Influence of Red Mud Catalyst in the Catalytic Fuel Reformer
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 05 (2014),
1 July 2014
The hazardous waste material such as Waste engine oil (WEO) and red mud is recycled in this study. WEO is thermally cracked with red mud catalyst in the catalytic fuel reformer (CFR). The gas obtained from the CFR is condensed using water cooled condenser for analyzing purpose. The output of the condenser is named as WEORM. The different chemical properties such as density, kinematic viscosity, flash and fire point and calorific value of WEORM are analyzed and compared with those of diesel fuel. The compositional analysis for diesel and WEORM was made using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and gas chromatograph-mass spectra (GC-MS). The results of FT-IR and GC-MS of WEOA revealed that it was similar to fossil diesel fuel. Thus this study concludes that environmentally hazardous waste material such as waste engine oil and red mud is recycled and converted into a useful resource and serves as an alternative source of fuel for CI engine.
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