.
3. Chemla D.S., Zyss Y., Nonlinear optical properties of organic molecules and crystal, Acadamic press, Orlando, 1987, Vol. 1&2.
4. C.b. Aakeroy, A.M. Beatty, m. Nieuwenhuyzen, M.Zou, J. mater. Chem. 8 (1998) 1385- 1389.
5. H. Koshima, M. Hamada, I. Yagi, K. Uoaski, Cryst. Growth Des.1(2001) 467- 471.
6. M.Y. Antipin, T.V. Timofeeva, R.D. Clark, V.N. Nesterov, F.M. Dolgushin, J. Wu, A. Leyderman, J. mater. Chem. 11 (2001) 351- 358.
7. M.L. Foresti, M. Innocenti, A. Hamelin, Electroanal. Chem. 370 (1994) 281-285.
8. M.L. Foresti, A.M. Funtikov, R. Guidelli, M. Miniz- Miranda, J. Electroanal. Chem. 367 (1994) 223- 237.
9. M. Muinz- Miranda, N. Noto, G. Sbrana, j. Mol. Struct. 348 (1995) 261- 264.
10. Josephine Viavulamaryjovita, Shanmugamsathya, Govindasamy Usha, Ramachandra Vasnthi and Krishnan SaradaEzilarasi, ActaCryst. (2013). E69, 0841-0842.
11. Y. Morel, J. Zaccaro, A. Ibanez, P.L. Baldeck, Optics Communications. 201 (2002) 457- 464.
12. A. Pricilla Jeyakumari, S. Manivannan, S. Dhanuskodi, SpectrochimicaActa A 67(2007) 83-86.
13. Anna Puig- Molina, Angel Alvarez- Larena, Juan F. Piniella, Sean T. Howard, and Francois Baert, Structural Chemistry, Vol 9, No. 6, (1998).
14. Samah Akriche and Mohamed Rzaigui, Acta Cryst. (2009) E65, o3009- o3010.
15. V.H. Rodrigues, M.M.R.R. Costa, T. Dekola and E. de Matos Gomes, ActaCrys.(2009), E65, m1000.
16. G. Anandhababu, P. Ramasamy, A. Chandramohan, Mate.Res. Bulletin, 46 (2011) 2247- 2251.
17. Osamu Wattanabe, Tatsuo Noritake, Yoshi---J. Mater.Chem, (1993) 3 (10) 1053- 1057.
18. Pecaut and R. marce, J. Mater. Chem, (1994) 4 (12), 1851- 1854.
19. N. Honuchi and F. Lefaucheut, j. Opt. Soc. Am. B Vol. 19, No.8/ August (2002).
20. M. Ambrose rajkumar, S. Anbarasu, X. Stanly John Xavier and D. PremAnand, Acta Cryst. (2014). E70,0.
21. Many A., Simhony M., Weisz S.Z., and J. Levinson, Studies of photoconductivity in iodine single crystal, Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 22, (285-292), 1961.
22. Abraham Rajasekar S., Thamizharasan K., jesudurai Joe G.M., Prem Anand., and Sagayaraj 84 (2004) 157-161.
23. Joshi V.N. Photoconductivity, Marcel Dekker, Newyork (1990).
24. C. Vesta, R. Utharkumar, C.J. Raj, A.J. Varjula, J.M. Linet and S.J. Das: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2007, 23(6), 855.
25. S.J. Das, R. Gopinathan: Cryst. Res. Technol., 1992, 21 (1), K17.
26. P.C. Thomas, S. Aruna, J. Packiam Julius, A. Joseph Arul Pragasam, P. Sagayaraj, Cryst. Res. Technol.41 (2006)1231- 1235.
27. B. Narsimha, R.N. Choudhary, K.V. Roa, Mater. Sci. 23 (1988) 1416
28. K.V. Rao, A. Smakula, J. Appl. Phy 36 (1965) 2031- 2038.
29. U. Von Hundelshausen, Phys. Lett. 34A (1971) 405-406.
30. Christo Balarew, Rumen Duhlev, J. Solid State Chem. 55 (1) (1984) 1-6.
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