The purpose of this study was to explore the differences and relationships of teachers' ICT knowledge by school location, work experience, and to explore the relationship between teachers' attitudes and skills in using ICT.This study report states that there is a significant difference between the knowledge of science teachers who teach in cities and science teachers in villages. In addition, there is a significant difference in the knowledge of science teachers about ICT based on work experience. There is also a strong relationship between the attitudes and skills of science teachers in utilizing ICT during the learning process. There is a strong relationship between the attitude of science teachers with ICT skills and attitudes of science teachers on the use of ICT. The attitude of science teachers to use ICT has a weak and positive correlation with the skills of teachers to use ICT in the science learning process. The implication of this research is that computer hardware, internet access, and training facilities can increase teachers' knowledge of ICT, especially experienced teachers.
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