Evaluation of Compressive Strength and Water Absorption of Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Latex Modified Concrete
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 09 (2014),
1 November 2014
In this research, effect of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex on water absorption and compressive strength of concrete has been studied. A locally available “RIPSTAR-148†is used as SBR Latex.
 It has been observed that SBR latex improves the internal structure of the latex modified concrete resulting in considerable reduction in the water absorption value at 28 days of age. However, at early age, the effect of SBR latex on water absorption is adverse. Same trend is noticed for the compressive strength; at 7 days of age, SBR latex has negative effect while at 28 days, the addition of SBR latex in concrete results in enhancement of compressive strength. Based on the results of this study, latex modified concrete made using “RIPSTAR-148†may be recommended to be used in RC structures in INDIA. However, for the mixes rich in cement, the dosage of “RIPSTAR-148†needs to be adjusted to maintain required workability of concrete.
Key words: Concrete; SBR Latex; slump; compressive strength; water absorption.How to Cite
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