Retrieving the Data From Cloud Using Differential Query Services
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 04 (2014),
2 June 2014
Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources over the Internet. In a cost efficient cloud environment, a user will experience a degree of delay while retrieving information from the cloud. In such an environment, two main issues facing by the users are efficiency and privacy. This work first focuses on the private keyword based file retrieval scheme, permits users to get the files without losing any information from an unsecured server on demand. The disadvantage of this scheme is that, it leads to heavy querying cost. This work presents a new scheme called EIRQ (Efficient Information Retrieval for Ranked Query), based on an ADL (Aggregation and Distribution Layer), to lessen the querying cost. In EIRQ, user can select a rank to his query, where a highest ranked query will retrieve a higher percent of matched files and vice versa. This is beneficial whenever cloud retrieves large numbers of matched files, but the user is in need of only few files. Valuations are performed to check the efficiency of the scheme in the cloud.
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