Quality Management and Statistical Performance in Industry
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
This study attempt to test the effect of Total Quality Management(TQM) competitive advantage and Industrial performance. The design of this research has quantitative Approach. Improving the quality with which an organization can deliver its products and services is critical for competing in an expanding global market. TQM begins with the primary assumption that employees in organizations must cooperate with each other in order to achieve quality for the needs of the customer.  Quality teams provide companies with the structured environment necessary for successfully implementing and continuously applying the TQM process. Quality training is conducted and the continuous improvement process executed through a well-planned team structure.Â
Prior studies  suggest that TQM strategy that focuses on increasing customer levels of satisfaction does have a significant and positive impact on performance. for example, suggest that attaining customer satisfaction is thought to increase the profits of the organization by decreasing costs through fewer returns and increasing revenues through customer loyalty. The results show that TQM practices have positive and significant effect both on organizational performance and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage has a positive and significant effect on organizational performance. Organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices.Â
Keywords: TQM practices, quality training, competitive advantage, organizational performance, operation management.How to Cite
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