Temperature Control in HVAC Application using PID and Self-Tuning Adaptive Controller
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 02 (2015),
4 February 2015
Conventional Proportional Integral Derivative Controllers are used in many industrial applications due to their simplicity and robustness. The parameters of the various industrial processes are subjected to change due to change in the environment. These parameters may be categorized as steam, pressure, temperature of the industrial machinery in use. Various process control techniques are being developed to control these variables. In this paper, the temperature of a boiler is controlled using conventional PID controller and then optimized using Self-Tuning Adaptive controller. The comparative results show the better results when Self-Tuning Adaptive controller is used.
Keywords: HVAC, PID controller, Self-Tuning Adaptive controller-STCHow to Cite
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