Study on Performance of Infill Wall Masonry RCC Frame Using Alternative Types of Bricks
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
Here the particular meaning of alternative type of bricks means the non-conventional type of bricks with new idea of using waste polymer materials. This bricks can be become translucent, insulating, light, strong and mechanically recyclable building material. The polymers materials are used for make alternative types of bricks are PET, HDPV, LDPE, PP, PVC, PC, PS, and ABS. these are widely available as waste material worldwide. The analysis of this bricks and brick modules analyzed by SAP2000 and ANSYS workbench software.
Keywords: Interlocking bricks, Polymer bricks, SAP2000, ANSYS.How to Cite
Joravia, D. H., & Parikh, D. K. B. (2015). Study on Performance of Infill Wall Masonry RCC Frame Using Alternative Types of Bricks. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(06). Retrieved from
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2. Waste plastics recycling a good practices guide by and for local & regional authorities Europe.
3. ISO 15270 Plastics — Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste
4. Earthquake resistance design of structure by Pankaj agarwal and Manish shrikhande: reference book
5. Plastics Europe Market Research Group (PEMRG)
6. seismic evaluation of brick masonry infill By Mr. V. P. Jamnekar1, Dr. P. V. Durge published in IJETET in 2013
7. Influence of Masonry Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of RC Framed Structures a Comparison of AAC and Conventional Brick Infill,†By Vikas P. Jadhao, Prakash S. Pajgade ( published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2013 )
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14. building material and built-up building material structure “the pollibricks†By Tzu-Wei Liu, Chian-Chi Huang, and Min-Feng Huang, Published in Patent Application Publication United states, on April 2011
15. Lateral Stiffness of Brick Masonry Infilled Plane Frames By P. G. Asteris published in journal of structural engineering in 2003
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