This research focuses on studying about the differences of science’ teachers proficiency on ICT’s utilizing for learning process based on schools location and teachers’ education. Finding out the contribution of knowledge, attitude, and ICT’s skills toward ICT utilizing on science learning process. The study shows, there are significant differences between high school science’ teachers in urban and rural areas (t=-5,094, p=0.00). Furthermore, there are notable dissimilar finding between under graduated science’ teachers and postgraduated science’ teachers (t=-3,617, p=0.00). 4 (four) independent variables have major roles to the skills of science teachers’ on ICT utilizing for learning process, which is 43.0 percents. Teachers’ attitude toward ICT contributes the highest roles (35, 3 percents), these are followed by teachers’ attitude on ICT utilizing (3, 4 percents), teachers’ knowledge on ICT utilizing (2,3 percents), and ICT facilities (2,0 percents).
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