Soft-Switched High Efficiency CCM Boost Converter with High Voltage Gain
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 07 (2014),
2 September 2014
This paper proposed for high efficiency converter with high voltage gain introducing a soft switch continues conduction mode (CCM) boost converter in applications such as dc back up energy system for UPS, photovoltaic, hybrid electric vehicle. In order to achieve high voltage at output terminal the rectifier diode must contain a short pulse current with high amplitude i.e. in resulting to serve the reverse recovery to high electromagnetic problems. The proposed converter shows turn on the switches in CCM by using zero voltage switching as well as to alleviate turn off switching losses owning to the switching method that utilises Lr-Cr resonance in the auxiliary circuit. Also, as a result of the proposed switching method, the switching losses produced with diode reverse recovery become very negligible even in the small duty cycle. In this type of converter has voltage conversation ratio is higher than ordinary boost converter. Resulting voltage gain of this converter is also high comparatively other converter.
Keywords - DC-DC converter, soft-switched, high voltage gain, continuous conduction mode (CCM).How to Cite
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