Automatic Toll Collection System
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 04 (2015),
1 April 2015
Delay at tollbooths is nowadays quite common in almost all the major highways. This leads to increases in congestion, inconvenience and fuel consumption. Automatic Toll Collection System brings a new idea to eliminate the delay at tollbooths. Here a micro controller based automatic system using infrared sensors is being utilized. IR sensors have been used as these are economical, have perfect line of sight, hence less interference. Automatic toll collection system aims to collect toll from the vehicles without making the vehicle stop at the tollbooth. Each user is provided with a module that is to be mounted on the windshield of the vehicle which consists of transmitter, receiver, microcontroller and a LCD unit. The toll booth is equipped with another module for collecting toll from each user. The computer at the toll booth holds the database consisting of details regarding each user along with a unique code. The Automatic Toll Collection System include benefits to both toll authorities and facility users, in terms of time and cost saving, improved security, increased capacity and greater convenience.How to Cite
Shajan, A., Jose, A., & Tari, K. (2015). Automatic Toll Collection System. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(04). Retrieved from
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2. Wern-Yarng Shieh, Chen-Chien (James) Hsu, Shen-Lung Tung,Po-Wen Lu, Ti-Ho Wang, and Shyang-Lih Chang “Design of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems With Extended Communication Areas and Performance of Data Transmissionâ€,IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2011 pp.25-36
3. Pitesti, Romania ,IoanLita, Daniel Alexandru Visan and Ion BogdanCioc, “LabVIEW Application for Movement Detection Using Image Acquisition and Processingâ€, 2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packag-ing (SIITME) 23-26 Sep 2010
4. Shilpa Mahajan ITM University, Sec -23 A , Gurgaon, “Microcontroller Based Au-tomatic Toll Collection Systemâ€, International Journal of Information and Com-putation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 3, Number 8 (2013), pp. 793-800
5. Altaf Hamed Shajahan and A.Anand,â€Data acquisition and control using Arduino-Android Platform: Smart plug,Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS)â€, 2013 International Conference on 10-12 April 2013
6. Chun-Der Chen Yi-Wen Fan and Cheng-Kiang Farn,†Investigating Factors Affecting the Adoption of Electronic Toll Collection: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspectiveâ€, ,IEEE Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.58-68.
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