Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy in Terms of Improving Self – Esteem among the Adolescents
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 06 (2014),
1 August 2014
Low self – esteems is a major problem for many adolescents and can be expressed in moderate and severe levels of anxiety. It involves negative self – evaluations and is associated with the feelings of being weak, helpless, hopeless, frightened, vulnerable, fragile, incomplete, worthless and inadequate. There are variety of treatment available for the low self – esteem in adolescent age groups. They are cognitive behaviour therapy, supportive psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, bibliotherapy and problem solving therapy. This study was undertaken with an objective to evaluate the effectiveness of bibliotherapy on improving self – esteem among the adolescents. A pre experimental design and total enumerative sampling and simple random sampling was used to select the study samples. The instrument used for data collection was Brief Self-Esteem Inventory. In the pre-test 46.67% of the samples had low self – esteem, 36.67% of the samples had few problem with self – esteem and 16.67% of the samples were somewhat depressed, where as in the post test 36.67% of samples had excellent self – esteem, 63.33% had few problems with self – esteem. None of the sample had low self – esteem and somewhat depressed. The mean post test level of self – esteem score (74.20) was more than mean pre-test level of self-esteem score (63.03). The obtained t value 13.42 was statistically highly significant at 0.05 levels. There was a statistically significant association between post-test self-esteem score and demographic variables like father’s occupation (c2 = 15.06, P > 0.001), mother’s occupation (c2 = 15.89, P > 0.001), and family type (c2 = 7.67, P > 0.01). Most of the adolescents studying in the school had problems with self-esteem. Bibliotherpay was effective in improving level of self-esteem among the adolescents.
Key words: Self – esteem, Adolescent, Bibliotherapy, EffectivenessHow to Cite
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