MANET Routing Protocols with CBR and TCP Traffic using Improved Reference Point Group Mobility (iRPGM) Model
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a dynamic network Topology without the aid of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Each node participating in the network acts as a host and as a router , means they have to forward packets and identify route as well. Random waypoint is the most common mobility model in most of the simulation based studies of various MANET routing protocols. The Group Mobility Model has been generated by Impact of Mobility Patterns on Routing in Ad-hoc Network (IMPORTANT). The present communication is an attempt to develop an improved version of Group Mobility Model named iRPGM, which provide the facility to assign number of nodes in a group according to demand. We have analyzed the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Average End to End delay, Average Throughput, Normalized Routing Load (NRL) and number of Drop packets in CBR and TCP traffic model using reactive routing protocol, AODV and proactive routing protocol, DSDV . Research efforts have focused much in measuring their performance with unequal distribution of nodes in each group. Simulations has been carried out using NS-2 simulator
Keywords- MANET, IMPORTANT, CBR, TCP, iRPGM, PDR, NRL, NS-2.How to Cite
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