Design and development of Modified Hybrid Fractal Antennas for wireless applications
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 10 (2017),
1 October 2017
Page 6210-6220
This paper presents the three modified designs of Hybrid Fractal Antenna (HFA) which are named as Ant-1,
Ant-2 and Ant-3. Ant-1 is designed by integrating Minkowski and Sierpinski geometries, Ant-2 is designed
by fusing Koch and Minkowski geometries over Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) Where as Ant-3 is the
combination of Koch and Koch geometries over MPA. A U-shaped ground plane has been introduced in the
geometry of Ant-1 to attain the desired results. Similarly, L-shaped ground plane has been introduced in the
geometries of Ant-2 and Ant-3. The FR4 glass epoxy substrate has been used to design the proposed
antennas with εr = 4.4 and h (thickness) = 1.6 mm. The proposed antennas have been designed and simulated
by using software HFSS version 13.0.
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