Implementation of MIMO OFDM Transcreceiver for Increasing Data Rates
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 05 (2014),
1 July 2014
Now a days the need for wireless data transmission is being widely used for communication purpose. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) which is multi carrier communication technique can be used for wireless mobile communication as it has the property to overcome channel fading. While multiple inputs multiple outputs (MIMO) is the technique of implementing multiple antennas at the transmitter as well as receiver side to increase the data rates.In this paper, by taking the advantage of OFDM & MIMO a system has been implemented to get the data rates up to several hundred mbps.The first stage will be verification of each block using matlab. After the algorithm is verified, the hardware implementation will be obtained by constructing block diagram in Simulink. Then a VHDL code will be imported into Simulink via Xilinx system generator block set which will create bit true and cycle accurate hardware model. The resultant hardware model will be programmed into FPGA prototyping board.
Index terms— MIMO, OFDM
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