An Efficient Dynamic TESLA based Authentication Scheme for Secure Network Coding
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
Network coding based applications are notoriously susceptible to malicious pollution attacks. Packets authentication schemes have been well-recognized as the most effective approach to address this security threat. However, existing packets authentication scheme i. e. the Times keys scheme consumes extra bandwidth for transmission of times keys. Also the Time keys can be captured and replay attack can be launched by the attacker. This motivates to design a new solution to avoid the problems in Time keys scheme. The solution is based on the concept that the source and the destination must agree on the keys along with the network coding process. This scheme of agreeing on the keys is known as adaptive TESLA scheme. Using this proposed scheme the effect of pollution attack and collusion attack is measured in terms of real packets corrupted and dropped. The proposed adaptive TESLA scheme for network coding is also compared with times keys in terms of bandwidth usages.
Keywords: network coding, pollution attack, collusion attack, adaptive TESLA.How to Cite
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