Optimal Placement of SVC in Power System for Voltage Stability Enhancement Using Genetic Algorithm
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 09 (2014),
1 November 2014
Voltage instability and voltage collapse are the foremost permanent concerns of electric utilities because of blackout event occurrences around the world. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) has been proposed as the better alternative to overcome this, as in addition to improving voltage stability they improve system performance, reliability, quality of supply and also provide environmental benefit. The type of FACTS device and their location and setting in the system have different effect on power system. For determining that optimal location and rating which maximises voltage stability, this paper employs Genetic Algorithm (GA) based optimisation technique. Static Var Compensator (SVC) is the FACTS device used for improving voltage stability margin. To analyze the voltage stability of power system, Continuation Power Flow (CPF) analysis is used here. The study was conducted on IEEE 14 bus, modified IEEE 30 bus and 26 bus KSEB system and the optimal location and rating were identified.
Keywords: Continuation power flow, FACTS, genetic algorithm, static var compensator.Â
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